Chapter 3056 Investigation

This was the first time that Zhao Gang felt such intense work. It was not until the plane landed that the related work came to an end.

Some people from the local area came to greet Jiang Xiaobai and his party, and introduced Lucheng to Jiang Xiaobai and others.

Lucheng City is located in the western part of the grassland and the southern end of the Mongolian Plateau, bordering the Yellow River to the south, the Tumochuan Plain and the Hetao Plain to the east and west, and the Yinshan Mountains running through the central part.

 Located in the hinterland of the Bohai Rim Economic Circle and the Economic Belt along the Yellow River, it is an important hub connecting North China and Northwest China, and is also a key development area for grassland opening up to the outside world.

 Needless to say, the advantages brought by location, coupled with the rich mineral resources, so the advantages of Lucheng are still very obvious.

The local area still attaches great importance to Jiang Xiaobai and his party, and the standards they send out to greet the team are also very high. The non-light on the grassland is also very beautiful.

It's just that Jiang Xiaobai and others came at the wrong time. At this time, the water was frozen and the grass was dry, and it looked like a dilapidated scene.

However, Jiang Xiaobai and others did not come here to see the scenery, nor did they come to travel.

 Coming to the grassland from the magical city, the climate suddenly became colder, and several people also put on thick down jackets.

"Director Jiang, welcome, welcome. We have been looking forward to it since Mr. Liu came here once before. Unexpectedly, this time not only Mr. Liu came, but also Director Jiang and Director Lu. Please come." Director Wang from Lucheng is also a wonderful person.

 Although he is said to be a grassland person, his speech is very authentic and he is also very good at talking.

"Director Wang, you're welcome." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and smiled and exchanged a few words. He didn't have the air of rejecting people thousands of miles away. Instead, he invited Director Wang to go to the Magic City when he has time to inspect the Huaqing Holding Group. .

 The heavy industry is different from other industries. The heavy industry requires dealing with the local area. It is not like the original business. It is very simple and there are not many places that need to deal with the local area.

"Dr. Jiang, our Lucheng city has a semi-arid mid-temperate continental monsoon climate. The temperature is relatively low throughout the year. It is cooler in summer and is suitable for summer escape. However, it is winter in our grassland now. It’s the coldest time in China, Mr. Jiang, I’m sorry, you may not be very used to it, but it’s okay, we have arranged some local characteristics.

 Eat some of our local specialties, let everyone try it and warm up..."

Director Wang introduced, and pulled Jiang Xiaobai and his party into the yurt. In fact, it is not unique. Jiang Xiaobai has been to the grassland a lot, and he is very familiar with the characteristics of this yurt. To put it bluntly, it is Tiaotiao Grassland. Singing and dancing, but kumiss, hada and the like.

But this process has to be followed, and it is also a means of communicating feelings.

  Previously, the reception was arranged at Mengniu, and I experienced these in the yurt. At that time, Jiang Xiaobai was the investor, and he could simply invest in Mengniu. In fact, he had complete control over the initiative.

 But this time is different. Although this time it is also an investment, it is an investment in heavy industry. After the investment is completed, the project needs to be placed here and it still needs to deal with the local people.

 The two parties were going back and forth, changing cups and cups, and chatting happily. Jiang Xiaobai was originally unwilling to do these things, but it didn't mean that Jiang Xiaobai couldn't do these things. He just didn't like it.

Now we need to deal with the local area, and Jiang Xiaobai is also very versatile. After eating and drinking, a group of talents went to the high-tech development zone for inspection. "Director Jiang, Director Lu, and Mr. Liu, look, this is our High-tech Development Zone in Lucheng..." Director Wang introduced it to everyone after getting off the car at the entrance of the High-tech Zone.

"Speaking of which, our high-tech development zone in Lucheng is quite special. Our high-tech development zone was established in 1992. Our full name is Lucheng Rare Earth High-tech Development Zone. We are one of the more than 100 high-tech development zones in the country. Among the high-tech development zones, it is the only one named rare earth..."

 Director Wang introduced, while leading Jiang Xiaobai and others into the high-tech zone.

"What we are here now is the area on the south side of the city. The total area here is 15.54 square kilometers. It has all achieved "eight connections and one leveling", and has built a relatively complete infrastructure guarantee system and supporting service system. It is a rare earth High-tech Zone is a concentrated area for high-tech industries.”

“And Director Jiang, the traffic conditions in our Rare Earth High-tech Zone in Lucheng City are very convenient...” Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the road aside.

“This road is 6 kilometers away from the train station, and it is only 16 kilometers away from the civil aviation airport. The area has a number of urban planning trunk roads, supplemented by crisscrossing section roads, forming a fast transportation network that extends in all directions.”

“After nearly ten years of construction in our high-tech zone, the infrastructure construction has been increasingly improved, and all have achieved “eight connections and one leveling” such as power supply, heat supply, steam supply, water supply, sewage, roads, communications, and gas.”

 Director Wang took Jiang Xiaobai and others around the park, which can be regarded as showing off Lucheng City.

Jiang Xiaobai and others came to inspect, saying they were inspecting Lucheng City, but in fact they were inspecting this high-tech industrial park.

While watching, Jiang Xiaobai, Factory Director Zhao Ganglu and others were also constantly communicating, and they were relatively satisfied.

This high-tech zone industrial park was still a new thing at the beginning. Where could there be a high-tech zone industrial park? Everyone was rushing to invest in it.

 But later, in many places, a high-tech industrial park was able to attract a large number of companies to invest, so everyone began to understand.

So one after another high-tech industrial parks began to be launched all over the country, regardless of whether the conditions were mature or not, and whether they were suitable or not, they began to be launched in droves, one after another, for various policies and the like.

 However, after industrial parks have been built, some of them do not meet the conditions at all, do not have such advantages, and cannot attract related enterprises. Many of these industrial parks have become overgrown with weeds.

The industrial park in Lucheng City is quite well built. How many companies have settled in it is one thing, but whether eight connections and one leveling have been completed is another matter.

 Some places cannot even complete three connections and one level. However, eight connections and one level are relatively well done.

 In the industrial park, there are factories everywhere, and there are also sounds of machines being started.

"Director Jiang, Director Lu, Mr. Liu, and Mr. Zhao, the greening rate of our industrial park reaches 35.6%, and the greening, beautification and hardening area reaches 100,000 square meters... It is an industrial park integrating factories, warehousing, offices and services. ”

 (End of this chapter)

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