Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3148: Financing difficulties

 Chapter 3148 Financing Difficulties

Deputy Uncle Li sat in Jiang Xiaobai's office for a while. Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai still had something to do, he stood up and left. Before leaving, Jiang Xiaobai asked Deputy Li to have dinner with him at noon.

He has to go to the district in the morning, and there is a symposium on the development of private enterprises. Although in essence, the emphasis on private enterprises in the city is just that, there are many various symposiums and the like. .

If Zhang Weiyi was here, Zhang Weiyi would have participated. Now that Zhang Weiyi has left, it is not appropriate to send another vice president there.

Moreover, almost half a year has passed this year. Jiang Xiaobai has basically never spent any time in Magic City except for business trips. A Fortune 500 company has its headquarters in Magic City. As a result, he did not participate in any activities in Magic City. Show up.

This sends a very bad signal to the outside world, and it is easy for rumors to spread randomly. Besides, last year, the two sides were already a bit tense, so after Jiang Xiaobai came back, he immediately took over several arrangements from the Magic City. You should always attend some of the activities.

  I invited Uncle Li to have a meal at noon, and after making an appointment with Jiang Xiaobai to attend the groundbreaking ceremony, Uncle Li went to Ningbo City in the afternoon.

The groundbreaking ceremony will be held in two days, and many things require Uncle Li to do it in person. For example, inviting some people to participate in activities, relevant leaders, etc., all of which require Uncle Li to go in person. Invited.

 There are also arrangements for some activities, and relevant personnel from the construction unit need to be communicated and met by Uncle Li in advance.

Of course, there are still some technical aspects that need to be coordinated with Huahai Automobile, and this requires the intervention of Deputy Li Shu. Deputy Li is also very busy. I am really grateful to Jiang Xiaobai for taking the time to come to the magic city.

Jiang Xiaobai either didn't show up in Magic City or appeared continuously. In the evening, he even attended a dinner party for a related event.

 The next day, I met two partners again to reassure them. The next day, I attended an exchange meeting organized by relevant departments to discuss strategies to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

At the meeting, Jiang Xiaobai mainly expressed some opinions on the financing issues of small and medium-sized enterprises. The limitations of small and medium-sized enterprises are actually financing issues.

Why the issue of private capital raising is a problem from time to time? It is because private enterprises have difficulty in financing and do not have the funds to develop.

 In the process of industrial development, capital is inseparable. If there is no financial support, or the capital cannot keep up with the pace of development of the enterprise, it will inevitably hinder the development of the enterprise.

 In the previous life, the reason why Minsheng Bank was able to prosper was because it helped small and medium-sized enterprises.

 It is conceivable how urgent the need for funds for small and medium-sized enterprises is.

 It is not said that as long as the financing problem of small and medium-sized enterprises is solved, the development problems of small and medium-sized enterprises will be solved, but it can be said that 80 to 90% of the problems have been solved.

"I think the development difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises are mainly reflected in several aspects. The first is that production costs continue to rise. Raw material prices fluctuate greatly and market sales are weak. At the same time, with the development of the economy in the past two years, labor costs have increased. Secondly, It is the market prospect that is not optimistic. The further reshuffle of the market is squeezing the development of small and medium-sized enterprises...

  Third, small and medium-sized enterprises have weak independent innovation capabilities. Small and medium-sized enterprises generally face the problem of lack of funds, talents and high-end technology, which leads to weak overall technological innovation strength of enterprises, few core technologies with independent intellectual property rights, and key industrial technologies that are controlled by others...    Jiang Xiaobai spoke bit by bit, and the media reporters below flashed their lights. It lit up as if it was free of charge. Originally, I was invited by the relevant departments to participate in the small and medium-sized enterprise development exchange meeting. I just came to deal with it. I originally thought that the size of the section in the newspaper was based on the leadership level attending the meeting today. Just settle it.

As for what content to talk about, just kidding, it would be surprising if there could be any eye-catching views and content in such an exchange and consultation meeting.

But I didn’t expect that Jiang Xiaobai would actually attend. Now after the country’s withdrawal from the state and the advancement of the people, small and medium-sized enterprises are basically private enterprises. As the leader of private enterprises, Jiang Xiaobai and Huaqing Holding Group are the leaders of private enterprises. faucet.

It can be said that just Jiang Xiaobai’s talk about the development of small and medium-sized enterprises is enough to fill the space of a professional financial newspaper.

Although the newspapers and media that came here today are not the top ones among financial newspapers, and they are not that professional, there is still no problem in arranging a large page for Jiang Xiaobai's speech.

"The last point, and the most important point, is the financing difficulty of enterprises. The financing difficulty of private enterprises has always been a long-standing and difficult problem to solve. When it comes to small and medium-sized enterprises in private enterprises, the financing problem is even more serious. Needs the top priority of the ending.

  Small and medium-sized enterprises are generally small in scale, lack mortgage assets, and have insufficient effective guarantees; of course, some small and medium-sized enterprises also have some problems in operation and management, but banks' low willingness to lend and "loan reluctance" are also practical problems..."

 Jiang Xiaobai explained the problem of loan difficulties for small and medium-sized private enterprises, and then talked about solutions.

“Previously, our Oriental Bank had a loan support plan worth RMB 100 billion to address the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises.

 Here, I can state that our goal at Oriental Bank has always been to assist the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and solve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises.

 We have gone a long way on this road, but this is not the end. The RMB 100 billion loan support plan is not the end, but a starting point. Next, we will move forward and continue to work on the financing issues of small and medium-sized enterprises.

 At the same time, we will continue to increase support for small and medium-sized enterprises and strengthen loan support programs..."

 Jiang Xiaobai said that in the end, he proposed a solution and at the same time it was an advertisement for Oriental Bank.

However, not only are the people here not dissatisfied, but on the contrary, they are also very happy. Judging from the many business owners who participated in the small and medium-sized enterprise development exchange meeting, they also participated in this meeting to solve some problems.

 Happy to the relevant departments, I hope that the relevant departments can come up with some policies and the like at the meeting. Or give some specific solutions, something that can help them.

 Now Jiang Xiaobai has helped provide a solution.

 (End of this chapter)

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