Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3036: attitude change

Chapter 3036 Attitude Change

You can see far when you climb high. Jin Province is on the Loess Plateau, and the mountains are full of ravines. When Jiang Xiaobai and others stood on the top of the mountain, the entire Jianhua Village looked like a slowly unfolding picture scroll in the winter.

 Everyone breathed in the fresh air, and their mood suddenly became very good.

Liu Yonghao and Director Lu were determined not to give up until they reached the Yellow River. They would not look back even if they hit the south wall. They came over when they had time, trying to find every opportunity to introduce their plans.

Jiang Xiaobai saw the two people approaching and understood what they were thinking. Before Liu Yong could speak, he took the initiative to mention it and asked: "By the way, Lao Liu, yesterday, you didn't mention some plans about heavy industry. Finished, tell me now."

Liu Yonghao was stunned for a moment, and then he and Director Lu looked at each other with surprise on their faces. They both saw the astonishment and disbelief in the other's eyes, and of course, more of them were ecstatic.

 One night passed, Jiang Xiaobai's attitude changed drastically. From the original resolute resistance, to now he took the initiative to ask, which excited the two of them.

"Dr. Jiang, since the mid-1990s, after experiencing the rapid development of light industry, domestic secondary heavy industry has begun to take shape. A few years ago, I went to Beijing and talked with several professors from Beijing University. experienced this phenomenon.

They analyzed that there are objective laws from light to heavy at work here, and it also reflects the huge demand for equipment upgrading and transformation in industrial development itself.

 So the monopoly state-owned enterprises in the upstream have begun to recover, and the private enterprises in the downstream should start to worry. Now is the time for us to start the layout..."

Liu Yong said excitedly that today's experts and professors still have some conscience, unlike some public intellectuals on the Internet in later generations who just open their mouths.

  Needless to say how profound the words are, it is simply a lack of common sense, or the lack of common sense is just a compliment to them, but in fact it is a lack of conscience.

 That’s why many people say that the best advice from experts and professors is “don’t give advice”.

 But at this time, it is still easy to use experts to speak out, and indeed there are many experts who are capable.

Liu Yonghao said, Jiang Xiaobai kept nodding, and Factory Director Lu on the side made a little addition.

After Jiang Xiaobai finished smoking a cigarette, he interrupted Liu Yong's good words and asked directly: "Do you have any specific ideas, specifically in terms of investment, which industry do you want to do? How to operate?"

Liu Yonghao said without thinking: "Aluminum oxide."

Factory Director Lu on the side also nodded. The two had communicated before, even on some specific operations.

 At this time, Liu Yonghao spoke very fluently: “This is what I think about the aluminum and electricity integration project.

Because aluminum is highly energy-consuming, only by combining aluminum with electricity can we gain greater industrial space. The domestic power supply system is notoriously inefficient. If we make our own electricity, we can not only supply aluminum production, but also It can still be sold. "

Jiang Xiaobai nodded when he heard this. It is true that the trend of electricity shortage in the past two years has been very obvious. Because of the dispute between Electric Tiger and coal companies, a large amount of infrastructure in the power sector has been reduced on a large scale. There is definitely no problem in selling electricity. Liu Yonghao continued: “The aluminum and electricity industry chain can even be grafted with the feed industry: electricity cannot directly support feed, but the large amount of steam generated by power generation can be reused.

If combined heat and power is used, it can support the production of lysine, the raw material of feed. The remaining steam from power generation can even concentrate all the wastewater generated from lysine production into trace element additives, which can be injected into cattle and sheep feed. It not only achieves environmental protection purposes, but also reduces feed costs. "

Standing on the top of the mountain in Jianhua Village, Liu Yonghao became more and more excited as he talked, gesticulating with joy as he danced.

“Dr. Jiang, in this case, we hope that the feed, as well as your emerging feed, will reduce costs, increase our profits, and increase the competitiveness of our products.”

In this way, we will have a huge industrial chain of aluminum and electricity composite - combined electric and heat production - lysine and feed production. "

Factory Director Lu was also very excited to be led by Liu Yonghao. He had long been convinced by Liu Yonghao and was also impressed by the blueprint Liu Yonghao described.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai was listening seriously, he also started to strike while the iron was hot and said: "Director Jiang, when the time comes, we will build a few aluminum plants. By then, there will be no problem in producing millions of tons of aluminum a year. There is a huge demand for aluminum in the country this year." , demand far outweighs supply.

 The profits from this are very large. The key is that we can take advantage of this opportunity to enter the heavy industry. "

Jiang Xiaobai was so excited when he heard what the two people said that he added something to the two of them: "We can set up a joint company by then. I will look for connections. If there are no domestic aluminum mines, we can go abroad to prospect and invest.

 Invest in alumina plants abroad, and when the time comes, we will have a global presence. I have also invested in some energy-related minerals in the north, and I will be able to provide a certain degree of help when the time comes..."

“Pop.” Liu clapped his hands and almost jumped up in excitement. This relationship is great. He has a global layout and has gone abroad to explore and invest.

This is just leveraging the overseas strength of Huaqing Holding Group and Huahua Bank. Whether it is at home or abroad, if Jiang Xiaobai can be supported, this matter will be much easier and will provide a lot of help.

"Director Jiang, that's good, that's great." Director Lu also said excitedly. He also likes to work in heavy industry, and he can do enough in light industry. The profit of this light industry is low, the profit cycle is long, and it is not so easy to operate. It's easy. Where can I find the dry and heavy industry?

 The real estate industry is violent, but it is violence in an industry that private enterprises are allowed to enter. However, compared with the heavy industry industry, it is not really violent.

The two people were excited, but the expression on Jiang Xiaobai's face did not change. Just at this time, someone was rushing to go down the mountain. Jiang Xiaobai also waved and led everyone down the mountain.

“Let’s go down the mountain first, and we’ll talk later.” Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

Liu Yonghao and Director Lu opened their mouths and were about to say something. Jiang Xiaobai was already walking down the mountain surrounded by everyone. The two looked at each other with doubts in their eyes. They couldn't figure it out at all. I don’t understand what Jiang Xiaobai means.

They were in the mood, why did Jiang Xiaobai get up and leave? How can you leave?

 (End of this chapter)

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