Chapter 2718 Ignore it

After Mr. Duan was stimulated, he still moved very quickly. He took over the shares held by Dell. In fact, it was mainly Dell who saw it. Xinlang will not stop after this.

   There is the largest shareholder, Sitong, who wants to control the Xinlang board of directors, Jiang Xiaobai is strong, and Wang Zhidong and his group of founders are in the middle. If this fights, the future business will not know how.

   In addition, the Taishan Association will also exert its strength and join the fight.

   With so many people fighting back and forth, it’s no wonder that Xinlang can still do well in the future, so just quit and clean up.

   In fact, after the last Internet Summit, Jiang Xiaobai has made a lot of layouts in the Internet industry, but the most striking is the confrontation above Xinlang, because the Taishan Club stands behind Sitong.

  The news and the media are also most interested in these things. I interview a few parties from time to time. Except for the news media that Jiang Xiaobai ignores these good news, Mr. Duan of Sitong participated in several interviews.

   In his speech, although Jiang Xiaobai euphemistically said that Jiang Xiaobai is a veteran in private enterprises and a leader in private enterprises, he will work together in the future to make Xinlang develop better and faster.

However, it also explained the history of Xinlang's development and the strategic direction of Xinlang, etc. It will not be changed because of anyone joining. Xinlang must have Xinlang's own development rhythm, and all investments and the like must conform to Xinlang's development strategy, etc.

   The smell of gunpowder in these words is obvious as long as it is carefully pondered.

   And Wang Zhidong also participated in several news media interviews in his speeches, with only one meaning, that is to welcome Jiang Xiaobai to join, and bluntly said that Jiang Xiaobai is a senior and idol on the road of entrepreneurship, and hopes to learn from Jiang Xiaobai.

   Being able to move forward with Xinlang, being able to live up to the expectations of shareholders, the board of directors and shareholders, etc.

   Although the media hopes that a few people will do something, neither President Duan nor Wang Zhidong is a fool. Some things can be done off the table, but they cannot be done on the table.

   Infighting is okay, but you can’t let outsiders see the joke, otherwise, what if the stock price falls even worse?

   These are all related to their vital interests.

And Jiang Xiaobai doesn't pay attention to the harassment of the outside world. He has never had a good impression of these reporters and the media who like to do things. If he was weak, he couldn't refuse, but he has come to this point, and he doesn't like the media and reporters. Naturally, they all refused, and there was no way for anyone to entangle them.

And he is busy signing a contract with Wangyi. Although the time for the Xinlang shareholders meeting has been set, it will be just two days later, but he does not pay too much attention to it. In fact, the shareholders meeting is nothing more than a trick. only thing.

  It's no big deal, it's been years, and nothing else, the struggles in this mall are all too familiar.

   Also, although Mr. Liu and Mr. Duan, the Taishan Society members, are considered tough old foxes in the eyes of others, but in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, they are just like that.

   The most important thing in doing business is to make money, but after the business has grown bigger, it’s not who has more money when it comes to competition, it depends on various aspects.

  These people in Taishan Association, no matter how big the business is, they always think about making money, but they don’t pay much attention to some social responsibilities that they should take.

   This kind of person does not mean that he is not big, but that he will never have the kind of general trend in himself, and Jiang Xiaobai certainly does not take it seriously.

   "Jiang Dong, welcome to join Net One, I still need more advice from Jiang Dong in the future."

   "Mr. Ding is joking. You founded Wangyi. I have always respected the founders' team when investing. I don't think there is such a thing as taking the lead.

   But if you need support, don’t be polite, even if you tell me, as long as I can help, I will definitely not refuse. "

  Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, the smile on Ding Lei's face became even more prosperous. What he valued was Jiang Xiaobai's reputation for investment.

   It's not like Sitong. At that time, Wang Zhidong was disappointed when he started his business for the first time. Although he couldn't help feeling a little lost and hesitant, as a celebrity in the eyes of investors, he was quickly attracted by Sitong Duan.

  When President Duan found Wang Zhidong to invest in the establishment of a new company and proposed to invest 5 million to set up Stone Lifang Information Technology Co., Ltd., which is the predecessor of Xinlang, and gave Wang Zhidong shares, and Wang Zhidong proposed four conditions:

   First, Sitong invested 5 million Hong Kong dollars to set up a high-tech company. Second, it adopted the general manager responsibility system in management. The general manager was responsible for finance and personnel. Sitong could supervise, but could not intervene.

  The third is that the technical and management personnel must own the company's shares, and the fourth is that no matter whether you make money or not, you only do high-tech things, and you cannot change them in the middle.

  The reason why Wang Zhidong proposed these extraordinary conditions is in addition to the lessons learned from the failure of the previous entrepreneurial project Xintiandi.

   The more reason is that Wang Jizhi, the original Sitong Group, had a special talk with Chairman Wang Zhi once:

   strongly discourages Wang Zhidong from cooperating with Sitong Group.

  Wang Jizhi used his own experience to try to alert Wang Zhidong that the Stone Group was not reliable enough. The promised 5 million funds might not be really handed over to Stone Company, and the head office interfered too much with its subsidiaries, etc.

   If it weren't for the fact that there was really no way back then, Wang Zhidong would not have taken the investment from Sitong.

   This is the lesson of blood, and it is also the word-of-mouth problem of Sitong. Of course, it is actually reminded that it is true that Sitong is indeed not a good investor.

   There is no way to compare the gold reputation of investment like Jiang Xiaobai.

"Thank you, Director Jiang, I will trouble Director Jiang in the future." After Ding Lei finished speaking, he invited him: "Director Jiang, I prepared a celebration banquet in the evening. I know you don't like this kind of occasion. I didn't invite many people. several high-rises.

   is mainly due to the development of Net One now. There are several ideas for you to consult and see if it is feasible. "

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai has no reason not to agree: "Okay, have a few drinks in the evening. As for the development ideas after Net One, I can't provide them, but if you have ideas, I will listen to them, but it's just a suggestion. I still want you to look right."

Ding Lei nodded, and led Jiang Xiaobai to the restaurant in front of him. Such an investor really has nothing to say. They just give money, support and advice, but do not participate in specific development. This is a serious angel. Investor.

  If Wang Zhidong met Jiang Xiaobai earlier and got Jiang Xiaobai's investment, there would not be so many things outside now, and he would be relieved.

   (end of this chapter)

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