"Hello Dong Jiang, Director Lu, and President Zhang." Vice President Zhang greeted him quickly.

   After hearing that Jiang Xiaobai and the others wanted to go around the school, they immediately said that they could accompany them, but Jiang Xiaobai and others were unwilling.

If vice-principal Zhang was with him, it wouldn't be a scene of chickens flying and dogs jumping around, where would we be able to see the real situation, but Jiang Xiaobai and others were guests, and they came to someone's site, and the owner wanted to accompany him for a walk , to introduce, and it is inappropriate to refuse.

   So he looked at Li Shufu. Li Shufu was also alone. Jiang Xiaobai's attitude was very obvious before he came, and now it is even more obvious.

   So he said, "No, we just have a walk around, you can do your job. After you come back after a while, you will come to my office and report the school situation to Director Jiang."

   Vice-principal Zhang didn't insist either. He heard the words and nodded, but he was muttering in his heart. Could it be because he smelled of alcohol, Jiang Xiaobai and the others disliked him a little, but it shouldn't be, it's a normal thing to socialize at noon.

  Although the school is an ivory tower, it is different for students, and for school leaders like myself, it is still necessary to socialize, especially Jili University is still a private school.

  I want to upgrade the school, I want to have certain educational resources, I want to have more graduate sites, I want to open more departments, I want to have stronger teachers.

how to say? The establishment of private enterprises is relatively difficult, and the same is true for private enterprises to run schools, which are limited in many aspects and require more effort.

   Vice President Zhang didn't care either. He knew that Vice Li Shu understood this, but he was afraid that the two guests, Jiang Xiaobai and Director Lu, would not understand.

   After all, the identities of the two are different, and it is somewhat inappropriate to come back with a smell of alcohol like this.

   Actually, Vice Principal Zhang was worried, and Uncle Li also had it, and he was explaining it along the way, especially to Jiang Xiaobai.

   Director Lu has never been to a university, so he doesn't know what a university is like. More often, he has a feeling that a school is also a company. Even if Vice President Zhang drinks too much, it may be common in Director Lu's place.

   But Jiang Xiaobai is different. Jiang Xiaobai came out of the school and may have more preconceived impressions of the ivory tower of the university.

   But public universities and private universities are completely different, just like private enterprises and state-owned enterprises.

"Haha, there is no need to explain Mr. Li, I understand that it is precisely because of the efforts of the leaders in the school that the students can stay in the ivory tower and study with peace of mind, and can have a better environment and enjoy more. The strength of the teachers, I understand."

   Hearing what Jiang Xiaobai said, Li Shufu was relieved and continued to introduce Ji Li University.

   "There is a large open space on the north side of the entire Jili University. In the future, we plan to designate that area and build a few more dormitory buildings and teaching buildings.

   The gallery here will be the landmark building of our school after completion. Now the school has about 2,000 students and about 200 teachers.

  We plan to spend three years, and the number of students in the school will reach 10,000, and the number of teachers will reach 1,000. Only then will it be considered a real university.

   Now everything is still under development and construction, and now there are just a few faculties. In the future, we plan to add some faculties that are not automotive majors.

   In our plan, in the future, this will not only be a professional university that matches our Jili counterpart, but also a top 100 university in China..."

  Li Shufu said that in fact, on the campus of Jili University, he was quite high-spirited. Compared with the Wanxiang Group and the Qing Holding Group, there is still a big gap between Jili Automobile and the Green Holding Group.

   Even when Jiang Xiaobai went out for a test drive with Ji Li Pride, he lost a lot of people, and the face of the Ji Li people was trampled on the ground.

   But here, this is the only place where Jili can do it, and it is also stronger than Wanxiang Group and Qing Holding Group.

  At this moment, classes started in the school, and the students came out of the dormitory in twos and threes and rushed towards the teaching building.

   It was the high-spirited Mood Nian, in groups of three or five, who didn’t know what they were discussing, and their faces were all smiles. This was the appearance of youth, the appearance of hope at this time.

  Jiang Xiaobai stood in the shade of a tree, watching from a distance, Jiang Xiaobai said with some emotion: "With such a group of people here, I believe in Ji Li's future."

"I also believe that Mr. Li, we are fellow villagers. I am older than you and entered the business sea earlier than you, but in terms of talent training, you left me earlier." Director Lu felt a little emotional. said.

   "Yeah, also walking ahead of us." Zhang Weiyi also said.

A smile appeared on Li Shufu's face, but he still knew the world, and said politely: "If anything, I'm just fooling around, and our Jili doesn't have the reputation of your two families, so we can't attract talents. Trees, do not worry about not attracting the golden phoenix.

   We don’t have plane trees, we can only cultivate them ourselves. "

"If you want to talk about the plane tree, where is Jiang Dong's top 500 in the world? It's a plane tree. After graduating from a famous Ivy League school, professional managers who have worked in world-renowned investment banks are all rushing to go there. Our Wanxiang Group is far behind." Director Lu said. Said with a wave of his hand.

  The phoenix tree, he really dare not recognize it. Unless private enterprises are out of the circle, such as Qing Holdings Group, and become the world's top 500, otherwise, they will always be hungry for talents.

   The group was talking, and when they walked out of the teaching building, Jiang Xiaobai and the others went in and walked around. In the classroom with bright windows, a group of students were in class. .

   This scene seems to be able to make people feel a kind of positive energy, and watching this scene will make people feel a lot better.

   "Mr. Li, go to your office and chat with Vice Principal Zhang. Let's have dinner together in the evening. Let's talk about cooperation tomorrow." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   This has already shown that the attitude is to cooperate, Li Shufu breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart, it seems that Ji Li University has still conquered Jiang Xiaobai.

   "I see it, it's settled." Director Lu also agreed.

  Although the cooperation has not yet been decided, but the cooperation will definitely bring Ji Li, Li Shufu nodded excitedly and expressed his gratitude.

   With the current technology of Ji Li, it cooperates with Wanxiang Group and Qing Holding Group. No matter how you cooperate, it will only take advantage of it.

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