Chapter 3002 Be cautious

 Jiang Xiaobai has already decided to leave, so other cities have naturally become more active. In just this week, Jiang Xiaobai has received no less than ten invitations, all from various cities, inviting people to come and inspect.

 There are also many cities that have sent invitations through subsidiaries, branches, and various partners of Huaqing Holding Group, hoping that Jiang Xiaobai will visit them.

 This time, I don’t know how much more enthusiastic I was than when I was selecting the site for Huahai Automobile’s new plant.

Some cities still have concerns about Huahai Automobile's site selection. After all, Huahai Automobile's site selection requirements are relatively high. First, there must be a port to meet the export needs of Huahai Automobile's Luofu Automobile and MG Automobile. Secondly, some Cities also have their own automobile companies. After the introduction of Huahai Automobile, the resources of the original local automobile companies will inevitably be diverted. The city must also consider the reaction of local automobile companies.

 So not many people have been invited, but now it is Huaqing Holding Group, a Fortune 500 company, which is completely different.

After acquiring six brands, Huahai Automobile has the foundation to become a Fortune 500 company. However, Huaqing Holding Group is already a Fortune 500 company. If this can attract Huaqing Holding Group to settle locally, For a city, the influence and resources it brings are completely two concepts.

Therefore, various cities are also taking the initiative and want to invite Huaqing Holding Group to settle in. However, so far, Jiang Xiaobai has not been to any city. The ones who have withdrawn from the Magic City, Jiahe Beverage and Yaohan Supermarket are not available for the time being. Choose a place to settle.

Fortunately, Yaohan Supermarket is headquartered in Xiangjiang. When it exited the Magic City Market, it exited. It did not say that it had to choose a place to open a new supermarket. The city Yaohan Supermarket chose to set up must be based on the comprehensiveness of the company. considered.

The remaining Huaqing Electric Appliances are similar. Their headquarters is in Jinling. It doesn't matter if they withdraw from the market of a city. There is no urgent need to settle down.

 Only the main factory of Jiahe Beverage Factory is headquartered in Magic City. Where to settle may affect the choice of Huaqing Holding Group’s overall relocation in the future.

It can even be said that where the headquarters of Jiahe Beverage Factory will be located will be a signal for the relocation of Huaqing Holding Group. Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai has not easily agreed to the choice of the headquarters of Jiahe Beverage Factory.

Director Gao didn't have too many surprises. It would be strange if Jiang Xiaobai agreed easily and put his home and drinks in Yong City. Huaqing Holding Group has moved twice so far. This move has already been completed. This is the third time, so Jiang Xiaobai will definitely be more cautious and will not say that he is hot-headed.

 With a few words, he agreed to move the headquarters to Ningbo City.

However, at this stage, the competitiveness of Ningbo City is still very strong. It just depends on what Jiang Xiaobai thinks about next. However, Director Gao has a lot of patience and confidence. As long as he works hard, he might be able to succeed in the end.

Just like the settlement of Huahai Automobile, I was not completely sure before. Now Huahai Automobile has also settled in Ningbo City.

 After dinner, in the afternoon, in the project department of Huahai Automobile's construction site, Jiang Xiaobai and Director Gao jointly held a project safety meeting on behalf of Party A and relevant local departments. In the evening, Jiang Xiaobai refused the dinner arranged by the Yong City authorities and ate alone with Tian Yuan.

 Tianyuan also told Jiang Xiaobai with some embarrassment that it was he and Mao Zhenhua who were too willful, which led to the conflict between the group and the Magic City. To say that the new plant of Huahai Automobile Factory did not want to be in the Magic City, this was indeed what Tianyuan and Mao Zhenhua insisted on.

But it was more about the matters related to the Magic City. Jiang Xiaobai comforted Tian Yuan again, and he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. What the **** is going on? He has been under so much pressure and has been confronting the Magic City for so long, but now After finally finishing it, we still need to appease these people. I appeased Director Gao in the morning, and Tian Yuan this afternoon.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but smile bitterly as he thought about it. However, he finally appeased Tianyuan's mood. There was no other way. He was the boss of the company and the group, so these things needed to be shouldered by him, not The heads of the subsidiaries below, such as Tianyuan, need to be responsible.

After staying in Yong City for a day, Jiang Xiaobai returned to the Magic City the next day. After arriving in the Magic City, except for the fact that Zhao Xiaojin reported that Jiang Xiaobai had been invited to inspect several more cities, the other groups had nothing to do for the time being, or that there was something wrong. Things are within the scope of what Zhao Xiaojin can handle.

Jiang Xiaobai also planned to rest at home for two more days, but the two children were unwilling to stay at home, especially Jiang Xin. She had to go to the amusement park without making a fuss. What else could Jiang Xiaobai say? He usually didn't have time to accompany his daughter to the amusement park. Go to the field, I finally have some free time, of course I want to go.

There is an amusement park inside Changxing Mall, which is also close to Jiang Xiaobai's home. Jiang Xiaobai rested at home for a total of two days. One day he played with his daughter in the amusement park, and the other day he played with Jiang Langlang in an Internet cafe.

That’s right, there is already such a thing as an Internet cafe. When Jiang Langlang was in junior high school, his favorite things every day were game arcades and Internet cafes.

Jiang Xiaobai is not too strict in disciplining Jiang Langlang. This is mainly because Jiang Xiaobai is not at home all day long. Mainly because Zhao Xinyi plays the role of a strict mother, while Jiang Xiaobai plays the role of a loving father at home.

Therefore, Jiang Langlang is not willing to take care of it, and Jiang Xiaobai also understands the attraction and impact of online games on children. Later generations are almost divided into two groups regarding Internet cafes. One group thinks that online games are for teenagers. Opium can lead to addiction among young people and must be resolutely eradicated.

 One group does not understand what an Internet cafe is at all. Online games are nothing, so it doesn't matter to Internet cafes.

But Jiang Xiaobai is different. In his previous life, he experienced it personally and grew up in an Internet cafe environment. Therefore, he has a correct understanding of Internet cafes and online games. It is acceptable, but he must maintain restraint. Needless to say, he is afraid of them. , but you must also keep an appropriate distance. In his previous life, Jiang Xiaobai himself loved to go to Internet cafes, but he did not delay his studies.

 Hence, Jiang Xiaobai has a correct understanding of new things. I am also willing to take my son Jiang Langlang to an Internet cafe to guide my child to correctly face and adapt to the new era.

 (End of this chapter)

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