Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3158: Faster corners are really fast

Chapter 3158: Faster corners are really fast

 Zhang Tingting, a young secretary, could see something, so how could Jiang Xiaobai not know it? This is to guide the development of an important domestic industry.

 Pressure is bound to follow. Just like the rush of private car companies to build cars, the higher-ups will want to investigate.

Fuel vehicles have been proven by the market. As a result, private companies have been pouring in over the past few decades. When they want to build cars, the higher-ups will be worried.

What's more, this is a track change from fuel vehicles to new energy vehicles, which means that if it fails, the future will not be as Jiang Xiaobai described. If new energy vehicles can replace fuel vehicles, it will be difficult for domestic fuel vehicles to catch up. The distance that comes out will be infinitely widened again.

From now on, the automobile industry will be controlled by others and return to before liberation overnight. This is no joke.

  In the field of fuel vehicles, the domestic automobile industry has not caught up with foreign fuel vehicles. Although some core parts still need to be imported from abroad, some core technologies and drawings are still in the hands of foreign countries.

●In terms of technology accumulation and talent accumulation, there is no way to compare with the foreign automobile industry, but after so many years of catching up, it can be regarded as being able to build cars independently.

Unlike before, if you want to build a car, you can only build it by workers hammering it out with hammers. Now you can have your own technology. Although you are lagging behind, it is possible to catch up.

 The current achievements are the result of countless hard work and efforts made by generations of car people.

If the track replacement fails, all these years of hard work will be in vain. Generations of cars have worked hard and huge funds will be wasted. In addition, the entire domestic automobile industry will be brought back to its original shape.

 This is no small matter.

 But Jiang Xiaobai still said resolutely: "I am determined to do this."

 Can we not do it? The domestic accumulation of fuel vehicle racing is not enough, and it is too far behind. If you want to overtake in a corner, how can you overtake in a corner without taking some risks?

Who doesn’t know how to accelerate on a straight line? With so many years of overseas technology accumulation and talent reserves, why should I lose to you on a straight line?

Only on curves and dangerous places, risking your life and taking a gamble, can you truly overtake and catch up.

 The cornering is fast to be really fast.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaobai was reborn. Before his rebirth, new energy vehicles were already performing very well in the market, although there are still many people who look down on new energy vehicles.

 In terms of some problems, the solutions are indeed not ideal, such as battery life issues, etc., and some technical supporting facilities are not perfect.

 But these can all be solved. Facts have proved that new energy vehicles will be the mainstream in the future.

 So now, if the domestic automobile industry wants to overtake in corners, it must take the new energy track. Jiang Xiaobai needs to provide some guidance, even if it may face great pressure in the future.

 Zhang Tingting saw that Jiang Xiaobai had already made a decision. As a secretary, she couldn't say much. If she were a senior member of the group, she might be able to give him a few words of advice.

  But as a secretary, she does not have this right, especially when Huaqing Holding Group is originally Jiang Xiaobai's one-stop shop, and Jiang Xiaobai has absolute rights.

Even the other shareholders and senior management of the group do not have the energy to compete with Jiang Xiaobai. As long as Jiang Xiaobai decides to promote something, no one can stop it.

Whoever steps up will be replaced. What's more, she is a secretary. His job as a secretary is not to express opinions on the group's decisions, but to serve Jiang Xiaobai well and do office work. Just reminding Jiang Xiaobai is already the limit of his rights. .

To say anything more would be to overstep the limit. If a secretary didn’t understand this line, he would have been kicked out long ago.

This is a matter of authority, and it is the same in other companies. If the boss makes a decision, the vice president or the like can disagree and argue with reason. The boss can implement his decision, but he must also allow others to reserve their opinions. .

 The boss cannot say that those who oppose him are wrong.

This is the same in Huaqing Holding Group. Even if Huaqing Holding Group is Jiang Xiaobai's dictum, Jiang Xiaobai has absolute control.

When the Huaqing Building was built in Longcheng, the reason why Song Weiguo was replaced was not only because Song Weiguo objected, but because Song Weiguo felt that the risk was too great and did not want to take the risk, so he took his own stocks and left.

 Argument based on reason, from Chapter 38 of "A Brief History of Civilization" by Li Baojia of the Qing Dynasty.

"Since I am in charge of the affairs of a county, I should have some ideas of my own. As for foreigners, of course they cannot afford to offend them, but they should still fight for their reasons if they really can't go."

 So as long as it is within the scope of authority, even if it cannot be done, you can still express your opinions.

 But if it is something that is not within your scope of authority and you express an opinion blindly, let alone what to do if the opinion you express is wrong, it will be useless even if what you say is right.

 It can be seen from one sentence: "A dog meddles with a mouse".

Soon the car arrived at the entrance of the Yongshi Hotel. Jiang Xiaobai got off the car. Yin Mingshan and others were chatting next to him. It seemed that he had just gotten off the car not long ago. When he saw Jiang Xiaobai, he immediately came over to greet him.

  It doesn’t matter to people from other car companies. After all, this is a shopping mall, not a workplace. No matter how awesome you are, I can ignore you.

But Yin Mingshan's Lifan Motors relies entirely on Jiang Xiaobai's help. He is a member of the Huaqing family, so of course he must be polite to the boss.

 This is human nature.

Deputy Uncle Li was greeting people at the door. After seeing Jiang Xiaobai, he immediately ended his greetings with the people around him and walked towards Jiang Xiaobai to say hello.

Surrounded by everyone, Jiang Xiaobai walked into the private room of the hotel and sat down. Originally, Deputy Uncle Li wanted to invite Jiang Xiaobai to sit at the main seat, but Jiang Xiaobai declined. Today, Deputy Uncle Li is the host, and he cannot usurp the guest.

However, there are some things that you really can’t do just because you don’t want to. Jiang Xiaobai sat down here, and that was the absolute center.

Even though it was Uncle Li’s treat at noon, and today was also a big day for Geely Motors, there were still many people coming to say hello when Jiang Xiaobai was sitting here. When toasting, some people would also toast Jiang Xiaobai first.

  Or two people toast together, but always put Jiang Xiaobai in the front.

 (End of this chapter)

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