Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3099: Negotiations begin

Chapter 3099 Negotiations begin

Jiang Xiaobai and others spent a day inspecting Lucheng Rare Earth Industrial Park that day. During dinner in the evening, although Jiang Xiaobai and others did not express their position on whether they would invest, they became much more enthusiastic about Wang Qianjin's attitude.

“Director Wang, if the leaders here in Lucheng have time, please make an appointment to have dinner together at noon tomorrow…”

“Director Wang, could you please invite the director of the Electric Power Bureau and the environmental protection leaders to come and sit down together...”

Wang Qianjin nodded repeatedly when he heard this: "Director Jiang, of course there is no problem, this matter has been settled..."

The smile on Wang Qianjin's face has never stopped. He has received countless inspection groups. Sometimes a project needs to be inspected several times. The first inspection is definitely better than the second inspection, and the chance of investment is higher. , but in many cases it’s not just about the number of inspections.

Some companies have sent people to inspect the project many times, one after another, but in the end, there are still many cases where the investment cannot be implemented.

 So sometimes whether the investment can be realized depends not only on the number of inspections, but also on the progress of the inspections.

 This is like the process of a man and a woman starting from acquaintance and falling in love.

 It doesn’t mean that you only need to meet a few times. Male and female colleagues may meet every day, but they won’t be able to develop feelings.

 So from the time a man and a woman meet to fall in love, it is definitely not a simple number of dates that can represent whether they are in love or not.

  In later generations, there are so-called relationship bloggers on the Internet who say that the purpose of dating is to upgrade the relationship. If the relationship cannot be upgraded, then the date will be meaningless.

Of course, this is definitely biased, and nothing is so absolute.

  But it is normal for men and women to need to upgrade their relationship from time to time. For example, when they meet for the first time, they need to get familiar with each other in public places such as cafes.

 Surface situations such as work situation, family situation, etc.

Wait until the second date, watch a movie or something, the environment will be more private, there may be some physical contact, etc., to understand each other's situation, the growth experience of both parties, etc. Yes, understand it more deeply.

 Hold hands on the third date, the fourth, the fifth, etc. In short, the relationship is getting closer each time, the relationship is getting closer each time, and the understanding of each other will become deeper and deeper.

 For example, how many relationships the other party has had, or some embarrassing things happened when they were young or in school, and the circle of friends of both parties will be further deepened.

 This kind of development rhythm is the correct process for both parties to start from acquaintance to falling in love.

If the two parties meet every time in public places such as cafes, and only chat for a few words each time, then it will be ten dates and it will be useless.

 Similarly, you can see the leopard in the money. It can be seen that in investment matters, it is actually the small that makes the big. This is also the case in investment inspections in many cases.

It’s normal to look at the investment environment and various conditions when you come here for the first time, but you always look at these things every time you come here for inspections. No matter how many times you visit, it can’t explain anything. But now Jiang Xiaobai is preparing to contact the local leaders. Although he has not yet stated that he will definitely invest in Lucheng, the meaning revealed is very obvious. This visit has also taken the relationship between the two parties a step further.

Wang Qianjin knew that his efforts were not in vain.

 The next morning, we were still in Lucheng for inspection, but instead of inspecting the Rare Earth Industrial Park, we were wandering around some other industries in Lucheng.

 Industrial Park is just such an industrial park. I have read it over and over several times. In fact, I am already very familiar with the environment, investment conditions and so on. I cannot be more familiar with it.

If you continue to wander around and inspect, you won’t be able to find anything. These are all hard powers on the surface. To decide whether to invest in a place, in addition to hard power, you still need soft power. This soft power is the local Relationships, leadership, business environment, etc.

 If you want to understand the local soft power, you can see clearly by taking a look at the living environment of other local companies.

If ten local companies come here and seven of them can survive, it means that the local business environment is still very good.

 The remaining three companies cannot make money or have gone bankrupt. This may be due to poor management. However, if ten companies come and only five make money, it means that the local business environment is not bad.

But if there are ten companies, only two or three, or even one or two companies make money, and what's more, there are no companies making money here at all.

 That means the local business environment is very poor.

Those who can invest are basically large-scale and have their own mature business models. Such companies cannot make money and survive here, so they will look at other options.

 So on the third day of their inspection in Lucheng, they mainly looked at the local business environment.

However, after visiting several companies, it can still be seen from the inspection of these companies that the business environment in Lucheng is still good. Many companies have invested in this place and their scale is constantly expanding.

Jiang Xiaobai and others also looked at the investment lists of companies in recent years and found that basically seven or eight out of ten companies that came to invest could survive.

 There are four or five companies among these seven or eight companies that are constantly expanding the scale of investment, which shows that the local area is still very good for these investing companies.

Jiang Xiaobai and others originally came here to invest. Now after reading this, they no longer have any other worries. Jiang Xiaobai is not a person who likes to manipulate others. When eating that night, he talked to Wang Qianjin about the next day. Formally discuss investment matters.

Of course, this formal discussion on investment matters cannot be held in a hotel, but in a local conference room in Lucheng.

In the middle of the conference room was a banner warmly welcoming Jiang Xiaobai and his party to our city for inspection, and behind it was a banner for the investment symposium of Minzhong Co., Ltd.

Nearly all the leaders of Lucheng City were here, and Jiang Xiaobai also sat on the main seat and chatted with Director Wang and others about investment matters. Although I have decided to invest, many specific conditions and details, as well as things that have been negotiated verbally, have to be discussed again one by one.

 (End of this chapter)

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