Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3142: China National Travel Service becomes Airline

Chapter 3142 China National Travel Service changes into aviation

The report submitted by Yaohan Supermarket stated that there were two light industrial products for which they wanted to create their own brands. Jiang Xiaobai looked at the application contents in detail. One was bed sheets and quilt covers, and the other was a clothing brand for pajamas.

What Yaohan Supermarket means is that if these two items can be developed into independent brands, costs will be significantly reduced and profits will also increase.

It can also be supplied to other places, not to mention pajamas. This type of pajamas was basically not available in China at the beginning. Although the era of three years of new and three years of old and three years of sewing and mending and another three years has passed, domestic The economy is not enough to support the people to change into pajamas when they go home.

There are not many people with this condition now, but Liu Xiaomei predicts that the domestic pajamas market will also have great potential in the future, and hopes that Yaohan Supermarket can also operate such a pajamas brand.

However, after Jiang Xiaobai read it, he wrote the words "disagree" on the report and added a paragraph after it.

 “Focus on the core business of the enterprise and enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise...”

 That's right, Liu Xiaomei's idea is very good. It reduces the cost of the company and increases the profit of the company. There is nothing wrong with these two points.

 The purpose of running a business is to make money, and by reducing the cost of products, you can indeed make money.

But the core of this problem is that you can't just do your job and make money. Why Yaohan Supermarket closed down at that time? This is certainly related to Yaohan Supermarket's crazy borrowing and expansion, and its expansion too fast. Of course, it also has something to do with the fact that it happened to catch up. The financial crisis is also relevant.

 But there is also Yaohan Supermarket here, which is related to the heavy assets.

 A large multinational supermarket chain group, although it is relatively large in scale and has many employees, it is basically asset-light.

Asset-light is an operating model in which enterprises invest less capital, have faster turnover, and have higher capital returns. Utilize and integrate the existing key resource capabilities, so there is little investment on its own, and it is good at effectively using debt leverage, with high operating efficiency, low risk, and low or even negative working capital consumption; it is good at effectively using value leverage, with high returns on invested capital and fast growth. The growth value and value realization efficiency are high, and it can quickly gain the favor of capital...

 The classic characteristics of the asset-light model are that the input is small and the output is large, the products must have high added value, and the brand value must be high.

Asset-heavy, on the contrary, requires a larger capital investment to obtain smaller profit returns and lower profit margins. After product update, the production line needs to be updated, and the asset depreciation rate is high, such as most machinery manufacturing companies.

For example, Changxingju Real Estate Company under Huaqing Holding Group, Hualian Computer, energy companies, and Minzhong Company that is about to be established.

These are all asset-heavy companies, a civilian company that has not yet made money, but its investment is not small, from the initial acquisition of bauxite to the subsequent factory construction of electrolytic aluminum and alumina projects and the construction of related power plants. It's all investment.

 I started investing so much without making any money at all. If I want to get back my capital, I don’t know how long it will take. Even if the market is good, it will take time.

 However, some Yaohan supermarkets are typical asset-light models. The supermarket industry itself utilizes and integrates resources.

 Rent a place, simply decorate it, introduce various partners, suppliers, etc., and then the supermarket serves as a platform.

Platform, like Ahri and Jingdong in later generations, is a platform provided. Of course, both platforms also have their own independent brands, but they cannot operate all the brands on the left and right, so what? Make money. It ended up being a hodgepodge.

For example, Ahri has so many products on the shelves. If each one was its own brand, I don’t know how much money it would cost and how long it would take to establish it.

 But they only provide a platform, and this platform is asset-light.

Of course, there is no absolute boundary between light assets and heavy assets. Sometimes light assets will turn into heavy assets, and heavy assets will turn into light assets.

For example, the clothing industry has always been asset-heavy in the past, because to produce clothing, you need factories. To get a factory, you first need a piece of land. After you have the land, you need to build a factory. After the factory is built, you still need Enter the production line.

 Then we also need factory warehouses and so on.

 This is a typical enterprise with a heavy asset model.

 But later on, Fanke abruptly changed the asset-heavy model into an asset-light model, with no factory buildings or production lines.

ˆ What kind of clothes are needed are directly handed over to the downstream clothing companies, and then the downstream clothing companies supply the goods. This way, heavy assets are thrown away. Coupled with the added value of the brand, the investment is not large and the return is quite high.

Yabaihan Supermarket has some self-operated brands, but that doesn’t mean that you can earn whatever you want. You want everything. The end result is that you can’t capture anything.

Jiang Xiaobai spent so much money to acquire Yaohan Supermarket, and he definitely didn’t let Liu Xiaomei do it randomly.

It took a whole morning. Jiang Xiaobai had only processed one-third of the reported documents in his hands. By the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai had not processed any more. document.

It's not that Jiang Xiaobai doesn't want to deal with it anymore, but there is no such time. There are many activities that require Jiang Xiaobai to attend, some invitations, and some people who need to meet. They have already made appointments and so on. Jiang Xiaobai will meet when he comes back. .

For two or three days, Jiang Xiaobai was dealing with the affairs at hand, and during this period, Zhang Weiyi also came to Jiang Xiaobai several times with a plan, and discussed with Jiang Xiaobai how to operate Yili's three steps.

Of course, the main thing is how to operate the first two steps. As for the third step, it is very simple.

In the meantime, Wang Hua from Chunqiu International Travel Service also came to report with Jiang Xiaobai on the progress of Chunqiu International Travel Service's change to Chunqiu Airlines.

Wang Hua is quite capable. Jiang Xiaobai is just a matchmaker a lot of the time, but Wang Hua is able to build relationships quickly and is also a person who knows how to work. Of course, being able to do business is not a bad thing. After all, doing business requires dealing with relevant departments.

The airline has begun to review the qualifications of Chunqiu International Travel Service, and the funds have been prepared. They are already talking with the airline. It is estimated that it won’t take long for Wang Hua’s dream to come true.

 (End of this chapter)

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