Chapter 2612 Difficulty

   Wu Ying nodded again and again after hearing this. If you have dinner together at night, there will be time to have a good chat.

   But Wu Ying can be regarded as seeing how busy Jiang Xiaobai is, and he has no time of his own at all, but he admires it very much.

  Whether it was what Jiang Xiaobai said or not, it was because of the times that pushed Jiang Xiaobai to this point, but at least Jiang Xiaobai took up this responsibility.

   Wu Ying, who walked out of the Huaqing Building, was still a little emotional. The "Godfather of Business" turned out that Wu Ying felt that putting this name on Jiang Xiaobai was somewhat exaggerated.

   But after seeing Jiang Xiaobai today, I feel that it is not much inappropriate to call Jiang Xiaobai this way.

   It's like him, but he didn't come here, to seek help from Jiang Xiaobai.

I heard that some time ago, Li Shufu, the founder of Ji Li, also came to see Jiang Xiaobai, and now it has been done in a hurry, and the Chunqiu Airlines flight he took when he came, this is Jiang Xiaobai. Helping private enterprises reflect.

   Jiang Xiaobai contacted Zhang Weiyi when he was about to get off work, and asked Zhang Weiyi to follow him to the evening meal.

For example, Li Shufu, Wu Ying and others, no matter whether the company they founded can last for a long time, or it is like a flash in the pan, like a meteor emitting a momentary light in the night sky, but as long as the flower blooms, it will be Will leave a floral fragrance.

  Meteor streaking across the sky, no matter how short it is, but in a short moment, the light is also so bright, there are many places worth learning.

And these companies are like this. Every founder is worth learning. Jiang Xiaobai doesn't care. He has gone through so many things and led Huaqing Holding Group to today. He has developed his own character in all aspects, Habits and perceptions of things.

   But Zhang Weiyi is different. He is a bit like a professional manager.

   When the company is developing smoothly, Zhang Weiyi can handle it well.

   But if he encounters difficulties, or even comes to the point of life and death for the company, if he is not there, Zhang Weiyi will not be able to handle it well. He lacks the ability to withstand pressure and the experience of growing up in adversity.

   This is something that Zhang Weiyi lacks, so every time such an entrepreneur comes over, Jiang Xiaobai will bring Zhang Weiyi to let Zhang Weiyi know and learn.

   Zhang Weiyi received a call from Jiang Xiaobai and agreed immediately. He understood what Jiang Xiaobai meant, and he himself liked to get in touch with these entrepreneurs.

   When Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Weiyi arrived at Jianhua Hotel in the evening, Wu Ying was already waiting.

   The three sat down in the private room, and Jiang Xiaobai introduced him. Zhang Weiyi actually knew more people in the mall than Jiang Xiaobai.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai's position is too high, and some of the activities he participates in cannot be pushed past. Many people just want to get to know Jiang Xiaobai, but there are not many opportunities, but Zhang Weiyi is different. He is the general manager of Huaqing Holding Group. , the current executive director.

   On behalf of Huaqing Holding Group, there have been many events and meetings, and those who want to have a relationship with Huaqing Holding Group also feel that Zhang Weiyi is within reach.

   Indeed, many people invited to a dinner party, etc. Zhang Weiyi did not refuse as confidently as Jiang Xiaobai, so he knew many more people than Jiang Xiaobai.

  Jiang Xiaobai is that others know him, but he does not know others.

  For example, at this time, Zhang Weiyi and Wu Ying chatted, and soon discovered that the two had actually met, at a conference in the communications industry.

   After waiting for the dishes to come up, Wu Ying introduced her PHS again. PHS actually started in Zhejiang Province, and the number of users has grown rapidly.

   Now there are more than 50 million users, and this base is already very large.

   However, the development is very unstable, because mobile service providers around the world are unwilling, while blocking the entry of PHS in the market, setting up many obstacles for PHS.

   The other side ran to the top and complained.

   The information industry sector is also very embarrassed.

   Wu Ying was still very impressed: "At that time, mobile service providers all over the country sued, and the information industry department issued an announcement saying that PHS is a backward technology, and its development should be restricted nationwide."

   Wu Ying picked up the wine glass and took a drink himself: "You don't know how I got here the night I received this news.

   I haven’t slept for three days and three nights. I have thought of all the ways I can think of. I even feel that this startup is about to end, and the company will definitely be yellow.

   For three days, a mouthful of fire bubbles appeared in his mouth, and he couldn't eat a single bite, his eyes were sunken, and his face was unkempt..."

  Wu Ying described the original scene, Zhang Weiyi couldn't imagine it, but Jiang Xiaobai, who was beside him, was silent and took a glass of wine and took a drink.

   Wu Ying felt that he couldn't resist this, but what he didn't know was that what Jiang Xiaobai had encountered was ten times, a hundred times more difficult than him.

   Wu Ying's big deal is just a failure to start a business, but what Jiang Xiaobai will face is that he will not be able to survive and will lose his life.

   During the few days in the leather committee, Jiang Xiaobai felt that he could not get out.

   In fact, this should be the case. It’s just that some people sacrificed their lives for themselves, and only then did they come out, and Huaqing Holding Group is today.

  Compared to life, the enterprise is really not that important. Jiang Xiaobai has no idea how many times he has experienced or blocked it.

  The reason why Zhang Weiyi felt that Wu Ying's experience was shocking was because Jiang Xiaobai, as the founder of the company, carried these things down by himself, and would not take them out and tell Zhang Weiyi.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were a little deep, but Wu Ying couldn't understand it, and continued to tell her story: "On the fourth day, the industry department announced that after investigation, PHS is a supplement and extension of landline phones, and there are conditions. of allowing Dianxin to engage in the industry.

All of a sudden, I felt that the clouds and mists were cleared, and it was sunny, so even at this level, if I didn't spread out the stalls in the market all over the country for a day, I was not at ease all day, and it always gave me a feeling. .

  Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after, a decision of the information industry sector, PHS will fall to the bottom again, be restricted, or even cancel..."

  Jiang Xiaobai smiled dumbly and said: "How is this possible, you have more than 50 million users, not to mention Dianxin support, it is impossible for you to do this."

   (end of this chapter)

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