Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3011: Localized management

Chapter 3011 Localized Management

 After arriving at the place, Jiang Xiaobai first went to the hotel to put down his luggage and had a meal. He didn't even adjust to the time difference and went to the Land Rover factory to inspect while there was still time.

There are some videos on the Later World Internet. Some foreigners in China took videos of their families, saying that they are all foreigners here.

 After the Chinese people saw it, they felt indescribably weird.

In fact, they are all the same. For example, at this time, Jiang Xiaobai looked at a bunch of foreigners around him, all of whom were white-skinned, yellow-haired and blue-eyed.

 But it’s the same for the employees of the Land Rover car factory. They are also asking about the young boss, a foreigner with yellow skin and dark eyes.

 That is, their future boss, the founder of Huaqing Holding Group, a Fortune 500 company.

The world's top 500 companies, this is a name that has a relatively large influence on a region or country, but for the radiation on the entire global scale, unless it reaches the top fifty, or the top thirty, of the top 500 companies, .

●The main industry you are engaged in must be an industry closely related to food, clothing, housing and transportation, so that you can have a certain reputation on a global scale.

 The main business of Huaqing Holding Group, or the most profitable business, is now real estate and automobiles, plus a home, beverages, and Yaohan supermarket.

●These main businesses are doing well, but they have not become the dominant player in the industry on a global scale, or the one with the largest market share.

 Coupled with the fact that Huaqing Holding Group is relatively low in the rankings, this means that Huaqing Holding Group is not actually very well-known here.

It does not have a high reputation, which means that the workers are actually relatively unfamiliar with Huaqing Holding Group, and even more unfamiliar with Huahai Automobile. Now they suddenly changed to this boss who is far away across the ocean, although they know that this boss is also one of the top five companies in the world. Founder of a top 100 company.

 But in fact, he was not familiar with it at all. At this time, he was just observing Jiang Xiaobai.

 Zhang Weiyi was introducing the situation of Land Rover cars from the side, but the production lines and the like were not moved.

Mao Zhenhua was making supplements on the side, mainly making some personnel adjustments and reporting to Jiang Xiaobai.

ˆ Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t care much about technical things, mainly because he doesn’t understand them. In fact, the development of fuel vehicles is now very mature. In terms of technology, Land Rover also has its own technical reserves, so there is no need to worry at all.

 Jiang Xiaobai's main concern is personnel issues.

“These four brands, four business divisions, Land Rover Division, Volvo Division, Aston Martin Division, plus a Jaguar Division, four divisions are alone overseas.

The headquarters' help to you is not to say that it will not be too great, but that it cannot help you too much because the headquarters' capabilities are limited. Under this situation, although we have completed the reorganization, at this stage, the most important thing is control. .

 The first thing is to firmly control these brands. "

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Tianyuan and said: "These brands have changed hands several times, and the time has been very short. Land Rover has gone from the original owner to Ford, and it has experienced several twists and turns even in our own country. .

Not to mention Aston Martin. Although it is a top-notch luxury car, life is very difficult...” ˆ ˆ These brands have their own special characteristics. They have been traded several times, and in each hand It doesn't take long.

 So for the employees of these brands, it is not that there is no sense of belonging, but that it is impossible to have any sense of belonging at all.

Mao Zhenhua nodded seriously: "Dr. Jiang, don't worry, I will strengthen the work in this area."

"Okay, I believe you. If you have any difficulties, just tell me. Although the headquarters says it doesn't have much power in Aizhou, you can rest assured that it will do its best to help you."

It was almost night after walking around the Land Rover Automobile Factory. Although it was windy and windy, Jiang Xiaobai went to bed early without saying anything to eat.

Instead, he had dinner with the senior management of the Land Rover Automobile Factory and helped Mao Zhenhua stand up. It was not about winning people's hearts, but necessary communication and strengthening of feelings were still needed.

Although the senior management of Land Rover Automobile has undergone a major change, two-thirds of the senior management of the Land Rover division sitting here are still foreigners. There is no way around this, after all, the time is relatively short.

 Furthermore, since factories are located abroad, it is impossible to say that all of them are staffed by Chinese people. This is not a matter of cost, but a matter of localized management.

 Just like when many foreign-funded companies invest in China, it is also the case. Except for the local president and some major department positions held by foreigners, other departments are still dominated by Chinese.

 This is not unavoidable, but it is more cost-effective for enterprises to do so.

Zhang Tingting was also present, but she also found a special translator to translate Jiang Xiaobai's words at the same time. A few years before Jiang Xiaobai was reborn, he still knew some English. Among a group of classmates at that time, it was almost the best if he didn't speak English. .

But at that time, except for people who wanted to go abroad, there was no such thing as CET-4 or CET-6, so Jiang Xiaobai didn't study it.

 Besides, Jiang Xiaobai was studying astronomy at that time, and he was doing business while he was at school, so he had no time to learn English or anything like that.

After so many years, Jiang Xiaobai's level is only in simple communication, and there is no way to compare with someone who specializes in learning English.

So you need to bring a translator with you when you go abroad. Of course, this is normal. Huaqing Holding Group's current investments are spread across more than 40 countries and regions around the world. Jiang Xiaobai can't just say which country he has invested in and just study. Which region's language is it?

 So it’s most cost-effective to find a translator. After all, Jiang Xiaobai’s time is too valuable.

However, with the translator present during the meal, it would definitely be much more difficult to communicate after being separated by one layer. Coupled with the differences in language and culture, although Jiang Xiaobai tried his best to communicate about feelings and so on. .

 But it was not successful. There was basically no difference between eating a meal and not eating.

This is different between foreigners and Chinese people. Basically, it is normal for Chinese people to call each other brothers and sisters after eating a meal, but this is not the case for foreigners. A meal is just a meal. There is no difference at all. Jiang Xiaobai was also a little depressed.

Had I known this, I might as well have gone back to the hotel and rested early.

 (End of this chapter)

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