Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3005: Absurd yet realistic

Chapter 3005 Absurd yet Realistic

Jiang Xiaobai has no airs. Since he agreed to meet Luo Kang, he will not deliberately wait for Luo Kang to arrive before he arrives last.

After hanging up the phone, he and Li Longquan drove to Jianhua Hotel. They drank tea and chatted with Li Longquan in the private room, waiting for Luo Kang.

Although Li Longquan is said to be a driver, Jiang Xiaobai has never regarded Li Longquan as a driver. Basically, he attends all kinds of entertainment and the like with Li Longquan. Sometimes Li Longquan doesn't want to sit with Jiang Xiaobai and others for dinner. He feels that It’s troublesome to socialize and so on.

He would sit at another table only when there were not many people around. Li Longquan would always sit at the same table as Jiang Xiaobai.

The two of them talked about their visit to Jianhua Village on the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month.

“You think I’m getting old? People say that only old people are nostalgic, while young people are always rushing forward with their ambitions in all directions.” Jiang Xiaobai said jokingly.

 Actually, there is some truth in the words. Many people think that Jiang Xiaobai is young. Physically speaking, this is indeed the case. Age matters.

 Compared with the first batch of people doing business in domestic private enterprises, they are indeed much younger.

 In terms of age, they are similar to the current 92 faction in China, that is, people who went to sea to do business in 1992.

But the mentality is different. Jiang Xiaobai has been ups and downs in the business world since 1978. It has been more than 20 years this year. He has experienced the magnificent era, witnessed the rise of grassland in the ups and downs, all kinds of people, all kinds of weird things. thing.

Having come all the way to this day, it’s strange that I can be young mentally.

"Director Jiang, you came back to Jianhua Village because you are nostalgic. Who in this shopping mall doesn't know that Director Jiang is a nostalgic person and a person who values ​​friendship." Li Longquan said, without a trace of hypocrisy, just sincerely Meaningful.

 He ​​has followed Jiang Xiaobai for so many years, and he knows Jiang Xiaobai very well. Most of the other Fortune 500 companies, or slightly larger companies, are all good things.

This phenomenon is not isolated, but happens to most people. The reason why this happens is also very simple.

That is to say, the company veterans who have grown up with them are not so obedient to a certain extent, because in the entrepreneurial process, they need to exert their subjective initiative, have independent decision-making power, and need their ability to help the company and the enterprise grow together.

 But it will be different when the enterprise grows. As the enterprise develops, everyone wants to be dictatorial. How can other voices be allowed to appear? Therefore, this contradiction arises.

 When conflicts arise, it is natural to purge the elders. In the end, only one or two of the elders were left to support the facade and whitewash themselves.

But Jiang Xiaobai is different. When he started his business with Jiang Xiaobai, except for Song Weiguo, who wanted to leave on his own, none of them are in high positions now. Jiang Xiaobai fully trusts them and delegates power very well.

Including for myself, as a driver, I have received dividends and wages over the years, and Jiang Xiaobai has helped with everything big and small. How can I live my life like this in other companies? How can there be a driver who can do this? of.

  And this is because I don’t want to make progress. If I want to make progress, the property company at Changxingju Real Estate Company is my own.

Just like Zhao Xiaojin, a little girl has now become a senior executive of the group just because she followed Jiang Xiaobai. Although Zhao Xiaojin's ability has reached its peak, she is lucky enough to have followed the right person. Otherwise, she would have Maybe she is a housewife now.     Just because of the few cents of vegetable money, I was arguing with people in the vegetable market.

 Even myself is like this. My other retired comrades, many of whom are now working as shopping mall security guards, don’t know how they should live with just a little salary a month.

The family is in good condition, and they have arranged a class and a contract job. Until now, I am in a dilemma. The pressure of life is pressing on me, and I don’t dare to die.

But looking at myself, Li Longquan was not praising Jiang Xiaobai. What he said was sincere and there was no exaggeration.

“Haha,” Jiang Xiaobai also laughed. At this moment, Luo Kang arrived out of breath. He originally thought Jiang Xiaobai would come later.

  After all, compared to himself, Jiang Xiaobai is also a big shot. How could any big shot arrive earlier?

He put down the phone and ran to Jianhua Hotel, but after arriving, he heard the waiter say that Jiang Xiaobai had already arrived and was waiting.

"Dr. Jiang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm late and I kept you waiting." Luo Kang bowed and apologized again.

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand: "It's okay. I'm close, but you're far away. It's not normal to come late. Sit down, sit down and chat."

Luo Kang was stunned for a moment. Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai really didn't care about this, he sat down and looked at Jiang Xiaobai, who was really confused.

One is close and the other is far away. The one who is close comes a little early and the one who is far away comes a little later. There is nothing wrong with this principle. It is very simple and logical.

 But in reality, it is often not true that what is logical is correct. He has another set of rules. For example, what applies now is that a person with a low status invites a person with a high status, so he must arrive in advance.

  Instead of considering the length of your journey, it is absurd, yet realistic.

Everyone thought so. Suddenly Jiang Xiaobai said this, which made Luo Kang feel unreal, as if he was not familiar with Jiang Xiaobai at all, and his understanding of Jiang Xiaobai was a little deeper.

After Luo Kang ordered a few dishes, he chatted with Jiang Xiaobai, mainly talking about the city's development plan and the economic development of the mainland.

“Dr. Jiang, to be honest with you, although we have many children in our Xiangjiang family, not everyone can inherit the family business. I was the first to be given up in our family.

My father was not optimistic about me, but I was very optimistic about the economy of the mainland, so I borrowed money and came to the mainland to test the waters. I remember that the city was not so prosperous at that time, and it was not developing so fast, but the economy of the mainland has been improving in the past two years. The real estate industry is developing rapidly, especially in the Magic City.

 The top is encouraging the vigorous development of the real estate industry, and the people below have needs. The entire real estate industry has driven the advancement and development of many industries, forming a cycle..."

 Luo Kang talked about his own experience and some of his opinions.

 (End of this chapter)

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