Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3049: Candidate issue

Chapter 3049: Selection Issue

 The issue of site selection and the person in charge. The issue of site selection is relatively simple. After all, if you are a factory, the headquarters is basically inside the factory.

 Or one that is relatively close to the factory, unless the business is relatively large and has branch factories in various places. Generally speaking, in the beginning, you will work directly in the factory.

  Just like the original Educated Youth Cannery, they work directly inside the factory.

Even now, it is the same. For products such as home and beverages, because they have become big and have branches all over the country, they chose Shanghai as their headquarters, and then have other branches all over the country.

 The headquarters uniformly arranges production plans, purchases raw materials in batches, controls sales channels, etc., but at the beginning, it also works directly in the factory.

Therefore, several people decided to investigate the site selection first. If the factory was finally built, the office would be located there. However, when it came to selecting the person in charge, several people had difficulties.

First of all, it is definitely impossible for Jiang Xiaobai to leave a project as big as Huaqing Holding Group alone and then take charge of an alumina factory.

The other thing is Factory Director Lu. Wanxiang Enterprise’s main business is auto parts, and now it’s thinking about making complete vehicles.

Whether it’s making alumina or entering heavy industry and making steel, it’s all for the company’s upstream environment, and the other is to make some money, and it’s not about making money.

But it is impossible for him to give up the main business of Wanxiang Group and go into heavy industry. This is to develop new businesses, rather than the collective transformation and development of the entire company.

The only one left is Liu Yonghao and the Liu brothers. What do they say? Although they want to transform into heavy industry, they must be prepared for failure, so the temporary main business must not be lost. .

 So now the three of them, Jiang Xiaobai, are too busy to take charge of this new company.

"Director Jiang, how about letting Mr. Song take charge? Mr. Song is very capable and is suitable for taking charge of this new company." Liu Yonghao said, looking at Song Xin who was standing aside.

Director Lu's eyes lit up when he heard this. Song Xin is a suitable candidate. If Song Xin really comes, it will be very good and very suitable.

There was no problem in terms of ability or trust, so he also looked at Jiang Xiaobai, waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to express his position.

However, before Jiang Xiaobai could speak, Song Xin refused: "Mr. Liu, please stop joking, I am a woman, how can I work in heavy industry?

How do other people think of me? It’s not good to be in the energy business. If I’m doing steel, people will mention that I am the king of steel and the queen of aluminum. How can there be a woman to do this kind of heavy industry..."

“And I’m not capable enough. There are too many places where this heavy industry has to deal with the local area, and there are all kinds of entertainment, etc., I can’t do it..."

After Song Xin finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai also nodded: "She is not suitable, and our energy company cannot do without her. The energy company has invested a lot in the past two years. If she leaves, the energy company will be in trouble." There are no suitable candidates, and the heavy industry is too tiring, and the children are young.

To be honest, I thought before that she should come to the group as a vice president instead of working hard outside..."

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, Liu Yonghao and Factory Director Lu completely lost their minds. Jiang Xiaobai's meaning was very obvious. One was that the energy company's investment did not need to be small in the alumina project to be carried out, and the other It's Jiang Xiaobai protecting the calf. After so many years, they feel that there is some confusion between Jiang Xiaobai and Song Xin. It is normal for Jiang Xiaobai to be reluctant to bear Song Xin's hard work.

"Director Jiang, please decide on the candidate. Anyway, you have a lot of talents here. Each of us will have a vice president to work together." Director Lu spread his hands and started acting rogue.

Liu Yonghao nodded after hearing the words: "Director Jiang, this depends on you. We don't have a suitable candidate."

Jiang Xiaobai's face darkened: "No, you two started taking care of this matter. How come you two are now the bosses and leave everything to me?"

"Dr. Jiang, those who are capable should work harder. Huaqing Holding Group has a lot of talents. You can choose any one." Liu Yong said with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand: "It's hard work for those who are capable. Although I said there are some talented people who are capable of doing their job, but every carrot is a pitfall, I..."

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly stopped as he spoke. He thought of a person who, if possible, might really be suitable to be the person in charge, that is...

Jiang Xiaobai's hesitant state showed that Director Lu and Liu Yonghao were both old and mature. It was hard to tell. He immediately smiled and said: "Director Jiang, have you thought of any suitable candidates? I'll just tell you." , Huaqing Holding Group is full of talents, and the person in charge of a project is not just taken out casually.

 Tell me, who is this candidate? Director Jiang, why are you still in trouble? "

“It’s difficult, it’s indeed difficult,” Jiang Xiaobai said hesitantly, and directly named the candidate without going around the bush.

“The candidate I want is my father-in-law, Zhao Gang…”

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai said a name, Director Lu and Liu Yonghao's eyes suddenly lit up, and they almost slapped the table and cheered.

But he also rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "Okay, Director Jiang, it has to be you. This is simply amazing. Director Zhao was originally in charge of Longgang. I don't know whether it is in terms of connections or experience. How much stronger we are.

Leave this project to Director Zhao, there will be absolutely no problem..."

Factory Director Lu also had the same opinion, and he wanted to settle the matter in a few words, but Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said: "My father-in-law is indeed more suitable to be the person in charge of this project, but there are several problems in it. The first one is that my father-in-law The question of whether you are willing or not,

After all, he retired early when he reached his age and has been working in the heavy industry all his life. At such an old age, he is still willing to start a business and run around again?

 Another issue is the body, whether the body can still adapt, and the last one is whether Xinyi will agree, after all..."

Factory Director Lu and Liu Yonghao nodded. Jiang Xiaobai did indeed make sense. These are all issues that need to be considered.

However, Director Lu still said: "Director Jiang, let's try to solve these problems one by one. First, let's see Director Zhao's attitude and willingness to talk about other things."

 (End of this chapter)

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