Chapter 2690 Ridiculous

   Although the Internet Summit is said to be over, the follow-up influence is still there. Although it is said to be anticlimactic, it is the first Internet Summit in China, and there are still many media and reporters reporting it.

Especially this time the summit was actually attended by a lot of people at the beginning, and there were a lot of people present. As for the few people left at the end, it was a bit anticlimactic, but because Jiang Xiaobai and other capital were all there, media reporters also Unfocused reports.

   The focus of the media and newspaper reports was the grand pomp of this year's Internet Summit that started two days ago, as well as the five leaders' views on the Internet industry and capital's views on the Internet industry.

For a while, three people from the Internet were taken out and fired again in the cold winter, but it was of no use, except that there may be many people who were inspired by this report under unknown circumstances and threw themselves into the Internet industry on impulse. .

  Capital is still unmoved and cautious. There are only a few more Internet companies that can go bankrupt after many years.

   Of course, it is more likely that most companies entering the Internet industry at this time will not survive, and the life cycle of companies in the Internet industry is generally much shorter than other industries.

   The money in your hand will burn out quickly within a few months, and if you can’t find new investment, it will declare bankruptcy.

Motivated by the reports of the media and newspapers, I thought that the Internet industry had another opportunity. The companies that entered at this time will only find out when they are looking for investment a few months later. The attitude of the original capital has not changed. To participate in the summit is to participate Summit, investment is investment, which are two concepts.

   But by that time it was too late, all the money and investment was burned out, and the founders had no pants to pay for.

  The internet industry is like this. It burns money, and after burning it, there is no more money. It is not like other industries, but it is dead. There are still some things left, and even if it is packaged and sold, it can recover a little bit of blood.

  In the Internet industry, millions of dollars were spent to make a software, and then millions of dollars were spent to promote it. Finally, no investment could be found. That is a useless thing.

   No one took over at all.

   Of course, if you can survive this cold winter and find a profitable direction, then you will definitely shine in the future, but this is basically impossible.

  The Internet industry is a head-to-head industry. Only if you burn money in the early stage and do promotion, you can make money after you have enough users. If you want to find a profitable direction without pre-promotion, it is basically wishful thinking.

  Any company is no exception, including Pony Ma's Penguin. This is considered to be a lot of Internet cafes that have actively downloaded in the later stage, and the number of users has been rising, but it has also been promoted in the early stage, but what is the way of promotion in the early stage?

   "Mr. Ma, I heard people say that when this penguin was not used at first, you pretended to be a girl and chatted with people all day in the chat room?"

  Pengcheng, in the office of Brother Ma at Penguin headquarters, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Brother Ma and asked jokingly.

   Tomorrow, the signing of the share transfer agreement between Huaqing Holding Group, Yingke, and IDG will take place here. Jiang Xiaobai also came to Pengcheng one day earlier.

   After all, it is the famous Nanshan Pizza Hut in later generations. This face is still to be given, so Jiang Xiaobai also came over in person.

   At this time, I just finished visiting the Penguin Enterprise and chatted in the office of Xiao Ma.

   Brother Xiaoma's face turned red when he heard it, a little embarrassed, a little embarrassed, and a little surprised. He hadn't told a few people about this, so how did Jiang Xiaobai know?

   How much do you know?

  Jiang Xiaobai is waiting for Brother Xiao Ma's answer. In this previous life, Brother Xiao Ma was one or five years old, and he had already achieved fame at that time, so he can tell it generously, remembering bittersweet thoughts.

   But although Penguin is famous at this time, Brother Ma is still far from being a Nanshan Pizza Hut, and it is not a success. It is estimated that it is a bit embarrassing to talk about at this time.

   "Jiang Dong, in fact, I just changed the avatar of a girl. I didn't say it was a woman. It just made the penguin look more active. I didn't say that I pretended to be a woman to chat." Xiao Ma said a little embarrassed.

   "Hahaha." Jiang Xiaobai laughed loudly, and Brother Xiao Ma was even more embarrassed. Who the **** revealed this, so I had to look back and ask carefully, it was too embarrassing.

  Jiang Xiaobai thinks there is nothing, in fact, the Internet industry is like this, software development is not difficult, as long as there is an idea, in fact, several professional college students in later generations will be led by one person, and it will take ten days and a half months to develop an APP.

   But the difficulty is that this software should be attractive, useful, and more importantly, the promotion of the premise.

  The beginning of everything is difficult. Those apps with millions, tens of millions, or even over 100 million are actually promoted from 1 to 10, 10 to 100, and 100 to 1,000.

   Just like Didi Taxi, which hired people to use the Didi Chuxing APP for taxis in the early stage, it was promoted step by step.

   Brother Xiaoma is actually quite understandable for doing this, Jiang Xiaobai is just making fun of it.

  Jiang Xiaobai suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to have applied for a QQ account yet, so he asked Zhao Xiaojin to bring his laptop and apply in Brother Ma's office.

   At this time, the QQ is still five digits, but there are already six digits. When Xiao Ma saw that Jiang Xiaobai was going to apply, of course, he immediately arranged a better number.

   even wanted to arrange a special number for Jiang Xiaobai, but Jiang Xiaobai refused, Jiang Xiaobai has no such bad taste.

  After the application, Brother Xiaoma wants to add friends. Jiang Xiaobai took a look and said, 10,000. This is the first user of the number Penguin.

   In the evening, as the host, Mr. Ma treated the guests. Jiang Xiaobai didn't say much at the dinner table. He only talked about the customs of Pengcheng, not the situation of the penguins. The contract will only be signed tomorrow. If we talked a lot today.

   Go back and let Yingke and IDG know, what happens again.

   After all, what the current Internet companies lack is a means of making profits, or how to monetize users.

   And Jiang Xiaobai doesn't know too much about the means of monetizing QQ profits, online games, even games that Penguins can make themselves, and various SMS monetization and the like.

  Penguin now has over 100 million users. With so many users, as long as you find a direction, you will soon be able to make profits.

   (end of this chapter)

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