Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3121: Try to help

 Chapter 3121 Try your best to help

In one afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Qianjin became famous in the capital. Anyone who could say something about the acquisition of Lucheng Aluminum and Lucheng Aluminum Plant, or who had jurisdiction over Lucheng Aluminum Plant, could say anything. department leaders.

 Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Jinjin visited each other one by one. The combined effect of the two of them was one plus one equals two.

It's just Jiang Xiaobai's own, so he can see whoever he wants to see. But the key to the problem is that Jiang Xiaobai can't do anything about it. With Jiang Xiaobai's status, he can't stalk him. Besides, the two sides don't have this kind of friendship. , and you don’t have this identity, so you stalk me.

 Other than spreading it out to make people laugh, it has no other use at all.

 But Wang Qianjin is different. Wang Qianjin knows many of the leaders here, and he is here for official business, so Wang Qianjin can stalk them.

 But it would not work if it was just Wang Qianjin. Wang Qianjin would not be able to see these leaders at all. One leader is busy and will come back tomorrow.

 In other words, if you come directly to the boss and make arrangements, you won’t even be able to see him.

  But it’s different with Jiang Xiaobai here. Jiang Xiaobai is the boss of a Fortune 500 company and the leader of private enterprises with a well-known reputation.

Jiang Xiaobai came to visit the leader, who was also the person in charge of business matters. If Jiang Xiaobai didn't meet and word got out in the future, future investment promotion work here on the grassland would be useless.

Any enterprise needs to think twice before investing. The business environment in the grassland will become a joke. Leaders like Jiang Xiaobai are not seen and are rejected, let alone them.

 So as long as Jiang Xiaobai announces his name, no matter how long it takes, he always has to meet him, even if he puts down the urgent work at hand, he must meet him. This gesture must always be made.

 Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Qianjin became famous in one afternoon. After waiting until five o'clock in the afternoon, after a leader's visit, Wang Qianjin looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said.

“Director Jiang, you go to the hotel to rest for a while, and I’ll stop Director Zheng from running away after get off work.” Wang Qianjin said with a smile.

 Over the course of one afternoon, he got a lot closer to Jiang Xiaobai, and the two of them became very familiar with each other.

“Do we still need to block him? We’ve already agreed, so can he just let go?” Jiang Xiaobai asked in surprise.

 It's not that he has never been let go, but no one has let him go in the past few years. After all, given his identity, how could anyone let him go?

Wang Qianjin was stunned when he heard this, and then he suddenly realized, it seemed like yes, he always thought that if Director Zheng didn't want to come, he would give him a perfunctory verbal treatment, and then leave after get off work, but he didn't expect that, Of course Director Zheng promised to have Jiang Xiaobai at dinner tonight.

Wang Qianjin took a breath of cold air when Jiang Xiaobai let go. This really tested Director Zheng's courage. If he didn't care about the future, it wouldn't matter.

 But if you care about your future, you will definitely not do such a thing. If word spreads and it has a bad impact on the investment environment here on the grassland, and the leader blames it, then your future will be lost.

  After all, Jiang Xiaobai is not a small businessman, but the founder of a well-known domestic Fortune 500 company. He is even more familiar with TV news media and the like. You don’t have to do it deliberately, as long as you complain casually during the interview that day, it will have a big impact.

This is the influence of famous people, so since Director Zheng has agreed to Jiang Xiaobai, he will usually come.

Wang Qianjin finally breathed a sigh of relief, but still said: "I know, I'd better go there to greet him, and when I'm on the road later, I can grind again."

“Haha, okay, Director Wang, thank you for your hard work.” Jiang Xiaobai stopped trying to persuade him. He had been busy all day, and there were still social activities in the evening, so it would be good to take a little rest.

Jiang Xiaobai changed the car and left for the hotel first. On the way, Jiang Xiaobai was still thinking that Wang Qianjin could make a fortune even if he didn't hang out in the system and went to the mall.

 As long as you have perseverance and perseverance, in fact, as long as you have good luck, you can always achieve something.

Director Zheng was not surprised to see Wang Qianjin waiting for him. In this afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Qianjin had already become famous.

Looking at Wang Qianjin, Director Zheng lost his temper, even though he was Wang Qianjin’s old leader, and he was also the leader in this matter now.

 From a geographical point of view, the capital also has the right to direct Lucheng, but when subordinates are determined to accomplish something, these rights are actually not that useful.

Lucheng Aluminum Factory is now a loss-making enterprise, and it is still on Lucheng's territory. If Lucheng is determined to fight for it, it is not impossible.

Generally speaking, the subordinates will not do it, but Wang Qianjin’s attitude this time is very clear. He has sacrificed his body to find other leaders. If he sticks to the leader and does not feel sad, he may become disloyal in the future.

“Go forward, go forward, you have given me a big problem this time.” Director Zheng said with a wry smile.

Wang Qianjin looked innocent: "Director Zheng, where do you start with this? You are responsible for this matter now. This cannot be done by just raising your hand, and even if it is a difficult problem, Director, my old leader, It’s not me who is posing a problem for you, but all the people of Lucheng who are posing a problem for you and need your help in the development of Lucheng…”

Director Zheng smiled bitterly and shook his head helplessly: "You, you, okay, I have made an appointment with the leader to discuss this matter tomorrow. You have said it to this extent, and I will definitely try my best to help you. , but I can’t guarantee whether things will work out..."

When Wang Qianjin heard this, he looked at Director Zheng with surprise: "Leader, this is enough, this is enough, thank you..."

Wang Qianjin originally thought that he would have to wait for a few more days before Director Zheng could finally agree. Unexpectedly, he agreed.

"Okay, please don't thank me. Let me tell you, this kind of thing will never happen again. You are really good at forcing a woman to have a baby." Director Zheng said coldly.

“And if you handle this matter well and Minzhong Company’s investment has indeed played a role in the development of Lucheng, there will be no problem and it can be solved. But if the investment effect is not so good in the end, you will suffer the consequences.”

 (End of this chapter)

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