Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2700: Price is too high

   Chapter 2700 The price is too high

  Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Jun communicated with the IP company through Li Yanhong, and the two sides mainly aimed at the price of the shares held by the IP company.

The IP company has come all the way from abroad. It is already very sincere and is ready to sell the shares in its hands. Now the focus is on the issue of price. Jiang Xiaobai believes that if this is negotiated, then the rest will not be a problem. .

IP they invested with PCF two years ago. At that time, it was a company of 600,000 US dollars, a total of 1.2 million US dollars, which was regarded as an angel round investment, 2.4 million limited convertible series A shares, a total of 600,000 US dollars, The equivalent of more than two cents a share.

   Now, in this winter of the Internet, and Baidu has not been listed, this valuation is not easy to calculate.

   It was only in September last year, when the first round of financing, the price valuation per share of Baidu had reached a little more than one dollar.

   What kind of concept is this? That is to say, if the IP company invested in just one year according to the situation last year, the stock price would have quadrupled.

   That is to say, the original $600,000 has been turned over to $2.4 million, but this is not the goal of the IP company, and they have even greater expectations.

   But I didn’t expect to encounter the Internet cold winter period. There is no way to do this. When the Internet cold wave comes, to be honest, this valuation is really hard to say.

   When they bought it, it was more than 20 cents a share, but now at this valuation, the IP side is a lion with a big mouth, and they want two yuan and five dollars a share, which directly wants ten times the profit.

  600,000 US dollars, and I want to turn it directly to 6 million US dollars.

   Zhang Jun's eyes widened immediately: "Are you robbing money?"

  Li Yanhong twitched the corner of his mouth and translated it, the price was too high, they couldn't accept it.

   "Our minimum is $2.25, which is our bottom line. If it is lower, we don't need to give up our shares." The representative of the IP side said.

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile: "The price is still high. Last year, the valuation of the last financing was one dollar per share. It has only been ten months, and the price will more than double. There is no such thing at all. high rise."

"In the first year, our income quadrupled, and in the second year, our income quadrupled again. I think there is no problem. From the investment in the angel round to the investment in the first round, now that you have completed the acquisition, The second round of investment is coming soon, and I believe that the share price of the second round of investment will double again, and more than this price..."

  The IP company is biting very hard, and they talked back and forth about the price.

   But Jiang Xiaobai can also understand. Since this IP company wants to sell things, it must want to make a fortune. Otherwise, why does the IP company not hold shares.

Yes, now is the cold winter of the Internet industry, but it is the cold winter of the Internet industry. IP companies have invested a total of 600,000 US dollars, and 600,000 US dollars is a big number for ordinary people at this time. If they can make some money For the money, everyone is willing to sell it.

   But 600,000 US dollars is really a small amount of capital for a venture capital company like IP, and it doesn’t matter at all.

  If Li Yanhong hadn't found them and wanted them to sell their shares, they wouldn't have thought about it at all.

The two parties talked for an hour at the dinner table. Jiang Xiaobai offered a price of 1.5 US dollars per share, but if the IP company was killed, it was 2.25 US dollars per share. There are many gaps.

When the dinner was over, the people from the IP company were resting in the hotel. Li Yanhong sent Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Jun away. At the door of the hotel, Li Yanhong looked at Jiang Xiaobai with some worry and said, "Jiang Dong, the price over the IP company is very biting. I I've tried my best here, but there's no other way, and it's probably useless to communicate with them again."

   Jiang Xiaobai can see that Li Yanhong really wants to facilitate this business, and wants Huaqing Holding Group to take a stake in Baidu, but Li Yanhong is also powerless in the matter of this capital.

Jiang Xiaobai reached out and patted Li Yanhong's arm to comfort him: "In this way, don't worry, the money matters can be solved easily, as long as it's about the same, I will also invest in your Baidu, otherwise it will spread out, as if I am Jiang Xiaobai. It's like I can't even take out this amount of money, don't worry, if you don't say anything else, I'll just let you work so hard during this time, and I won't be able to let your hard work go to waste."

  Li Yanhong was stunned for a moment, watching Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Jun get into the car and leave with some emotion in his heart. Jiang Xiaobai's words and actions are completely different from the capital he came into contact with when he was in Citiland.

   But what I have to say is that Jiang Xiaobai's style of speaking and doing things sometimes really makes people feel comfortable.

It's not just about the pursuit of interests, but more of a sense of style and loyalty. Normally, this way of doing things is not far away in the business field, but Jiang Xiaobai has become one of the world's top five. Founder of Fortune 100 companies.

   At the same time, Mr. Duan was having dinner with Mr. Liu.

   It's just that the atmosphere at the dinner table is a little discordant, but President Liu is very comfortable eating, after all, the place arranged by President Duan is very high-end, and all kinds of dishes are considered to be full of flavors and aromas.

   But this is not the case with Mr. Duan, drinking a glass of wine and a glass of wine.

   "Mr. Liu, you are the person in charge of our Taishan Association. You have to decide for us. This Jiang Xiaobai is too much. If you say that if you enter our Xinlang company, you will enter the Xinlang company.

   You said that no matter what, I am also a major shareholder of our Xinlang company, right? Is that correct? As a result, Jiang Xiaobai just communicated with Wang Zhidong, and then began to contact other shareholders.

   This does not respect me at all, am I still a major shareholder? In fact, Jiang Xiaobai doesn't disrespect me, it's because he doesn't take our Taishan Club in his eyes at all. I don't care about me. The key is President Liu? Will we Taishan be able to swallow this breath?

   Could it be that we Taishan will allow Jiang Xiaobai to bully us in the future? "

   Mr. Duan shouted angrily and kept fighting, but Liu Zong was someone, he was just an old fox, not only was he not angry at all, but he was rather proud of himself.

At the time, there was some commercial competition between him and Huaqing Holding Group. Jiang Xiaobai turned him over and over again and cleaned him up again and again. As a result, everyone else was watching the fun. Well, now finally It's your turn.

   (end of this chapter)

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