Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3046: Crossing the river by feeling the stones

Chapter 3046 Crossing the river by feeling the stones

Crossing the river by feeling the stones means there are no rules. One step leads to life and one step to death. Some stones have been stepped on before and you can step on them with confidence and boldness. Some stones can only be stepped on once. In some places, there may be no stones. , appeared the next minute.

  There are no rules for everything, we are trying to create rules as we move forward.

 No one knows what the next step will be. This is the charm of crossing the river by feeling its head.

 But there is not only charm in this, but there are also great risks. If you make a mistake or fail to make the right move, you will not only suffer investment losses, but you may also violate the rules.

 There have been many people like this in recent years. For example, during the process of the country's retreat and the people's advancement, many people were like this and violated the rules.

 Because there are no rules, no one knows the right way to operate as we move forward. We can only do whatever we think is reasonable.

 Liu Yonghao and Director Lu were shocked when they heard this. They looked at each other, and after thinking for three minutes, they still nodded firmly.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the two people and stopped trying to persuade them. Both of them were determined people. Now that they have come to the magic city, they have already made up their minds. Asking this question by yourself can give them the final confidence. The rest Talking too much, on the contrary, constantly discouraged the two people.

"Okay, then it's settled. Let's do heavy industry together. It doesn't matter even if we fail. What I said before is the worst plan. It usually won't go to any step. In the worst case, if we make some changes in the future, it will always be okay. There is a life.”

As Jiang Xiaobai said, Liu Yonghao and Factory Director Lu felt relieved. With Jiang Xiaobai participating in this matter, it was more like being insured.

As the founder of two Fortune 500 companies, Jiang Xiaobai has a high error tolerance rate. This error tolerance rate is not only reflected in the ability to make losses.

 It is also reflected in some of the above policies. To some extent, the influence brought by Jiang Xiaobai’s identity must be considered.

As the only private enterprise in China that is one of the Fortune Global 500, if something happens to the person in charge due to a trial and error, then there is no need to mess with other private enterprises in the country.

 Just like the Magic City, starting from the conflict with Huaqing Holding Group last year, it seemed that Huaqing Holding Group was bullied in the end and there was no resistance at all.

  But since then, many private enterprises that originally planned to relocate to the Magic City have begun to give up, and more of them have chosen places such as Yangcheng and Pengcheng.

 Because Huaqing Holding Group, as the leader among private enterprises, has suffered losses and has nothing to say about it. If they come over, they will be bullied even more.

 The impact of this is not immediate, but it is far-reaching.

So with Jiang Xiaobai's participation, whether these projects can be completed or not, regardless of whether they make money or lose money, at least there is a way out.

 Won’t face the worst consequences.

 “Okay, Director Jiang.” Liu Yonghao and Director Lu nodded firmly with firm eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai invited the two of them to the study, sat down and started chatting in detail.

"I have also considered entering the heavy industry. It is the most difficult to enter directly as a private enterprise, because you have to face the pressure directly and there is no room for maneuver.        But if you want to change your mind, maybe It can be simpler.”

Jiang Xiaobai pondered and talked about several plans he had thought of.

“The first one is that we first acquire a foreign-funded enterprise abroad, and then come in as a foreign-funded enterprise and form a joint venture with the company we established in China. It is still our own enterprise, but with an extra layer.

In this way, it can be regarded as wearing the tiger skin of foreign investment, maybe it will go smoothly..."

Jiang Xiaobai said, his face turned ugly. While competing with foreign capital for the market, domestic investment also required foreign capital's tiger skin.

This is a bit embarrassing to say, but many companies used to operate this way, even Huaqing Holding Group did the same.

 The environment at that time was not good, so Jiang Xiaobai also had someone register a company in Xiangjiang, and then took a stake in Huaqing Holding Company, packaging Huaqing Holding Company into a Hong Kong-funded joint venture.

Jiang Xiaobai was not the only one to do such an operation. Lian Xiang, for example, also did this at the time. However, what was more ruthless than Jiang Xiaobai was that he directly packaged all the assets into Xiangjiang Lian Xiang Company. The company was completely It has become a real Hong Kong-funded enterprise.

Later on, Huahai Automobile was unable to obtain a license plate at the beginning. Jiang Xiaobai also obtained a car license plate through a joint venture.

This kind of thing, although it sounds very ugly to say, is really easy to use, and Jiang Xiaobai also has this ability. He only needs to acquire a heavy industrial enterprise abroad.

There is no need to find such resources. Huahua Bank has invested a lot, and some have even obtained controlling shares. All you need to do is transfer a company. It is as simple as eating and drinking.

Jiang Xiaobai said, Liu Yonghao and Director Lu both nodded.

Jiang Xiaobai continued: "The second way is to set up an investment company, acquire a qualified state-owned steel company, and then leave a part of the shares to the state-owned steel plant, and use the shell of this company to operate the investment .

In this case, if something goes wrong, we can retreat at any time. Anyway, we can just transfer the shares. Even if we lose, we will only lose part of the money. "

The operation method Jiang Xiaobai mentioned was used by Uncle Li of Geely Motors, and Mr. Yin of Lifan Motors also used it in order to obtain a license plate. However, this kind of operation also has flaws, that is, state-owned enterprises It doesn’t mean that there are all license plates.

This steel plant can produce steel, but it cannot produce alumina. This one can produce alumina, but it cannot produce enterprises. This state-owned enterprise is more solidified, and their classification is more detailed.

Sometimes it is not possible to acquire a company that you like, and even after the acquisition, you may still face a lot of troubles, and whatever state-owned shares are left behind may go wrong, especially After it becomes bigger.

 The unclear property rights, or clear property rights, may not be clear in the end. When it comes to state-owned shares, there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

Of course, sometimes it does bring a lot of convenience, so many private companies are happy to use loss-making state-owned enterprises as shells to participate in some industries.

 (End of this chapter)

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