Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3089: Eastern Star Legend

Chapter 3089 Legend of Eastern Star

Jiang Xiaobai frowned when he heard this. Dongxing, in his memory, there seemed to be no impression of Dongxing Airlines.

Although Jiang Xiaobai is said to be a reborn person, a reborn person is not a Baidu Encyclopedia, and it is impossible to know everything about all companies.

Even if Jiang Xiaobai studied economics when he was in school in his previous life, it would be impossible for him to have a clear understanding of all the companies that have appeared in the past forty years.

What can be understood is only those enterprises that have temporarily shone brightly in the history of the forty years of reform and opening up, or can be extended to later generations, have achieved great fame, or have left a strong mark in history. pen business.

For some enterprises that appeared briefly and then quickly disappeared into the river of history. For the entire history of private enterprises, or a certain industry, they have never had any influence or left their own footprints. In fact, it will not be remembered by everyone.

 Maybe the company is only limited to the local area, and other people have never heard of it. And even in the local area, only some old people will remember it.

 So Jiang Xiaobai has really never heard of Dongxing Company.

“What’s the origin of Dongxing Company?” Jiang Xiaobai asked curiously. There were twenty planes at once, and these planes were not cheap.

Even if he buys or rents ten planes, it is still a large amount of money. Where did this person come from with such a big deal?

“This Dongxing Company is from Jiangcheng, and its founder is Lan Sili. Lan Sili went to sea in the 1990s, so he went to sea…”

 Wang Hua introduced to Jiang Xiaobai that the group of people who went to Shanghai in the 1990s all had something in common. First, they had relatively high academic qualifications, and the other was that many of them were people from within the system.

 Lan Sili is no exception. He is a graduate student from the School of Economics of Jiangcheng University and has worked in the system. He is a typical example of the 1992 faction.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and signaled Wang Hua to continue, but he didn't expect that Wang Hua paused and started talking about another version with a strange expression.

The above postgraduate student in the Department of Economics of Jiangcheng University and his experience working within the system were mentioned by Mr. Lan Sililan himself.

  But according to investigations by many media reporters, in 1980, after graduating from junior high school, Mr. Lan worked as a salesperson at the Wulongquan Mine Supply and Marketing Cooperative, a subsidiary of the Wuchang County Commerce Bureau.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Mr. Lan worked hard and passed the Jiangxia Grain School under the Commerce Bureau in 1986, which is a technical secondary school. In 1988, Mr. Lan took the adult college entrance examination again and passed the Provincial School of Planning and Cadre Management, which is regarded as a junior college. Among these experiences, the most likely to be related to Jiang University is that he participated in the Jiangcheng University School of Economics while studying at the School of Planning and Cadre Management. The local reserve cadre training class was launched, and later it went to sea and established Dongxing.

As Wang Hua said, Jiang Xiaobai was also full of surprise. Although the Internet industry was not as developed as in later generations at this time, many things were not clear at a glance. They could be searched and retrieved, and paper files and the like had a limited time limit to be saved. of.

 As a result, there is still some confusion in some management aspects.

But you have to know that Jiang University is not an unknown pheasant university. How could you not know if there is such a person? However, someone checked the famous alumni directory and graduate directory of Jiangcheng University in the 90th and 91st classes, and found nothing about Lan. Any information and records in general.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wang Hua and was also very curious: "No, this is your companion? Do you understand it so clearly? Have you even found out about this kind of thing?" Zhang Weiyi didn't know when he came, and he was also surprised. He looked at Wang Hua with interest and listened to Wang Hua's talk about Dongxing Company. After returning from such a long business trip, it was just a good time to listen to other people's anecdotes and relax.

"Hahaha, what Director Jiang said..." Wang Hua was a little embarrassed, but he admitted: "Yes, I am indeed the same person."

 Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Weiyi listened carefully, and the company Dongxing was also explained in Wang Hua's mouth.

Dongxing started its business with hard work by printing and selling software CDs. It began to stabilize by taking orders for computer equipment and operating software from agencies within the system.

Later in 1992, Mr. Lan opened the first formal Cantonese-style restaurant in Jiangcheng, "Donggong Restaurant", which was very popular for a while. The following year, he followed up and opened "West Palace".

At that time, new houses in Jiangcheng were relatively scarce. In order to meet business and office needs, Mr. Lan took over an unfinished building near the East Palace and later built it into the 21-story "East Star Building". The remaining first and second floors were rented and sold for self-use. This was considered his first experience in real estate. .

 Later, I also did some sideline businesses, and finally started to engage in real estate and tourism.

 In 1997, Dongsheng Real Estate Company was established, and in the same year the Dongxing Travel Agency license was established.

 This is like becoming a companion with Wang Hua’s Chunqiu International Travel Service.

Mr. Lan has always thought about what to do to make money. Of course, this is nothing. There are many people like Mr. Lan. At that time, everyone was doing whatever they wanted to do to make money. What, it doesn’t matter what the main business or side business is, as long as it makes money, it is a good industry.

For example, Wanke was also engaged in corn, education, and building houses. But compared to other people, Lan always had no plan at all, and after encountering setbacks, he Change your industry and make money immediately.

There are difficulties in this industry, the competition is fierce, or other factors. As long as there are problems, we don’t want to solve the difficulties, don’t think about becoming bigger and stronger, don’t think about increasing our competitiveness, but just change. industry.

There is a kind of mentality that no difficulty can defeat me. If it defeats me, I will change the industry. If this one doesn't work, I will go to the next one. If the one hits me, I will obey that one. I have never thought about perseverance or anything like that.

"I've been listening to you for a long time. For a person like this, Mr. Lan doesn't seem like someone who can come up with a large amount of funds." Jiang Xiaobai asked with some confusion after hearing what Wang Hua said.

Doing whatever you want to make money sounds very good, but doing this kind of work with a hammer and a stick will never make it big, and the consequence of not making it big is that although it may seem like making money, you will never make big money. .

Moreover, those who earn a little and lose a little don't seem to be able to spend such a large sum of money.

"Yes, buying ten planes and leasing ten planes, these twenty planes, at least tens of billions, right? Mr. Lan can afford it. Isn't this a small number?" Zhang Weiyi was also confused. asked.

 (End of this chapter)

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