Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2667: The layout is small

   Chapter 2667 The pattern is small

After Mr. Jin stepped down, many people were talking about it. To be honest, many capital felt that the speech pattern was a little small.

   What they want to hear is the development of the Internet in China, or the future of the Internet, how to get through this winter of the Internet, where the future of the Internet will be after the cold winter, and the direction of profitability.

   and the mainstream model from the Internet, or the impact of the Internet on the current industry in the future.

   Instead of talking about the internal strength of the Internet, or the spirit of Internet chivalry, that is not what media reporters and capital are willing to listen to.

   The pattern is a bit small.

   Teacher Ma is the first time to organize such a meeting. Although he is discussing in a low voice, he does not know it, and he continues to speak according to the previous speech.

   "Mr. Jin has a famous book called "Xiaoao Jianghu", I think a smile must have vision, Ao must have strength, Jianghu is the network.

   I have been "practicing a layer of skin on the outside and a breath on the inside" for the past few years. I think it is necessary to have the air of being proud of the world when it comes to networking.

People often ask me what will happen in 5 years. What I want to say is that after 5 years, no one will talk about the Internet anymore. At that time, the Internet has penetrated into thousands of households. . There are people from generation to generation. I hope that next year when the West Lake is on the sword, a new netizen will come to talk about the today and tomorrow of the Internet for us. "

After Mr. Ma finished speaking, it was Ding and the others. Like Mr. Ma, they didn't feel that the atmosphere was different. After all, Jiang Xiaobai didn't speak in the front row, and in front of Mr. Jin, Even if some people have some ideas, they won't say it directly, so they don't have any feelings.

Wang Yi's Ding Lei took the stage to the applause of the crowd: "I grew up under the influence of Jin Yong's novels. I once fantasized about practicing peerless martial arts like Zhang Wuji and fighting all over the world, but the life of martial arts novels is illusory and reality. There are neither secrets nor masters and sects in society. Everything can only be done by oneself.

   Running the Internet and practicing martial arts have the same effect. The rapid development of the Internet relies on technology. This is also the martial arts secret in Jin Yong's novels. Only by practicing this "secret" can the Internet continue to develop. It takes hard work, intelligence, and confidence to practice peerless martial arts. The same goes for running a website. "

   The other leaders of Xinlang, and the leaders of Sohu, etc. came to the stage to speak, basically based on Mr. Jin's novels or martial arts sects, internal skills and so on.

   Although it seems that the pattern is a little small, it actually expresses a meaning, that is, the spring of the domestic Internet is coming quietly.

  Jiang Xiaobai didn't have any expression on his face, although he followed the crowd applauding and so on, but he didn't show anything of particular interest from beginning to end, or a speech that made his mood fluctuate.

   As time passed, five people, including Mr. Ma, who are the five most beautiful people in the Internet industry in China, all came to the stage to give speeches, and it was noon.

   "Jiang Dong, can you tell me what you think about the current domestic Internet?"

   "Jiang Dong, I'm a reporter from the Southern Weekly News, do you have time this afternoon? Can you make an appointment for an exclusive interview?"

  “Jiang Dong…”

   "Mr. Ding, what do you think of the current Internet winter situation?"

   "Mr. Wang, after listening to your speech just now, I am full of confidence in the future of the domestic Internet industry. Can you elaborate?"

   "Mr. Zhang..." Just after the meeting was over, a bunch of reporters gathered around. Jiang Xiaobai, five Internet leaders, and some capital were all interviewed by reporters.

   Of course, there are the most reporters in front of Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "Friends from the reporters, today is the Internet Summit. I just came to hear the opinions of the pioneers in the Internet industry. Let's interview them."

   Jiang Xiaobai left as soon as he finished speaking. There was really no reporter who dared to stop Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai didn't want to be interviewed, and no one dared to entangle him.

   But Mr. Ding and others were different. They were stopped by reporters and kept asking questions. Jiang Xiaobai, Director Lu, Deputy Li Shu, Guo Fansen and others walked out of the commercial vehicle prepared in advance and headed for the place to eat.

   The place to eat was arranged in a restaurant by the West Lake. In fact, at this time, Mr. Ma planned to arrange a cruise on the West Lake, and then eat hairy crabs on the boat, but there were too many people. If all the more than 200 people entered the West Lake.

   That's not a cruise ship, so it was arranged in a hotel by the West Lake.

  Of course, the main thing is to eat crabs. The autumn wind makes the crab legs itch. This time is also the season to eat crabs.

Needless to say, Jiang Xiaobai, Director Lu and others were all at the main table. The people arranged on the main table were also very interesting. Except for Jiang Xiaobai, Director Lu, Uncle Li and several capitals, it was Teacher Ma who came up with it. The top five Internet leaders, including himself, and Mr. Jin are now.

   There are a total of twelve people, Ding Lei and the others are very excited. Anyway, it is an opportunity to get to know Jiang Xiaobai.

   Compared with discussing martial arts with the idol Mr. Jin, as an adult, as the founder of a listed Internet company, it is of course more important to connect with investors like Jiang Xiaobai.

  If it's all right, or if there is no such opportunity, then it goes without saying that it would be nice to discuss the things in martial arts with the idol Mr. Jin.

   But if there is a chance, as an adult, it is more important to connect with investors like Jiang Xiaobai.

   After all, one side is a hobby, and the other side is a career. They still have a clear understanding of which is more important. Although they are still young, as the founders of listed companies, they have long known what reality is.

   "Jiang Dong, I respect you. I heard about your deeds when I was in school. You can exchange cans for planes, launch satellites, and even now I dare not think about it."

   "Jiang Dong, I respect you, I have passed by the Magic Capital several times and wanted to visit you and hear your views on the Internet industry, but I have never had the chance..."

   "Jiang Dong, you are a senior..."

  Ding Lei and the others stood up one by one with wine glasses and toasted with Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai didn't hold them either, and they drank it with everyone.

   "Come to the magic capital in the future, just call me when you have time, and you can sit down as long as you have time."

   "What seniors are not seniors, just start a business a little earlier, I can't be older than you guys..."

   (end of this chapter)

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