Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2706: chain reaction

How much is the salary of the players of this small team? It is 1,600 yuan in China, 1,600 yuan in China, then the salary of the domestic security guard will be more than 2,000 to 3,000 yuan a month. money.

  A player doesn't earn as much as a security man, but they can beat you.

   But let's look at what the men's football team has done. It's called a devil's training to do some cheerleading dances, but there's no shortage of **** sea cucumbers.

   So Jiang Xiaobai is not interested in this kind of news at all. "Xiaojin, don't give me this kind of newspaper in the future. I don't want to read it." Jiang Xiaobai urged. Although Zhao Xiaojin was a little surprised, he didn't say much. He thought that Jiang Xiaobai just didn't like the sport.


   After all, Jiang Xiaobai hasn't paid much attention to sports news for a long time. It's normal that he doesn't want to watch it now. "Jiang Dong, before the Enron incident at Citigroup was still fermenting, and the Nasdaq stock market crash, the combined impact of the two will have a great impact on the world economy. all the time,

   When eating with President Zhang, Mr. Huang also talked about it.

  I want to take the time to ask you, see when I have time, and discuss whether the investment in my country will slow down a little this year. "

   Zhao Xiaojin looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked, Jiang Xiaobai thought about it and said, "So, you can make an appointment recently, let Mr. Huang come over, and I will chat with him."

   Most of the affairs of this flower bank are handed over to Mr. Huang by Jiang Xiaobai, but when it comes to major strategic adjustments of the company, Mr. Huang will only do it after consulting Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Okay Director Jiang, then I'll make arrangements." Zhao Xiaojin nodded and turned to leave. Jiang Xiaobai put down the documents in his hand, thinking about what Zhao Xiaojin said.

   He is the person in charge of the company, and he has some things in mind, so he cannot completely follow Mr. Huang's ideas.

  To be honest, too many things have happened this year, not on the Huaqing Holding Group’s own side, but on major events that have an impact in the world economy.

   The most important thing is the Citi Country side. Citi Country’s economy has an impact on the global economy. Not to mention other things, let’s say that the time in September will have a great impact.

   It would be better if this was an independent event, but this is not an independent event, followed by the Nasdaq stock market crash. Isn’t this thing coming together.

   But there are more influential things next, and this thing is directly in the economic field.

   is the same thing that Zhao Xiaojin said before, about Citi Enron.

  Enron was the largest energy company in the world at this time, ranking seventh in the Fortune Global 500 list. The seventh-ranked company has a greater influence. For example, Huaqing Holding Group is basically the tail of a crane. This influence exists in China, but its influence on a global scale is not enough, but Enron does not. one

   like ah.

   This is the seventh-ranked Fortune 500 company with annual sales of more than 100 billion US dollars. It has always been a hot spot on Wall Street and has been elected as the most innovative company in Citiland for four consecutive years.

  Enron's stock is a blue-chip stock that is strongly recommended by all securities rating agencies. The stock price per share is as high as more than 70 US dollars, and the upward trend is very strong.

   is such a company. At the beginning of the year, it was exposed as a fraudulent financial report.

   And the senior management of Enron has been quietly throwing out the stocks in their hands to cash out, and law firms have also participated.

   What is this stock market? In fact, it's just a question of trust mechanism. If some small companies commit fraud or the like, the shareholders can still accept it, but there are problems with companies like Enron. What makes people suspicious is not Enron, but the entire stock exchange and the stock market, from the listed companies to the securities rating agencies, from the securities rating agencies to those well-known law firms, from the law firm's pregnant

   suspects the entire stock market.

  Enron, as the seventh-ranked company in the Fortune Global 500, can all cheat, so what about the others, won't they cheat?

   This kind of behavior of treating shareholders as fools, of course, the shareholders will not be willing to do so.

   Putting these things together, Citi's stock market and economy have been affected too much, and what happened on Citi's side has affected the entire global economic market.

   So this year's investment has been affected.

   This year's foreign investment has been cold, so it is understandable that Mr. Huang wants to reduce some foreign investment Jiang Xiaobai.

   But is it necessary? He is investing, not buying shares. Many companies in Citiland are still very technical. If they can win it, it will be very beneficial to the development of the company in the future.

   Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai thinks that the matter of reducing investment should be carefully considered again.

   After Mr. Huang got the notification from Zhao Xiaojin, he came very quickly. He arrived on the third day and sat in Jiang Xiaobai's office.

"Jiang Dong, I wanted to report to you before that the investment environment in the foreign global market is not very good recently. Are we reducing the share of some investment?" Mr. Huang said, Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "You Speaking of this matter, I actually considered it before, but there is one point, the investment in some financial industry companies can be reduced, or even directly reduced, but

   is for some technical industries, I think it can continue to invest, and it is a continuous investment…”

   "Many companies in Citigroup have very good technology. As long as there is technology, I believe there is still a bright future." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Technology is such a thing. Many foreign companies have technology reserves, and they have reserved technologies for several generations. If they are acquired, there will be no problem." Mr. Huang nodded and said. "I recently heard that Citigroup's Pingguo Company has launched a world-famous online music player. I originally thought about reducing the investment, but now I will invest some more." Mr. Huang

   said. Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up, Pingguo's online music player came out, and Pingguo also slowly reached the peak from this time. If Mr. Huang didn't say it, he almost forgot.

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