Chapter 3081 Warning

After listening to Zhang Weiyi's words, Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a while and then said: "Isn't it a little early to contact Hohhot now? According to what you said, the specific situation in Yili has not been decided yet. Let's now Just contact Hohhot.

This is somewhat inappropriate..."

Zhang Weiyi shook his head: "Dr. Jiang, I think this is the right time to get in touch with Yili. Last year, Yili's sales reached 4 billion.

And after our investigation, we found that Yili has great potential. To be honest, if it hadn't happened to Zheng Junhuai now, and neither Yili nor Hohhot had reacted, I would not have had the confidence to acquire it.

Yili is now considered the leader in the domestic dairy manufacturing industry, and with the development of the economy, the scale of the dairy industry is also constantly expanding, and the future market is very broad..."

Zhang Weiyi paused and said, "Dr. Jiang, I think this is a good time for us to take action. Think about it, the people in Yili are in panic now, and Hohhot probably won't be able to react at once either." of.

If we take action, we might still have a chance. If we wait for the Zheng Junhuai matter to be settled, it will probably be too late. The situation in Yili is probably stabilized, and Hohhot will also be willing to sell it. …”

Jiang Xiaobai frowned when he heard this. It was not that he thought there was something wrong with Zhang Weiyi's analysis. On the contrary, Zhang Weiyi's idea was very correct. However, if he chose this time to take action, he would more or less take advantage of the situation.

Although Jiang Xiaobai has been in business for so many years, he is still not a qualified businessman. When it comes to foreign companies, or when doing business abroad, Jiang Xiaobai has no scruples and is unscrupulous, as long as it is a profitable business.

He can do anything. Jiang Xiaobai never dared to say that he was a good person. When Soloth was engaged in the financial crisis, Jiang Xiaobai also intervened. Many countries in the southeast hated Jiang Xiaobai and Soloth very much.

 But when he was in China, although Jiang Xiaobai often did business, more often than not, he still felt that he was burdened with responsibility and responsibility. He did not say that there was no bottom line and integrity in order to make money.

"Director Jiang, don't come back if you don't miss this opportunity. And this is not our mistake. It is Zheng Junhuai who has problems and has nothing to do with us. Could it be that something happened to their company, so we can't allow it?" Shall we buy it?

 Besides, we just went there this time to make some contacts, and we didn’t say that we must acquire it, so I think…”

Zhang Weiyi probably understood what Jiang Xiaobai was thinking and kept trying to persuade him.

Jiang Xiaobai had a headache and asked: "We are still investing in Mengniu. If we acquire Yili, have you thought about how to deal with the relationship with Mengniu?"

Zhang Weiyi said casually: "Director Jiang, there is no competition agreement for our capital in this investment. Don't we just invest in whatever we want? Director Jiang, I know you have concerns in your heart about Yili." , I have been taking over from the beginning, so this time I will be the one to go over..."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhang Weiyi's insistence and was a little bit dumbfounded, but finally nodded: "Okay, then you can go.

 Don't take any action yet, just make contact with Hohhot authorities and test their attitude. Do you understand? "

Jiang Xiaobai stared at Zhang Weiyi and explained. Zhang Weiyi nodded and understood what Jiang Xiaobai meant. Jiang Xiaobai was afraid that he would come into contact with Hohhot, so he started to buy shares in Yili from the secondary market and took advantage of the low stock price of Yili. .

 Don't mention it, Zhang Weiyi was really planning to do this, taking advantage of the sharp fall in Yili's stock price to take the opportunity to absorb some shares of Yili.

Of course, Yili has a lot of circulating shares in the secondary market. If it is really acquired, it might be possible to acquire a lot of them from the secondary market. Yili has a lot of circulating shares in the market. In this case, it will be more confident to contact the Hohhot side, and the acquisition of Yili's shares in the secondary market will be more able to put pressure on the Hohhot side.

After all, Huaqing Holding Group is a behemoth. Although Yin Li now has a market value of 50 billion in the market, to be honest, compared to Huaqing Holding Group, it is really nothing. Huaqing Holdings Several companies affiliated to the group.

That listed company does not have that much market value.

If it is targeted by Huaqing Holding Group in the secondary market, the pressure on Hohhot will be great.

Yili itself is in a state of distress because of Zheng Junhuai's incident. If Huaqing Holding Group gets involved again, Yili's side will be on the verge of collapse.

 The pressure on Hohhot will be great. After all, Yili Dairy Company is a listed company, and the shareholders of this listed company do not have the final say.

 There are certainly benefits to going public, but not all of them are benefits. For example, when someone acquires a company, that person can also engage in a hostile takeover.

Acquisitions are divided into two types in listed companies. One is when the two parties reach a cooperation and agree on how much the acquisition will cost, whether it is stocks or cash, when to pay, whether it is a one-time payment, or within a certain period of time. Pay in full within time.

  But there is another kind, which is a hostile takeover. What is a hostile takeover? A hostile takeover is a capital party acquiring a company without the approval of the board of directors.

Huaqing Holding Group’s capital volume is certainly strong in the secondary market.

 At that time, Hohhot will have to consider this situation. Of course, there are many defensive methods in the stock market to deal with such hostile takeovers.

For example, when Shengda wanted to acquire Xinlang, Xinlang used the poison pill plan, and during the Wanbao battle, Wanke used the white knight.

Of course, Shengda and Xinlang are both listed on Nasdaq in Citi, while Wank and Baoneng are listed in China. The two countries have different laws.

 The poison pill plan cannot be used domestically, but the white knight can be used domestically.

 But there is also a problem here, that is, the white knight must be strong enough to resist a hostile takeover.

After all, the size of Huaqing Holding Group is here. There are no domestic companies that can stop Huaqing Holding Group. Not to mention state-owned companies, there are many private companies.

Although Huaqing Holding Group is the leader of domestic private enterprises and a Fortune 500 company, it cannot cover the sky with one hand.

 (End of this chapter)

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