Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2581: you are crazy

   Chapter 2581 You are a lunatic

"Xiaobai is here, sit down." Mou Qizhong had a soft smile on his face, and the whole person looked very kind, but Jiang Xiaobai felt that if the word kindness was used to describe Mou Qizhong, it would be for Mou Qizhong. kind of disrespect.

The word    is fine for other old people, but it should not be used for Mou Qizhong.

Who is Mou Qizhong? He was an all-powerful figure in the shopping mall back then. He used to attract many outstanding young people who wanted to take refuge in the past. Such people should not be old and twilight, and should not appear in a state of aging. in front of the crowd.

   Since ancient times, heroes are like beautiful women, and they are not allowed to see white heads in the world.

   Similarly, a heroic figure in the mall like Mou Qizhong should not show such a state, which makes people sad and amazed.

  Jiang Xiaobai sat down next to Mou Qizong, Mou Qizong asked Jiang Xiaobai to order, Jiang Xiaobai was also very familiar with this place, it was nothing more than mutton and the like.

  Donglaishun is still the same taste as before, even though Jiang Xiaobai has already eaten, he can still eat two large plates of mutton.

   Mou Qizhi didn't eat much.

   "Lao Mou, have you eaten?" Jiang Xiaobai asked curiously, looking at Mou Qizhong with the wine glass in his hand.

Mou Qizong smiled and shook his head: "No, I can't eat anything at night now, seeing you like this makes me envious, your appetite is still as good as before, I think you invited me to eat when we first met. I forgot everything, but I just remember eating a lot of that meal.

   At that time, I just came to the capital from Sichuan Province, and I would be really poor, I couldn’t even eat a full meal…”

  Jiang Xiaobai didn't speak, just listened to Mou Qizhong quietly. He knew that Mou Qizhong was really old. For a person like Mou Qizhong, if he recalled the past, it meant he was old.

  Especially when you mention memories and look forward to them, it means that this person is really old.

In fact, I am willing to recall the past. There are two situations. One is that I have mixed well, and I am willing to recall bitterness and sweetness. There are many such situations. I am willing to bring up those things in the past.

   This is a contrast, which can better set off the existing situation.

  For example, when Jiang Xiaobai held the annual meeting, he would also be willing to talk about the past of the year, which is also called Yikusitian.

   But when things are not good, when you mention the original things, it is really a hero, it is really old, and you have accepted and started to admit this fact.

   Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai did not interrupt Mou Qizhong's memories, and also helped Mou Qizhong to recall the past from time to time.

"Xiao Bai, your career is getting bigger and bigger now. In fact, I saw it at the beginning. You still need people like you to do business. You are pragmatic, unlike me, who thinks about doing big things all day, but is not at all practical. , and in the end it was really nothing.”

   Mou Qizhong said with emotion.

  Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "You haven't accomplished anything, and you have accomplished a lot of things. It's just that sometimes you are limited by this era. In fact, geniuses and lunatics are just one step away."

   "Then you call me a genius or a lunatic?" Mou Qizhong asked.

  Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "Of course he's a lunatic."

   "Hahaha." The two laughed together.

   Jiang Xiaobai has never been shy about talking about this, and Mou Qizhong also doesn't mind being told by Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Then you are a genius. I only realize the difference between the two now. Genius is that after putting forward an idea, there will be a way to accomplish those seemingly impossible and unimaginable things.

   But a lunatic, after completely coming up with an idea, it is impossible to complete it. If it is completed, it is a genius, and if it is not completed, it is a lunatic. This is the difference. In fact, there is no boundary between the two. " Mou Qizhong said.

  Jiang Xiaobai didn't want to argue. Mou Qizhong's words can't be said to be completely unreasonable, but that's not what he said. Mou Qizhong's ideas are completely castles in the air, they are simply whimsical, and there is no possibility of realization at all.

   So that's the difference between a genius and a lunatic.

   However, Mou Qizhong seemed to be completely unable to understand the reasoning, so he spoke for himself, but Jiang Xiaobai had long been used to it, and if Mou Qizhong could listen to other people's opinions, it was not like this now.

   "I talked to Feng Lun about you in the afternoon. How about making time to see you? What are you going to do recently?" Jiang Xiaobai asked directly.

   Mou Qizhong's face suddenly turned ugly. Of course, Mou Qizhong could understand what Jiang Xiaobai meant by saying this.

   He had long known that Feng Lun was a traitor, but now it is true, he just borrowed some money, and even told Jiang Xiaobai and let Jiang Xiaobai make a decision. Obviously, this is perfunctory, and there is no sincerity at all.

Although Mou Qizhong's face was a little ugly, he pondered for a while and said, "I think so, now with the development of the economy and the times, the entertainment industry has begun to develop slowly, and the entertainment industry will definitely be a trend in the future. industry.

  If you enter the entertainment industry at this time, then there will definitely be great development in the future. I think so, set up an entertainment company and sign in some stars from Xiangjiang..."

Mou Qizhong said, in fact, Mou Qizhong's vision is still very good, yes, with the enrichment of material life, after people get rid of the pursuit of food and clothing, they will naturally pursue spiritual enjoyment, and the development of the entertainment industry That is inevitable.

  From various film and television works, to live broadcasts, small videos, and the arrival of the era of pan-entertainment, this is inevitable.

   But what surprised Jiang Xiaobai was that Mou Qizhong wanted to go into the entertainment industry.

   In fact, although the domestic economy has become very popular now, in the eyes of many people, it is still a scholar, peasant, industry and commerce.

   Now they have become scholars, merchants, workers and peasants, and the status of businessmen has improved. However, there are still many people in the entertainment industry that do not look down on it, thinking that it is an industry that entertains the public.

   For example, in Xiangjiang, capital must be the first, and the entertainment industry is not ranked at all, so he couldn't understand that a person like Mou Qizhong would even think about going into the entertainment industry.

   Of course, in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, there is no distinction between the entertainment industry and other industries, but Mou Qizhong should not be like this in his impression.

   (end of this chapter)

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