Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2734: different way of thinking

   Chapter 2734 Different way of thinking

Wang Zhidong said the conditions offered by Huadeng International, with a bitter face. He founded Xinlang Company, which is like his own child. If there is a way, he does not want the share price of Xinlang Company to fall. of.

   But now is the cold winter of the Internet, if the conditions given by Hua Deng International remove the time limit or lengthen the time line, he is absolutely confident.

   But now we are stuck on this timeline, the stock price will stabilize within two months, rebound in an orderly manner within half a year, and pull the stock price to about $5 within a year.

   These conditions can be said to be harsher than the other.

   "Have they considered selling the shares in their hands?" Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a while, looked at Wang Zhidong and asked, his business thinking is different from Wang Zhidong's.

   "Acquisition of their shares?" Wang Zhidong was stunned when he heard this.

  Wang Zhidong accepted the funds from Sitong from the very beginning, and Xinlang was mixed with too many off-site factors from the very beginning.

But when Jiang Xiaobai is in business, he likes holding, not to mention absolute holding, at least relative holding. He likes the situation of one word, and he doesn't like to pin his hopes on others, and he doesn't like to be a courtesan who joins forces among many capitals. Aspect.

   So the starting points for considering the problem are different.

Hua Deng International put forward so many conditions, Wang Zhidong first considered how to complete the conditions proposed by Hua Deng International, but Jiang Xiaobai immediately thought that since Hua Deng International is so troublesome, then take the Shares are acquired.

   "Yeah, since they asked for so much, will we buy it and it's over? People are afraid of wolves and tigers later. This group of capital just wants benefits and is not willing to take risks." Jiang Xiaobai pouted and said.

   Although it is normal for capital to operate like this, Jiang Xiaobai just can't stand it.

   "I didn't ask." Wang Zhidong said a little embarrassed.

Jiang Xiaobai twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the words, and wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't bear to say Wang Zhidong. In fact, I don't blame him. From the beginning of doing business, he was subjected to many checks and balances, and finally even the simplest means forgot.

   "Then there are two questions now, one is that after you take me to the airport, contact the representatives of Hua Deng International as soon as possible to see if they are willing to sell the shares in their hands.

   If there is, let us have a chance to compete. If I guessed correctly, it is estimated that Sitong has already contacted Huadeng International, and they will either win or buy shares. "

  Jiang Xiaobai guessed right. At this time, Mr. Duan was sitting with the representatives of Hua Deng International to discuss the possibility of share acquisition.

  Mr. Duan and the others will of course be restrained when Taishan meets Jiang Xiaobai, but they have the same thinking as Jiang Xiaobai when doing things, that is, if you don't support me, then give me the shares.

   It is this kind of decision-making power. The reason why Wang Zhidong was eaten by President Duan is also due to the factors here.

   In the last life, Mr. Duan had no room for Wang Zhidong to fight back, and Mr. Duan simply kicked Wang Zhidong out of the board of directors, and Wang Zhidong was still confused.

   He had no idea how aggressive and ruthless these self-made bosses were from the 1980s.

   If you don't move, you're done. If you move, it will be thunderous, and you won't have a chance to react at all.

  If there is no such decisive power, in the 1980s and early 1990s, although gold was everywhere, some people made small money, and some were lucky enough to make big money.

   But there is no one who can live on this big ship in the new century, and has long since drowned in the waves of the 1980s and 1990s.

   "I understand Jiang Dong, I will contact Hua Deng International when I go back."

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded and continued: "The second question, if Hua Deng International has no idea of ​​selling its shares, then you have to find a way to stabilize the stock price as soon as possible.

   We will do everything possible to make Xinlang profitable as soon as possible. "

Wang Zhidong's face became even more bitter when he heard the words: "Jiang Dong, they want to charge Xinlang for this section, but the most important thing for Xinlang is these users. If they charge, the users will be lost, and Xinlang will be finished. "

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "It's fine without charging, you want to develop new profit channels, you want to be a software company, there's no problem, but people's requirement is that the stock price can't fall first, you can't think of a way, see See if there are any other channels that can monetize user traffic and achieve profitability?"

  Wang Zhidong bit the bullet and agreed.

Looking at Wang Zhidong like this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but said: "Actually, I'm not afraid to tell you that NetOne has basically found a new profit direction. Profits can be achieved, but as long as the losses are small,

   Once you make money and let the investors see the dawn of profit, the stock price will not fall further, but if you can't find the direction of profit, the stock price will keep falling. "

  Wang Zhidong widened his eyes when he heard the words: "Mr. Ding has found a profitable direction? What is it?"

After Wang Zhidong asked, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Wang Zhidong speechlessly and did not speak, Wang Zhidong immediately reacted, and quickly said apologetically: "I'm sorry Jiang Dong, I'm a little excited, this is from Net One Company. Confidential, I shouldn't have asked."

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded, he understood Wang Zhidong, Xinlang and Wangyi are the four major portals. Now that Wangyi has found a profitable direction, of course he will be anxious to know what the profit direction of Wangyi is.

   In fact, everyone who works on the Internet now knows one thing. After ten years of development, the Internet industry has turned into a bubble. The market value that was blown up before is often hundreds of millions of dollars, but it is definitely not worth so much money.

   But there are so many users on this website, they must be rich. As long as there are users, they must be rich.

   But everyone just doesn't know where the money is hidden in the Internet industry. As long as the money hidden in the Internet industry is found, that is the direction of the Internet industry's profit.

The company will be able to survive. Wang Zhidong does not agree with Xinlang’s charging, that is because charging will lose users. Users are the foundation of an Internet company, but it does not mean that Wang Zhidong does not want to use these users to make money. He wants to Crazy to make money.

   Of course, Jiang Xiaobai understands it, but he will not tell Xinlang about Wangyi's plan, which is a commercial secret belonging to Wangyi.

  The two companies, Net One and Xinlang, are in a competitive relationship, and Jiang Xiaobai still has this professional ethics.

   (end of this chapter)

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