Chapter 3014 Support

  In recent years, the domestic macro-economy has been very good and has always been safely within the 38th line. The 38th line means that inflation does not exceed 3%, and GDP growth is always higher than 8%.

In addition, the strategy of withdrawing from the state and advancing by the people has also come to an end. Many state-owned enterprises have also undergone a transformation after completing their restructuring. Therefore, whether it is at the macroeconomic level or in specific fields, the economic performance is very good. very good.

This year, the domestic GDP exceeded 11 trillion, the per capita GDP exceeded 1,000 US dollars, and the fiscal revenue exceeded 2 trillion yuan. It can be said that the domestic economic growth rate is the fastest in the world. one of several countries.

Jiang Xiaobai said as he took out a magazine, which was a copy of the Financial Times that he bought when he was at Land Rover.

"Everyone can take a look. There is a commentator's article here. In his comment on the domestic economic growth rate, he quoted Napoleon's famous saying from two hundred years ago, saying that our country is a sleeping lion. Once it wakes up, , the whole world will tremble.

He also said that not long ago, the world was relaxed and did not care about Napoleon's appeal warning, but now it is shaking the world. "

Jiang Xiaobai asked people to distribute the magazine, and everyone had a copy, and then continued: "Our country itself is a huge market, with a population of 1.3 billion. Once we start to develop the economy, we will rely on our vast The competitiveness of the market and the advantages of population and labor force will not stop once it starts to advance.

  But I think that behind this rapid economic growth, we should analyze more and more what is the reason that allows the economy to maintain rapid growth. Only by clarifying this issue.

 Only then can we develop better and faster, so I propose to raise a topic, which is to analyze what supports the unstoppable growth of the domestic economy. "

"Bah bang bang." As soon as Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, there was warm applause in the conference room. Although the topic proposed by Jiang Xiaobai was very big, this kind of problem is not a concern for some small businesses.

They only need to pay attention to the prospects and development of their own industries, but for these companies among the members of the Oriental Society, they have already developed to a certain extent and are very large in scale.

 It is necessary to pay attention to the overall economic development. If such macro issues can be analyzed and understood, it will be helpful for the strategic direction planning of the entire enterprise.

"Dr. Jiang raised this topic well. I agree. The domestic economy is growing rapidly, and we are also enjoying this dividend. But while enjoying it, we must also know why it is and understand the reasons, so that we can be more effective. Be sure to be on target..." Director Lu said while applauding.

Others also spoke out in favor.

 Then determine other topics, one is heavy industry, one is real estate, and one is the Internet.

 Finally, adding the issues raised by Jiang Xiaobai, there are four in total.

These are all industries that have developed strongly in the past two years. For example, the real estate industry has been adding this topic to every Oriental Conference for several years in a row.

There is no way. The real estate industry has been developing very hotly in the past two years. Everyone is interested in this. In addition, companies in the real estate industry have made money and their voices are louder.

There is no way. Although the real estate industry is not a high-tech industry, it means building houses without any technical content, but people still have money.

As for the Internet industry, the cold winter of the Internet industry has gradually passed, and domestic Internet companies have also found their own development and profit directions. Although they don't make much money, they have found a profitable direction, and Internet companies are different from other companies. They mainly rely on the stock market to make money. As long as they find a profitable direction, the stock price in the stock market will rise. If it keeps rising, the market value of the company will continue to rise.

Of course, the wealth that has increased in this way is not said to be virtual, but at least when it is lost, it will evaporate very quickly. It may be as simple as a cold winter, and the market value will be gone.

It's not like an industry. No matter what, where is its market, where is its technology, where is its factory workshop production line products, they are all real things. Even if the stock price falls again in the stock market, it is unlikely to be delisted. , there is always industry.

 Always valuable.

The Internet has its own particularities, but now it has found a profitable direction. In fact, it is still an alternative within the domestic economic system. There is no control, no restricted areas, and no order. Of course, at this time, the Internet has a significant impact on the domestic GDP. The contribution is also negligible.

There are three factors why it can be included in the agenda of this Oriental Conference. First, Jiang Xiaobai took advantage of the Internet winter to invest in many Internet companies. Many of the founders of these companies joined Oriental. Yes, there are many people coming in now.

 The speaking voice is naturally louder.

 The other thing is that Wangyi has found its own profit direction. Wangyi’s stock price is soaring. Director Lu and other people who are entities also want to learn about the Internet.

 In fact, contrary to what many people think, although Director Lu and others are old and have been drawing all the way since the 1970s and 1980s, this does not mean that they cannot accept new things.

They looked down on the Internet before because it was not profitable and could not find a way to make money. It was an industry that relied entirely on institutional investment to burn money. Of course, they looked down on it and were unwilling to accept the big pie offered by Internet companies.

 But things are different now. Although the Internet industry still makes little money, it has at least found a way to make profits. As long as it makes a profit, they will be interested.

 The last one, Jiang Xiaobai, also helped to speak.

So many people in the Internet industry have entered the Oriental Association at once, and many of them are participating in the Oriental Association for the first time. They always have to be given a chance to speak and show their faces.

 The first topic has begun. Many people have their own unique ideas about why economic development is growing so fast and what is supporting it.

Things have already happened. In fact, it is a relatively simple matter to summarize the reasons. It is just because this topic is too macro, so it needs to be brought up, discussed and summarized in detail.

  This reason and supporting points need to be analyzed more thoroughly.

 (End of this chapter)

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