Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2628: push uphill

   Chapter 2628 Pushing uphill

  It’s okay to start leaking water. After Jiang Xiaobai felt the water leaking, he spit out the cigarette **** in his mouth, and then turned the steering wheel, ready to turn around and go back.

"This broken car, this broken car leaked water even when it rained. If I drive a car like this out, someone in the co-pilot will have to hold an umbrella." Jiang Xiaobai scolded, turned his head and got ready. Return to the Jili production base.

   He thinks he now understands why Uncle Li didn't want to let him drive out when he saw that it was going to rain. He probably knew the quality of his auspicious feelings.

   In Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, although knowing that Ji Li is nothing at this time, it has opened up a world in the market by virtue of its price advantage.

   But he was still influenced by the memory of his previous life. He always felt that Ji Li would already have mature technology, and even acquired Volvo, there is no technical problem.

   will always be affected unconsciously, but now it seems, huh, this is really not very technical.

  Jiang Xiaobai thought that was the case, but he didn't expect that the car would soon stop moving.

When Jiang Xiaobai drove over, it was downhill, and it was very easy to drive, but when the car went back, it was uphill. The car couldn't go up. Jiang Xiaobai stepped on the accelerator to death and hung it in the largest gear, but the car just ran out of steam. Can't go up with black smoke.

  Jiang Xiaobai opened the car door and got out of the car, looking at the green Gili car with black smoke, it was raining outside again, Jiang Xiaobai lit a cigarette, bit the **** of the cigarette and started to push the car, fortunately, the rain soon subsided.

   It's not that Jiang Xiaobai cares about this broken Ji Li sedan. If possible, Jiang Xiaobai would rather throw this broken car on the road than push it.

   But there is still a long way to go back, the speed of this broken car is still OK when it comes out.

   Fortunately, the weight of the Ji Li sedan at this time is really not heavy, but this is the case, this sedan is not something that Jiang Xiaobai can easily push up.

   But fortunately, there are enthusiastic people around to help.

   In the local language, Jiang Xiaobai doesn't understand very well, but after stopping for a long time, he can roughly understand it. What the villagers said probably means that this Ji Li car needs to be pushed uphill, and it needs an umbrella when it rains.

  Jiang Xiaobai had a black line on his face. After helping push up the hill, Jiang Xiaobai folded his hands together and thanked him again and again. When he came out, there was a good pack of cigarettes in his bag, and he stuffed them all with fellow villagers.

  Jiang Xiaobai didn't mention money or anything. In fact, that's what Jiang Xiaobai has the most, but people don't come to push carts for money, but simply to help. If you give money, that's not the case.

After the car was pushed uphill, Jiang Xiaobai got into the car and started the car to continue walking. At this time, he was soaked all over his body, but Jiang Xiaobai didn't care anymore. His pants were still full of mud from when he was pushing the car. Woolen cloth.

   When the car returned to the Jili Automobile production base, the doorman opened the door and looked at Jiang Xiaobai's face a little bad, and the doorman didn't dare to say anything more.

Uncle Li and the others were anxiously waiting when they saw the green Jili Pride driving over. Looking at the green car, Uncle Li breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the Jili sedan that Jiang Xiaobai drove out was still very good. Powerful, there should be no problems.

   Otherwise, Jiang Xiaobai should have called a long time ago, or threw the car on the side of the road and came back by himself.

   It means that there is no problem with the car. They don’t have problems with every car of Ji Li, and sometimes the car is very good.

   So Jiang Xiaobai can drive back, it should be said that there is no problem with the car.

   Jiang Xiaobai came back from a safe and sound test drive, and everyone was ready to start applauding.

But when Jiang Xiaobai got out of the car, everyone was completely dumbfounded. Jiang Xiaobai was soaked all over, and there was a lot of mud on his trouser legs and on the shirt of his clothes. The original neat head shape was gone, and now it's a mess. It was a mess, sticking wetly to his forehead.

   "Jiang Dong, Jiang Dong, what's wrong with you?"

   "Jiang Dong, what happened? Are you okay, Jiang Dong, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

   "Jiang Dong, are you alright?"

   "Jiang Dong, are you alright? What's wrong? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

   Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's hair like this, a group of people immediately gathered around, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with concern one by one and asked.

  Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, looked at Li Shufu blankly, and said, "Come on, give me a cigarette."

   Someone quickly handed over the cigarette, and then lit it for Jiang Xiaobai. After Jiang Xiaobai lit the cigarette, he bit the **** of the cigarette, took two puffs, and then patted the front cover of Ji Lihaoqing hard.

   "Jiang Dong, this, me..." Li Shufu was about to say something.

Jiang Xiaobai was already laughing out loud: "Uncle Li, Uncle Li, you are really a talent, you dare to go to the market with such a broken car, the key is that it really succeeded. Someone really bought your account."

   "No, Jiang Dong, what's going on, what's going on?" Zhang Weiyi asked anxiously.

Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand and wiped his wet hair behind, and then said, "I'm really new for this test drive. It's raining heavily outside, but it's raining lightly inside, so I can go downhill, but I can't go uphill, so forget about the rain. I have to push the cart..."

Jiang Xiaobai recounted the experience of his test drive just now, and immediately everyone turned to look at Li Shufu. Li Shufu and Ji Li's group of high-level executives were very ugly. To be honest, the quality of their cars was not very good. But after being pierced by Jiang Xiaobai and others in person, this feeling is really uncomfortable.

   Li Shufu said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, Jiang Dong, this shocked you..."

   "Frightened?" Jiang Xiaobai interrupted Uncle Li's words, waved his hand and said casually: "What kind of fright is this, I also came here from the wind and waves, rain and pushing a cart are nothing.

  If you are frightened, it is the quality of your **** car that frightens me. I knew you were bad, but I didn't expect you to be so bad.

   Someone who helped me push the cart said that your car needs someone to push it uphill, and you need an umbrella when it rains. This must be a bit exaggerated, but I think there must be no wrongdoing, is it? "

   Wronged? Everyone also looked at Jiang Xiaobai's body, which was wet and full of mud. If this is wrong, then there is nothing wrong.

   (end of this chapter)

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