Chapter 3073: Stimulated

Liu Yonghao originally thought that Factory Director Lu would look better and enlighten him. If the investment in this heavy industry was successful, it would not be worse than making cars, even if making cars was a dream.

 But as long as you make money, are you afraid that you won’t be able to realize your dream? This dream of building a car can be measured in money.

 Unexpectedly, Director Lu's expression became worse and worse, and in the end he even covered his face with a newspaper, which left Liu Yong speechless.

 What happened to Director Lu? I don't even have the thought to speak anymore. Is it such a big blow?

The plane flew all the way from Sanmenxia to the Magic City, and along the way, Director Lu covered his face with a newspaper and didn't say a word.

At first, Liu Yonghao wanted to wait for Director Lu to calm down. Later, he thought that Director Lu was asleep and wanted to help take down the newspaper. As a result, as soon as he leaned over, he heard Director Lu's strong voice. The sound of his breathing made it obvious that he was not asleep, but was still breathing heavily and was angry.

Liu Yonghao was afraid that Factory Director Lu would be so angry at such an old age and that his heart would not be able to bear it anymore and he would leave again.

Want to persuade but don't know how to say it.

Furthermore, Factory Director Lu's body pressure was very low, and he looked like he would not let strangers in, so Liu Yong didn't even dare to speak. In fact, Liu Yonghao really wanted to remind Factory Director Lu that it was unlucky to have this newspaper covering his face.

It wasn't until the plane landed at the airport in Shanghai that Factory Director Lu took the newspaper off his face, but the look on his face was still serious. Liu Yong couldn't help but ask: "Director Lu, are you okay? "

"It's okay. What can happen to me? How can anything happen? I'm very good. It's okay at all." Director Lu said with a dark face, and then walked out of the cabin with his head down.

Zhao Gang stood up from the seat behind him and was stunned when he saw this scene. He patted Liu's good arm and asked, "Old Liu, what's wrong with Lao Lu?"

Liu Yong spread his hands and said, "I don't know, maybe he was stimulated?"

 “What stimulated you?” Zhao Gang asked.

Liu Yonghao shook his head: "It probably happened at the press conference of Geely and Lifan Motors, but it's not that big of a deal. As for me, I didn't provoke him."

“Haha, it’s true, I didn’t hear what you were talking about.” Zhao Gang said with a smile. He was sitting behind Liu Yonghao. From the moment he got on the plane, he didn’t hear Factory Director Lu and Liu Yonghao talking.

After the group got off the plane, the Huaqing Holding Group's car was waiting to pick them up. After getting on the car, it was originally arranged for Factory Director Lu and Liu Yonghao to take them to the hotel to have a rest. It was such a long business trip. Time is also tiring.

 Always make adjustments before talking about work.

 As for Zhao Gang, he must go home and rest.

But unexpectedly, Director Lu called Jiang Xiaobai as soon as he got in the car and asked where Jiang Xiaobai was.

Jiang Xiaobai is still busy here in Yong City. He originally planned to take a rest in the magic city to adjust his condition after Factory Director Lu and others came back today.

 He will rush back from Yong City tomorrow to discuss with Director Lu and others about where to invest.

As soon as Director Lu heard that Jiang Xiaobai was still in Ningbo City, he immediately became excited: "Okay, let's do that. We'll also go to Yongshi City. It's not far anyway. It's the same thing if we happen to have something to talk about in Ningbo City."

"Ah?" Jiang Xiaobai didn't react for a moment. He didn't know what made Director Lu so angry. Why did he come to Ningbo City to talk? He took a rest in the magic city, and then waited for him to go back. He didn't feel comfortable talking in the office of Huaqing Building. ? Coming to Yong City, it’s not that the environment is not good, but that it requires some effort, although the Magic City is not too far away from Yong City.

 But this journey also requires two hours of hard work. It doesn't matter if Liu uses it well. He is young and strong, and it is not too much to say that he is in his prime.

However, Zhao Gang and Director Lu are both very old, so two hours of running back and forth is enough work.

“That’s it, we’re going to Ningbo now.” Director Lu hung up the phone after saying that, and then looked at Liu Yonghao and Zhao Gang.

Director Lu was talking to Jiang Xiaobai on the phone just now. The two of them were sitting next to them and could hear it clearly.

Director Lu was not polite at this time and asked directly: "Is there no problem in going to Ningbo?"

 Liu Yonghao and Director Lu looked at each other. Liu Yonghao nodded: "No problem."

Everyone can see the expression on Director Lu's face now. Liu Yonghao doesn't want to frown, and he probably understands why Director Lu is in a bad mood.

 It was because of the inspection that I missed the development of the automobile industry, and I was the first to bring up the issue of the heavy industry, so to a certain extent, there may be my own reasons for this.

Liu Yonghao doesn't have the nerve to say anything else, as long as Factory Director Lu doesn't take out his anger on himself.

Even the core technologies such as engines, gearboxes, transmission systems, etc., if they miss this wave, Director Lu is probably heartbroken.

Zhao Gang looked at Director Lu's expression. Although he didn't understand what was going on, he nodded and agreed. It was the same everywhere, even though he was tired from business trips.

But it turns out that when he was the director of Longgang Factory, he was much more tired than this. Running a business back then was different from what it is now. He would always shout slogans about working hard for 100 days. That was really working hard. Hundreds of days.

 In comparison, a month's business trip is nothing.

When Factory Director Lu saw the two people agreeing, he directly told the reception staff of Huaqing Holding Group to turn around and go directly to Ningbo City.

They are not polite at all. Although the reception staff of Huaqing Holding Group are not subordinates of Factory Director Lu, they also know the relationship between Factory Director Lu and others and Director Jiang.

This is an important strategic partner of the group, and there is also Jiang Dong’s father-in-law in the car. These three big guys have no objections. What else can he say about the matter that has been decided? He can only turn the steering wheel and turn to Yongshi. Direction, he didn't even enter the Magic City, and headed towards Yong City.

On the other side of the Huahai Automobile Factory in Yong City, after Jiang Xiaobai hung up the phone, he looked at the time. It was already 11:30 noon.

It's time to eat soon. Director Lu and the others didn't even have a bite to eat in the city and were in a hurry to survive. Could it be that there was something wrong with the inspection or something urgent?

 But it shouldn’t be. The higher-ups have called for a halt, and they won’t halt it now while it’s still in the investigation stage. It should be done during the project approval period.

There is no project approval yet, it is just an interest review, and the application has not been submitted. How can this cause a problem? No matter what you think, you shouldn’t?

 (End of this chapter)

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