Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2650: not an opponent

   Chapter 2650 Not an opponent

   Wang Meng looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a bitter look on his face, and subconsciously felt that he had found a similar kind, and his resentment towards Jiang Xiaobai was not so strong.

"Yeah, Jiang Dong, what do you mean by her? This Changxingju Real Estate Company is not a vice president. If you say poaching two accounting personnel and two personnel from the personnel department, as long as you say hello, you don't need to do much. Said I would definitely support it.

Even if it is to poach another vice president, I will not say anything. I have to support everyone in this relationship, but she poached Liu Hui, which is my heart. From the beginning, this Changxing Residence The real estate company is what the two of us are doing.

   Now, Liu Hui can be said to be the most important deputy of the company, but now she has been poached by Song Xin..."

   Wang became furious.

"Yeah, but we also have to respect people's hobbies, right? At the beginning, Liu Hui's major was design, and she went to a real estate company because the company was in line with other people's majors. But in the past two years, the main business of Changxingju Real Estate Company is Residential districts and shopping malls, if these two designs are done too much, people will be annoying.

   It’s understandable that you want to change the environment now. My thoughts are like this, Mengzi, it’s better to get together and leave, you can find another vice president. "

   Jiang Xiaobai reassured that since that was the case, Song Xin found Liu Hui, and Liu Hui agreed. Of course, the crux of the matter was that she agreed to Song Xin.

   Now is the time to take this pressure off.

"But..." Wang Meng was still a little reluctant, although he also knew in his heart that when Liu Hui agreed to leave with Song Xin, the matter was basically settled, and he had no chance to keep him, after all, he was overbearing. It is impossible to stop Liu Hui from going or staying.

   If Liu Hui is unwilling to live in Changxing Real Estate Company, no one can stop her, no matter how domineering it is, not to mention that she can be domineering in Changxing Real Estate Company.

   But in the entire Huaqing Holding Group, Jiang Xiaobai is the only one who can be unreasonable and overbearing.

  Wang Meng was about to say something when Liu Hui and Song Xin pushed the door and came in. When Wang Meng, who was already a little discouraged, saw Song Xin, he suddenly became angry again.

   Liu Hui must have been fooled by Song Xin.

   "Oh, what's the matter, Mengzi? Who provokes you?" Song Xin asked with a smile on her face, as if she didn't know it was herself who made Wang Meng angry.

  Wang Meng snorted coldly, unwilling to pay attention to Song Xin. He usually yelled at Sister Xin, but when he stumbled upon him, he didn't even blink his eyes. That's fine. Now that he sees him, he can still seem to be nothing.

   "I'm angry with Sister Xin." Song Xin said to herself.

   Liu Hui looked at Wang Meng a little embarrassedly and said, "Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, I..."

She still felt a little guilty. After working with Wang Meng for such a long time, although Wang Meng said that he had a bad temper, he never scolded herself. The baskets were also wiped by Wang Meng.

  Wang Meng has always taken good care of himself, treating himself as his own girl, but now he wants to follow Song Xin, and I am really sorry for Wang Meng.

   "Forget it, I don't blame you, you are just being fooled." Wang Meng said without waiting for Liu Hui to finish.

   "Fuck you?" Song Xin took a deep breath: "Mengzi, it's a shame I still treat you as a younger brother."

  Song Xin raised her voice by a few decibels and looked at Wang Meng's cold voice with a disappointed look on her face.

  Wang Meng was taken aback for a moment, what do you mean? I haven't been angry at times yet? Are you still angry?

"What's wrong? I'm the bad guy in co-authoring, and I'm just fooling people? I joined the group after graduating from college and studying abroad. Later, when I started a home and a beverage factory, I competed with Two Cokes, okay? Jiahe The company is on the right track.

   I switched to an investment company, and when I arrived at an investment company, I started out poor and poor, and then I brought the investment company to today.

   Now I'm back and asked me to work as an energy company, I'm a woman, what's wrong? Are you a firefighter? Still think of me as a wastelander.

  I don’t want to do it at all. It’s Jiang Dong. This is to leave a way for our group. Jiang Dong said that the establishment of this energy company is to let us live a stable life in the future.

   Therefore, even if it is to open up wasteland, even if it is to fight fires, I will recognize it, I will do it, I will be poor and useless, and I will start from scratch again.

I just dug you up and you just ran over to file a complaint. You are really brave. Okay, I will quit this energy company. Let’s switch. Real estate company.

  I am a woman, what am I running around trying to do? Why are you so embarrassed to say that I fool people? Shouldn't you support me? "

  Song Xin said more and more angry, the more she said the more truthful.

   But Wang Meng was completely stunned. He opened his mouth to say what he wanted to say, but he didn't know how to refute Song Xin's words. After all, Song Xin really had changed three companies.

   But he has been staying at the Changxingju Real Estate Company. He also knows the significance of the establishment of this energy company. There is really nothing wrong with Song Xin's words.

   Hearing this, it really seems to be a little bit of a chicken intestine.

  But... But, he was obviously here to ask his guilt, and Song Xin poached his deputy. Why does it seem like he was the one who was at fault in the end? He didn't do anything, and he lost a vice president.

   "Okay, Mengzi, look at what you did, and quickly apologize to your sister Xin." Jiang Xiaobai said, Mengzi, don't blame brother for being ruthless, you are not Song Xin's opponent.

"I..." Wang Meng almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. What did he do? He apologized. Obviously it wasn't his fault, but now everyone seems to think it's his fault. The key is that after Song Xin finished speaking about herself, Wang Meng felt the same way, as if he was a little cautious.

   It is not easy for Song Xin to be a woman. They are all for the group, which is equivalent to their own. Therefore, they are doing this energy company, as if they should help a little.

   "Sister Xin, I..." Wang Meng felt that his head was dazed, what the **** was going on, but he still apologized subconsciously.

   However, Song Xin was satisfied when she saw Wang Meng's attitude, and without waiting for Wang Meng's apology, she said, "Okay, there is no need to apologize, as long as you can understand me, it is not easy for our energy company, and we will need to support more in the future."

   "There must be more support, definitely more support." Wang Meng nodded again and again.

   (end of this chapter)

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