Chapter 3125 Fenjiu

 A group of people sat down in the private room. Although the atmosphere was harmonious on the surface, everyone could feel that it was somewhat awkward.

  Leaving aside the current competition between the two parties, Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Qianjin had a very unpleasant quarrel with Wang Xiuli at the door just now.

Wang Xiuli is now sitting at the door, looking aggrieved, looking like she is indignant but unable to vent her anger.

Zhou Qiankun's eyes circled around the people in the private room. This woman Wang Xiuli was so stupid. She provoked Jiang Xiaobai and was punished for nothing. Zhou Qiankun would not vent his anger on behalf of Wang Xiuli. He was stupid and couldn't see it. If you understand the situation, you will suffer a loss.

Of course, he somewhat understood Wang Xiuli's mentality. If something went wrong at Lucheng Aluminum Factory, it would not be easy for her to keep her current position, needless to say, if she wanted to make progress.

 But this is not the reason why you can take your anger out on Jiang Xiaobai. On a larger scale, this is normal business competition. No matter what the final result is, it is a matter of business and righteousness.

Just anxious, that is also what the person in charge of Aluminum is worried about. There are other leaders above who are concerned about it. You are just a middle-level person who got involved at the right time, so you have to suffer the consequences.

You vent your grievances on Jiang Xiaobai. Is Jiang Xiaobai someone you can vent your grievances on? He is the leader of private enterprises.

Even the person in charge of the company or the higher-up responsible leaders must consider Jiang Xiaobai’s influence. How can a small middle-level manager vent his grievances?

Still too short-sighted and too stupid, Zhou Qiankun sighed inwardly, and then greeted with a smile: "Director Jiang, you are from Jin Province. Let's drink some Fenjiu tonight. To be honest, I really like this Fenjiu." I like it. It has a soft entrance, sweet finish, lingering fragrance after drinking, and a long aftertaste. In my opinion, no other wine can compare with it.

People drink Maotai now, but this Fenjiu is the real national wine..."

As Zhou Qiankun spoke, he asked the waiter to serve the wine. Wang Qianjin also followed up and said, "What Mr. Zhou said is true. We in Lucheng and Shanxi Province are related. My personal favorite drink is Fenjiu. Liang, the famous writer and deputy director of the daily newspaper The editor-in-chief has said that my country's famous wines have four aroma types, namely strong, sauce, clear and phoenix aroma types.

He doesn’t want Xinghuacun Fenjiu to be strong or strong; he just wants it to be pure and true, which is a typical representative of the light-flavor type. Other wines may look like a gorgeous young woman, or may look like heavy makeup. However, this Xinghua Village Fenjiu looks like a graceful lady, with light comb and light makeup. It is probably because of this purity that it became the ancestor of famous wines. "

“Hahaha, Mr. Wang said it well and summed it up well. In one pure word, Deputy Editor Liang is wonderful..."

  Women talk about cosmetics, clothes and bags, and family gossip when they meet, while when men meet, they can actually get to know each other quickly over a glass of wine and a cigarette.

Zhou Qiankun started with Fenjiu, and everyone was a drinker, so they soon started chatting. Since the Qingming Festival, it has been raining heavily, and pedestrians on the road are dying. Where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy points to Xinghua Village in the distance.

Going to Xinghua Village, the wine is like a spring. It has been a special day since liberation. The white jade is fragrant and sweet, and the red clouds are soft and soft. The stories of people passing through the mountains are passed down thousands of miles, the alliances are signed for tens of thousands of years, and we raise glasses together to pour water from Fen, and it becomes an eternal masterpiece of rain and rain moistening the forest and fields.

Then there are various celebrity allusions. Fenjiu appeared very early and had a reputation as early as the Northern Qi Dynasty. It is recorded in the "Book of Northern Qi" that Gao Zhan, Emperor Wucheng of the Northern Qi Dynasty, wrote in a poem from Jinyang to Xiaoyu, King of Kangshu, Henan: "I Drink two cups of Fenqing, I advise you to drink two cups in Ye."

 Later in the Song Dynasty, the Song Dynasty's "Beishan Wine Classic" recorded that dry wine was produced in Fenzhou during the Tang Dynasty. According to the "Book of Wine Names", Fenzhou Ganlu Hall in the Song Dynasty was the most famous. With a history of more than 1,400 years, there is really too much to say.

Drinking Fenjiu and talking about historical allusions, the atmosphere in the private room became more and more harmonious. Of course, Wang Xiuli was out of place. Seeing Zhou Qiankun, Jiang Xiaobai and others chatting happily, the expressions on their faces were distorted. But everyone present didn't pay attention to her, they just treated her as if they couldn't see her.

Hunted until after three rounds of wine and five delicious dishes, Zhou Qiankun got down to business. The atmosphere had been set up to this point, and Zhou Qiankun was no longer polite when he spoke.

“Dr. Jiang, you are the leader and leader of our domestic private enterprises. We all admire you very much. You started from scratch..."

 “It’s an award, it’s an award, it’s just that I did something within my ability.”

"Director Jiang, I understand that private enterprises are determined to forge ahead and strive to be the first. They want to enter the heavy industry industry. But Director Jiang, we have already negotiated the Lucheng Aluminum Plant, and all that is left is to sign the contract. You are interfering. Isn't it a bit too rude?" Although Zhou Qiankun's words were questioning, there was no questioning tone, but a trace of a wry smile.

  There was no chance for Jiang Xiaobai to fall out.

Wang Qianjin was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Zhou Qiankun to be so able to save face.

This is to put yourself in a relatively low position and question Jiang Xiaobai, a senior in the mall.

Jiang Xiaobai has been praised before, it depends on how Jiang Xiaobai responds.

What no one expected was that Zhou Qiankun could lower his arrogance, and Jiang Xiaobai could lower his dignity even more than Zhou Qiankun.

He put down his glass and said helplessly: "Mr. Zhou, you say you admire me, the forge ahead of our private enterprises, and the courage of our private enterprises to strive for the first place. In fact, I envy your state-owned enterprises.

State-owned enterprises have always been the big brother. They need resources, policies, and technology. Private enterprises are different. They are started from scratch. They have been living in the cracks for many years.

                                                           Foreign capital is extremely powerful, powerful, and powerful, and there are state-owned enterprises with strong backgrounds, favorable policies, and grasp of the general trend. It is not easy for our private enterprises to survive in the cracks.

 We can only seize every opportunity, strive to be the first, and use all our strength when there is a chance. Our life is not easy.

 There is no one behind to tell us the truth..."

Jiang Xiaobai started his business in 1978. He knows the hardships of private enterprises very clearly. He has experienced them personally. If Jiang Xiaobai complained about his grievances, I don’t know how many examples he could cite, and how detailed they were. Deeply meaningful.

“It’s not that we have to fight for it. Aluminum Co., Ltd. has deep pockets and is a pioneer in the industry. It has policy support from above and technical support from below. But we are different. If we want to enter the aluminum industry, we can’t even find a single bauxite mine.”

 (End of this chapter)

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