Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3118: sorrow and grief

Chapter 3118 Sadness

“Dr. Jiang, you are really busy with everything. When you come to Hohhot, you have not rested for a whole day, non-stop...” Niu Sheng said with emotion next to Jiang Xiaobai.

He also heard a little bit about the phone call just now, and it was about the matter of Ni Aluminum and Lucheng Aluminum Factory.

Jiang Xiaobai sighed when he heard this: "It's just a hard life. When I retire in a few years, I will enjoy my life."

After two days in Hohhot, it was another time to inspect Mengniu, and to test Hohhot's true attitude towards Yili. We also had an appointment with Fan Gang to examine some of this person's abilities, and also to reason. Shun Niu Sheng's mentality told Niu Sheng not to have any worries about Huaqing Holding Group's acquisition of Yili.

One by one, if we don't take care of things, how can we acquire Yili?

The acquisition of Yili was not what Zhang Tingting imagined. The information that was implemented on paper was not the data one by one. There were also various tasks that were not implemented on paper, the sophistication of people and the balance of interests in all aspects.

 But on the contrary, these things are often more important than the work on paper.

"Dr. Jiang, you are still young. You are talking about retirement at this time. You are still in the prime of life..." Niu Sheng said and suddenly felt a burst of sadness. It was originally a compliment, but in the end it seemed that the more he talked about it, the more he felt sad.

 Because this is the actual situation. I am already in my forties this year. I have wasted sixteen years in Yili and am now catching up.

 But as for Jiang Xiaobai, not only is his career much better than his own, but he is also younger than his own. He is only forty years old this year.

 In addition, unlike himself who looked older when exposed to the wind and sun on the grassland, Jiang Xiaobai took good care of himself. People who didn't know better thought Jiang Xiaobai was in his thirties.

  Hey, you have to throw away things when comparing goods, and you have to die when comparing people. This is the case for me. It doesn't matter that my career is not as big as Jiang Xiaobai's. If I am younger than Jiang Xiaobai, I can comfort myself, but I am actually older than Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai is already thinking about retirement, and he has just ambitiously wanted to start a career. This contrast is really sad.

“Hahaha, you are so young and powerful. I have been starting a business for more than 20 years. I have been ups and downs in the business world over the years, and I have experienced many changes..."

Jiang Xiaobai laughed heartily and said, Niu Sheng couldn't help but interrupt Jiang Xiaobai's words: "Dr. Jiang, you have been ups and downs. You can only soar to the sky. When did you sink? After several changes, you have changed." It's better than the first time, where does the bitterness come from..."

Jealousy makes people distorted. Now Niu Sheng is like this, and his eyes are a little red.

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, then laughed again: "It seems you are right, but I am not too young at this age. I am in my early forties, which means I look a little younger..."

Niu Sheng felt that Jiang Xiaobai was nakedly showing off to himself. What does it mean to be old? It means that he looks young, even though he is obviously not that old.

When Niu Sheng faces other people, he can always find some comfort. For example, if his career is bigger than his own, then at least he is younger than them and still has a chance. In a few years, he may His career is bigger than his.

 Facing the fact that I am younger, my career is greater than theirs, and my life has not been in vain these years.

Facing someone who is about the same age as me, one or two years older and one or two years younger, and whose career scale is about the same, maybe a little younger or a little older.

 That means they are lucky, but they can catch up with their strength later. But facing Jiang Xiaobai, who was completely crushing him in career, who would never catch up with him in his lifetime, and who was younger than him, Niu Sheng really didn't know how to comfort himself.

The car stopped at the door of the hotel. Niu Sheng got out of the car and watched Jiang Xiaobai walk into the hotel. Then he got in his car and walked home.

It’s just that I let out a long sigh as soon as I got in the car. There’s no way to compare.

Yang Jun asked the reason at the side, but Niu Sheng couldn't say it yet. It would be embarrassing to say it and affect his own image.

Early the next morning, Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Qianjin met at the State-owned Assets Office of the capital. Wang Qianjin had already made an appointment with Director Zheng from the State-owned Assets Office.

 When the two arrived, Director Zheng was already waiting for Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Qianjin.

He was very enthusiastic and asked his secretary to make tea for the two of them. The two parties chatted happily. Director Zheng also represented the grassland side and expressed a warm welcome to Jiang Xiaobai and other entrepreneurs to invest in the grassland.

However, the topic never got to the main topic until Wang Qianjin couldn't help it and directly brought up the matter of Lucheng Aluminum Factory and aluminum.

"This matter is very difficult to handle. Aluminum Co., Ltd. has already reached an agreement with Lucheng Aluminum Factory. It is not easy for us to get involved in various commercial activities." Director Zheng said with some embarrassment.

Jiang Xiaobai knew it was a refusal as soon as he heard it. Just as he was about to say something, Wang Qianjin stood up directly: "Director Zheng, you came from our Lucheng. You know how difficult it is for Lucheng to develop. Lucheng didn't care about it back then. Whether it is economy or other aspects, it is number one in the entire grassland. But look at the past two years, every day is getting worse. In order to protect the industry, the entire city has developed into an industrial city. In the past two years, the tourism industry has become booming.

 But our Lucheng has no characteristics at all and cannot even attract tourists. We have sacrificed too much for the overall situation.

 You are an old leader, I don’t care about the rest, you must help us this time..."

Director Zheng frowned when he heard this: "Go forward, please speak up, what does this look like? It's not that I won't help, but this is a matter of principle, discussed by both parties..."

“Lucheng Aluminum Factory regretted it.” Wang Qianjin said directly without waiting for Director Zheng to finish.

In the past two days, Jiang Xiaobai was busy with his own affairs in Hohhot, while Wang Qianjin had been staying in Lucheng with Liu Yonghao and others. It was not that he had nothing to do, but that he caused Lucheng to rebel.

 “Huh?” Director Zheng raised his eyebrows.

“Lucheng Aluminum Factory regretted its decision, and the conditions offered by the company were not very good. Now that there are better options, it is normal for Lucheng Aluminum Factory to regret its decision.”

"What nonsense." Director Zheng became angry all of a sudden. So many changes happened out of thin air out of thin air. Couldn't he see the reason? This is the good deeds done by Wang Qianjin, Jiang Xiaobai and others.

 But Director Zheng had no way to vent his anger on Jiang Xiaobai. After all, Jiang Xiaobai was not his subordinate, so he could only vent his anger on Wang Qinjin. Wang Qianjin was scolded.

 (End of this chapter)

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