Chapter 2584 Unique

   "Let me talk about the global economy first. In fact, since the 1990s, the world has been changing. In the past, it was war and power politics, but now it is economy, capital, and technology.

   We can see this from the great limelight of the World Economic Forum in Davos. An international order with global commercialism as the core and economic development as the main theme is taking shape. "

Jiang Xiaobai spoke slowly. The opening words were very big, but he gave an overview of the current state, because all the people who are the top in the industry in business, all want to go to the country, and in the world economy, they can Make results.

This is certain. The initial goal of a small business is not to make money, but to survive. After surviving, it will think about becoming bigger, to be the largest in the county, the largest in the city, and stand out in the same industry in the province. To achieve the leading position in the domestic industry.

  The last step is to go to the world. This process is certain. It has nothing to do with your ambitions. When you start a business, there is only one way.

  Either fall down in the process of advancing, or reach the end, there is never a second way to go.

   I can never say, I stop at a stage, take a break, etc. There is no such saying.

   If you want to go abroad, you must understand the situation abroad, you must have a clear understanding of the current international situation, and know what the current situation is. This is inevitable, otherwise, you will definitely not be able to do well.

   Therefore, although Jiang Xiaobai’s opening seems to be a bit vague, it is actually a summary of the current international situation, and it is something everyone needs to know now.

   "Papapapa." Applause continued.

Jiang Xiaobai and others applauded a little less, and then continued: "Actually, for the economic analysis of the world, I just said a few short words, and the other words, it is a frog in the bottom of the well, it is meaningless, just like many people have a problem with us. The analysis of domestic economic development is the same.

Some people say that the mainland's economy is on the rise, and there are threats. Some people say that with the opening of the market and the influx of multinational capital, this will affect the development of the domestic economy. Even a sand sculpture published a book called " The Mainland is about to collapse." "

  Jiang Xiaobai speaks so directly no matter what his status is. Although he doesn't like to give people a definition or the like, he still won't be polite to some foreigners and just swear at them.

Although there are no reporters here, Jiang Xiaobai said, and there will still be relevant remarks to spread. Later, domestic private enterprises will pay attention when cooperating with this sand sculpture, and they will not be too embarrassed, but when they can clean up Will definitely clean up.

   "Of course, we won't talk about this sand sculpture. What I want to say is that various foreigners have made a lot of domestic predictions.

   There are all kinds of remarks, but half of these remarks are cognitive errors, and half of them are useless. We have our own development path, and we have our own development characteristics.

   Our domestic economic future will still move forward and grow in twists and turns according to our own logic. It has nothing to do with us if we are too optimistic or too pessimistic.

   It takes time for us to catch up with the first ranks. This is the gap between technology and capital accumulation, but we have been developing and will not stop because of some stumbling, this is our domestic economic situation. "

   Applause sounded for the second time. Although Jiang Xiaobai was vague and not as accurate as the summary of the world economic situation, he revealed a sense of confidence and perseverance, that is, confidence in the future of the domestic economy.

  Jiang Xiaobai finally talked about private enterprises: "Actually, it has been 22 years since the opening up.

   Twenty-two years ago, our private enterprises started as township and village enterprises in the beginning, and we have made some achievements in our development to today, but in the domestic economic system, I think everyone understands it.

   The main ones are these foreign-funded joint ventures and the giants of state-owned enterprises. Although our private enterprises are said to be highly competitive, many industries are still inaccessible and are still on the edge..."

  Jiang Xiaobai said, the meeting room suddenly became quiet, yes, speaking of rich people in the country, these people here are really a handful of the richest people in the country.

  Something like the factory manager of a state-owned enterprise, that's just a position, and what you earn is salary. Even if you can get a small share of shares, it's nothing to them.

   But to talk about its position in economic activities, it has to be admitted that even if it has reached its 22nd year, even if the policy of retreating from the country and advancing by the people has been started for several years.

   But we have to admit that, at home, transnational capital is constantly infiltrating, state-owned capital is reorganizing strongly, and the two major forces are ambitiously preparing to fight.

   The private enterprises of the third force are like a bystander outside the chess game. Whether it is in terms of strength or other aspects, they are too far behind.

  There are various preferential policies for foreign investment, and various preferential policies for Hong Kong businessmen. Needless to say, for state-owned enterprises, the inclination of various policies is more commonplace.

  Only private enterprises, from the very beginning, my grandmother did not love my uncle, and it has been like this for so many years.

Before   , it was good to say that private capital is also a domestic force anyway, at least it is in line with state-owned enterprises, including the national brand defense war launched in the home appliance industry.

   But with China's accession to the WTO, state-owned enterprises and multinational companies have reached a consensus to a certain extent.

   This is because if state-owned enterprises want to go out, they need to rely on the power of transnational capital, and transnational capital needs to enter the country.

   For example, the cooperation between the previous two major oil groups and Mr. Li, Morgan, etc. is a very clear one.

   At this time, private capital, which was originally weak, is becoming more and more marginalized, and private enterprises have fewer and fewer opportunities to break through, and it is becoming more and more difficult.

Of course, except for Huaqing Holding Group, which has broken through so early and has become a Fortune 500 company, other companies are not struggling, but in some important industries and some high-end industries, they simply Can't get in.

  You don't have the strength to go in. This is the most important thing, and it is also the most uncomfortable place for private enterprises.

   Although I don’t want to admit it, this is an indisputable fact.

   (end of this chapter)

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