"Let's win, win over will not result in acquisition, we need to increase our voice in Xinlang."

   "Yes, I think so too. Now in the situation of Xinlang, I don't think these capitals are willing to stay in Xinlang. If the price is right, we will buy a part of the shares..."

   Mr. Liu and Mr. Zhang said one after another, they came to Xinlang today and they realized the complexity of Xinlang.

   Their Taishan meeting was considered a wave, and Mr. Duan, the person who invested in the early stage, was barely considered a wave, but it does not mean that the two sides are of one mind.

   For President Duan, it seems that this Xinlang was founded by him, saying that Wang Zhidong was the founder, but President Duan also felt that he was the founder.

   There is nothing wrong with saying this. After all, it was Sitong who invested the money in the beginning, and Sitong was also a major shareholder at the time.

   Therefore, although President Duan, President Liu, and other members of the Taishan Association said that they were vaguely part of a faction, in fact, the demands of the two sides were different. Then there is Wang Zhidong, and his entrepreneurial team. They don't hold too many shares, but they are the founders. Especially now that Wang Zhidong is still the CEO of the company, he still has a lot of power in his hands. king

   Zhi Dong was expelled from the CEO position.

  The most influential person in Xinlang is Wang Zhidong. Then there is Jiang Xiaobai. Although Jiang Xiaobai said that he supports Wang Zhidong, the two sides are not absolutely the same. In addition, Jiang Xiaobai's influence on some small shareholders and influence in the outside world must be taken into account.

  Although Jiang Xiaobai is a newcomer to Xinlang, Jiang Xiaobai must not be seen from the eyes of an ordinary newcomer.

   The remaining international capitals such as Hua Deng International have a different attitude, which is somewhat ambiguous, but in general they are pursuing interests.

   In the end, there are some small shareholders, like grass on the wall, you can't tell which side they will support. Then the competition between Taishanhui and Jiang Xiaobai is also more intense. After all factors are taken into consideration, the feeling to Mr. Liu and others at today's meeting is that the complexity of Xinlang is also higher than that of Minsheng Bank.

The shareholders meeting of    is as simple as that.

   It’s not even that simple. After all, there are international capital matters here, and it’s normal to know that Minsheng Bank is a bank.

   But this Xinlang is an Internet company, and it is so complicated.

   Mr. Liu and Mr. Duan are discussing here. In fact, it depends on the board of directors half a month later, and the board of directors will express the attitude of these shareholders.

   Today, we just elected directors and seized the right to speak. The specific attitudes of each company are still unclear. When the board of directors is on, the specific attitude will be shown at that time.

Mr. Duan glanced at Mr. Liu and the others gritted their teeth and said, "I want to kick Wang Zhidong out."

   Mr. Liu and the others were stunned for a moment, and looked at Mr. Duan in surprise. Wang Zhidong was the founder of Xinlang. He was kicked out suddenly, but it didn't mean he couldn't.

  A lot of companies in foreign countries do this, and the founders are kicked out.

  Capital money is poison. When you eat it, the sugar coating is wrapped around it. It is quite sweet, but after eating and digesting, something will happen.

But this kind of situation, to be honest, is rare in China. After all, domestic private enterprises have not developed for a long time, so there are not many such situations. One thing like driving out the founder can be considered news. of.

   Now President Duan wants to kick Wang Zhidong away, which is beyond their expectations. "Big brother, let the directors support me when the time comes." President Duan said in a deep voice. In fact, he had this idea before. If there was no change this time, he would also contact others to prepare Wang Zhidong. Give

   kicked away.

   This time, Wang Zhidong is stirring up the storm again, and he has brought in the evil wolf Jiang Xiaobai, which has brought him such a big trouble. He can't stand Wang Zhidong at all.

If Wang Zhidong can make money for the company, it would be fine, but in the face of the current Internet winter, he wants to make Xinlang a paid website, but Wang Zhidong insists on being a free website, not to say that a free website cannot be done. .

   is the stock price. When the stock price rises, Wang Zhidong can do whatever he wants, but now that the stock price has fallen, how can we save the market without making some changes?

   But what impact will this move have on the future of the company? Will it lead to the loss of users, but at least at this stage, the stock price cannot continue to fall. This is the first thing they have to do.

   As for Wang Zhidong, he insists that any portal website should be free and not chargeable, otherwise it will affect users and lead to user loss and so on.

   In fact, who doesn't know that users will be lost, but Wang Zhidong really doesn't think about their shareholders who have invested real money.

  If the downward trend cannot be avoided, then these shareholders will lose everything.

   This is why, when Jiang Xiaobai and Liu Zong Duan acquired the company, when the price reached $4 per share, Yingke, Goldman Sachs, Dell and other capital began to transfer equity and ran away.

  Because when they invested, the average stock price was four dollars. Now, let’s not talk about profit, and the stock price has dropped by two dollars per share. It’s true that they took their own investment costs and ran away. However, Wang Zhidong insisted on disagreeing, and he had to transform into a software company. He wanted to kick Wang Zhidong away for a day or two, but this time he was determined to kick Wang Zhidong away. kick away **** zhi

If    Dong, there is no way for this Xinlang to operate.

  If the stock price falls further, everyone will lose everything. Wang Zhidong just invested time, he can not care, but the shareholders are all investing in real money.

   "Who will replace Wang Zhidong after leaving?" Mr. Liu and the others asked frowning. "The current operation officer, the pipeline accepts it." President Duan said, took out his mobile phone and looked at President Liu and said: "If you support, I will call the pipeline now, and you can meet him, this people are still very

   Capable. "Mr. Liu and the others glanced at each other after hearing the words, and then nodded. As long as there is a replacement for Mr. Duan and the company does not make a big mess, then they don't care. They must support Mr. Duan. This is also negotiated in advance. .

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