Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3053: Brewing over time

Chapter 3053 Brewing over time

Here, Jiang Xiaobai was coaxing and reassuring Zhao Xinyi. On the other side, Zhao Gang was also chatting with his wife Han Lin, hoping to win his wife's consent.

Han Lin listened to Zhao Gang's words with a very calm expression. Zhao Xinyi may not know her father very well, and she was very opposed to Zhao Gang going out at first.

  But it was different for Han Lin. Han Lin had lived with Zhao Gang for many years, and she knew very well who Zhao Gang was and what he was thinking.

Suddenly I saw the color of willows on the street, and I regretted teaching my husband and son-in-law to look for a title.

What kind of man a woman chooses must be accepted at the moment of choice. If you choose a man with strong ambition, you cannot ask him to surround you all day long, listen to your family's shortcomings, and accompany you to have sex. Side stove.

That is simply impossible.

If you choose a person who values ​​family life, you cannot ask him to be highly motivated, able to influence the outside world, be able to achieve great things, and be able to be appointed as a general.

You can't have your cake and eat it too, this is the reality, because a person's energy is always limited. If you want to achieve something in your career, you must put in more energy than ordinary people, and most of that energy will be spent on When you have a career, you need to invest less in family life and relationships.

 The more time and energy you spend on your family and relationships, the less energy you spend on your career.

So Han Lin understands very well and understands Zhao Gang's feelings very well. Zhao Gang has been doing nothing at home during this period. Although he is well rested physically, he is not as healthy mentally as he seems to be doing nothing.

Once this happens for a long time, it may have an impact on the body, and Zhao Gang will not be happy like this.

Although he is older, he has taken good care of his body over the years. If he goes out to work, he may be healthier. This is not the case at home, so now Zhao Gang cautiously brings it up.

Han Lin nodded immediately: "Okay, I agree. If you go out, you should pay attention to your health. After all, you are getting older and you are not the same as when you were young."

"Ah? You agree?" Zhao Gang stared at his wife with wide eyes. He originally thought that this matter should be difficult, but he didn't expect that his wife, who was so easy and simple, agreed.

"I agree. I don't know you well yet. I stopped you. Even if you stay at home, your heart is still outside. I know you like to do things, so go out and do them when you have the chance." Han Lin said with a smile. , looking at her husband with eyes full of gentle affection.

 The two people have gone from black hair to white hair, and they have given each other time.

 It is not as strong as when we were young, but the friendship created by the years is light but very long and lasting.

 Zhao Gang put his arms around his wife, and the old couple cuddled together.

"But you have to agree to one thing." Han Lin suddenly said.

Zhao Gang nodded: "You don't need to mention a single condition, I will agree to all ten or eight."

“I know that in this heavy industry, it is impossible to stay in this place. No matter where you go, I will follow you.”

Zhao Gang opened his mouth to say something, but looking at his wife's firm eyes, he finally just nodded and put his wife Han Lin on his shoulders.

The two of them have been together through ups and downs all their lives. This has been the case since they were young. Wherever they go, their wives will follow them. They have always supported their careers without any regrets and helped them support a family behind their backs. family. Even now that he is old, he is still like this. He still has to accompany him all over the world to support his career. Zhao Gang felt a huge tenderness in his heart and was extremely grateful.

 The next morning, while eating in the restaurant, both generations made their attitudes clear.

"From today on, Xiaolan will be responsible for picking up and dropping off the children. Lao Zhao will officially enter work mode. I will start to pack things and get ready." Han Lin said gently.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at it with emotion. As his mother-in-law, she has always had a gentle and intellectual nature. Twenty years have passed since the first time she met her mother-in-law Han Lin.

 The years are ruthless and have taken away the appearance of the past, but the settled charm has not changed at all. Still so intellectual.

"Xiaobai..." Zhao Xinyi shouted, but Jiang Xiaobai understood everything before she said it.

“Don’t worry, I’ll let someone take good care of dad’s health.” Jiang Xiaobai said.

 After finishing breakfast, Jiang Xiaobai took Zhao Gang and set off.

 Zhao Gang and Jiang Xiaobai went out and took Jiang Xiaobai's car more than once, but this time they felt particularly different when they went out.

 Since I resigned a few years ago, this is my first time working, so my mood is naturally different.

"Dad, as for the car, I will ask Huahai Automobile to customize one for you, and the security department of the driver group will complete it for you. As for assistant secretaries and the like, if you have a suitable candidate later, you can directly Call over if there is no suitable candidate.

I’ll ask someone to post the recruitment requirements, and you can choose the people yourself..."

Jiang Xiaobai said, and Zhao Gang nodded with satisfaction. Jiang Xiaobai was expressing his position on behalf of the group. Except for the logistics work of providing services, he did not interfere in other matters at all.

  A car and driver are given, but the secretary does not care. Although the driver and secretary are considered the closest people to the leader, the driver is in the field of logistics services, while the secretary and assistant are within the scope of the work.

When they arrived at Huaqing Building, Director Lu and Liu Yonghao were already waiting in Jiang Xiaobai's office. When they saw Zhao Gang and Jiang Xiaobai walking in, they immediately showed excited smiles on their faces, stood up and clapped to welcome Zhao Gang's arrival.

Even though the situation after Zhao Xinyi came back last night seemed harmonious on the surface, there was actually an undercurrent surging underwater. They didn't know the specific situation, but they could feel it.

I know that what Zhao Gang promised yesterday was Zhao Gang's promise. Whether Zhao Gang can come out depends on the discussion between his family last night.

Now that they saw that Zhao Gang and Jiang Xiaobai appeared together, they immediately understood what was going on.

 “Welcome, welcome Mr. Zhao.”

 “Welcome Director Zhao.” The two people greeted while applauding.

"Haha, okay, don't be polite. I'm getting older. If you think it's useful, I'll just help with some more things. It just happens to stretch my old bones." Zhao Gang said with a smile.

 (End of this chapter)

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