Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3154: groundbreaking ceremony

Chapter 3154 Groundbreaking Ceremony

Geely Automobile, Yongshi Branch is not far from Huahai Automobile Factory. Except for some reserved places for future expansion of both factories, the two companies can basically be said to be right next to each other.

Early in the morning on the day of the groundbreaking ceremony, Uncle Li arrived at the site and started making arrangements. This was Geely Automobile’s first branch factory, but looking at the excitement at the site, Uncle Li believed that one day, Geely’s Production bases will be spread across the country.

Of course, this does not mean that every city must have one, but it should be evenly distributed to supply the huge domestic car sales market.

Uncle Li thinks there should be at least eight production bases, which are, of course, branch factories.

 Today is just the first one.

As time went by, more and more guests came to the scene, mainly the bosses of private car companies.

Although many of them only started to enter this industry this year, it did not delay them from coming to Geely to represent private car companies and watch the ceremony.

Of course, in the future, everyone will be in the same industry, and there may be some competition between each other, but Geely Automobile is the predecessor and pioneer among private car companies.

  To a certain extent, what Geely has achieved is the upper limit for private car companies. Of course, we do not deny that someone may surpass Geely in the future.

 But at this stage, Jili is the leader.

 In a certain sense, some of Geely's actions represent the development history of domestic private car companies. In a few years, when talking about the development history of domestic private car companies, the one that cannot be bypassed is Geely Automobile.

When you talk about the history of the development of domestic private car companies, you can't just mention the development of private car companies. If you want to talk about Geely's tattered road, from the first car of a domestic private car company to being put on the market, to getting the birth certificate, to the third A branch factory, then...

 It is no exaggeration to say that Geely Automobile is the beginning of domestic private car companies.

 That’s why so many people from this private car company came today, all to witness this moment of Geely.

As for the behemoth Huahai Automobile, although it is also a private car company, it was a joint venture at the time. From technology to materials, Huahai Automobile was very rich.

If Geely is a child of a poor family, then Huahai Automobile was born with a silver spoon in its mouth. It is backed by two major companies, Huaqing Holding Group and Huahua Bank. Especially last year, it acquired so many brands in one fell swoop. Entering into a global automobile manufacturer.

There are even rumors that Huahai Automobile will operate independently. Of course, anyone with a discerning eye can see this, which is difficult.

Of course, it is not ruled out that if the development is good in the future, Huahai Automobile will become independent and become another behemoth.

If this Huahai Automobile was placed in other companies, it would probably have become independent a long time ago. With such a large size, it could have been operated independently. However, because in Huaqing Holding Group, it is not that easy to become independent.

Because Huaqing Holding Group has many powerful companies, such as Changxingju Real Estate Company, a well-known real estate company in China, which is famous in Shanghai and Yangcheng Pengcheng.

Even among the private car company owners who came to watch the groundbreaking ceremony of Geely Automobile, many people live in a community developed by Changxingju Real Estate.

Not only Changxingju, but also Yaohan Supermarket. They are all global multinational enterprises. I don’t know how many second-tier holding companies and third-tier holding companies there are.

 Collaborators, strategic partners, cash flow, and brand value, such a company was originally a behemoth, and it is still hanging around in Huaqing Holding Group.

 In fact, there are many companies under the Huaqing Holding Group that have the strength to become independent, but none of them. Huahai Automobile is naturally no exception.

Of course, the development of Huahai Automobile itself has also been strongly supported by Huaqing Holding Group, which has led to a smooth journey that other private car companies cannot compare with.

This is a private car company inside, but it is disguised as a joint venture car. People subconsciously think that Huahai Automobile is not a private car company.

  Auto-related newspapers and media, as well as financial newspapers and media, have all arrived at the scene, and all kinds of flashlights are constantly on.

This is not a simple groundbreaking ceremony. With the promotion of both the Yongcheng City and Geely, this event is more like a gathering of private car companies.

 Jiang Xiaobai and the leaders of Yong City arrived at the scene almost at the same time, and the groundbreaking ceremony officially began.

First, a representative from Ningbo City took the stage to speak, expressing his welcome and support for Geely Automobile to settle in Ningbo City. At the same time, he imagined the future and made full use of Huahai Automobile, Geely Automobile and Wanxiang Automobile that will settle in Ningbo City in the future to create a world-famous city. The downstream industrial chain...etc.

 Then there was Deputy Li Shu, who originally arranged for Jiang Xiaobai to speak on stage. Deputy Li also invited Jiang Xiaobai repeatedly, but Jiang Xiaobai refused.

Jiang Xiaobai just sat under the stage, in the middle of the first row, watching the ceremony.

Today is a good day for Geely Motors. If you go up and speak on your own, that would be stealing the limelight from Vice President Li. There is no need.

Moreover, there are so many people here today, and they are all colleagues from private car companies. If you want to say something, you can let them record it in front of many media reporters and give it a little guidance.

 Maybe it will be pushed to the forefront.

If the news brought by Yin Mingshan is accurate, the higher-ups are already very worried about the current enthusiasm for car manufacturing among private car companies, and are starting to prepare to investigate to see if it is time to cool down the enthusiasm for private car manufacturing. Apply the brakes.

If I stand up and speak out at this time, private car companies will probably be more enthusiastic about building cars by then.

He even said that as long as he stood up, even if he didn’t say anything, media reporters might lead to fermentation.

This is not to say that there is no hatred, but that the media likes to create focus, create hot news, and attract attention.

Moreover, private car manufacturing itself is very popular, so it would be strange if the media does not provide guidance.

Uncle Li can be said to be some of the pioneers among private car company owners. Geely can also be said to be the epitome of the development history of private car companies to a certain extent, but it cannot represent private car companies. Among private car companies, there are Reputation.

 But it has no appeal.

But Huahai Automobile is different. Huahai Automobile really has this appeal and strength. It can make many private car companies crazy by bringing out some outdated technology or data. After all, Geely and Lifan Motors rely on the technology transferred from Huahai Automobile, and they are now going smoothly.

 (End of this chapter)

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