Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3162: covered in cold sweat

Chapter 3162: Cold Sweat

Deputy Li was talking about the outsourcing department of Geely Automobile, and Jiang Xiaobai felt a little emotional. Although at the groundbreaking ceremony, when he heard Deputy Li thanking the outsourcing department in such a grand manner, he had some suspicions in his mind. Maybe Uncle Li Next, I want to move to the outsourcing department.

But what I didn't expect was that Uncle Li was so anxious. At the groundbreaking ceremony in the morning, Geely Automobile praised and thanked the outsourcing workshop for its contribution to the development over the years. As a result, just in the afternoon, It turns out that the outsourcing department is about to be moved.

It really surprised Jiang Xiaobai, the speed was a little too fast. Are you in such a hurry?

“Director Jiang, I know I feel sorry for these people by doing this, but if the company wants to develop and the performance and quality of the cars want to improve, then this outsourcing workshop must be banned, so I...”

Uncle Li explained the purpose of doing this with some embarrassment. In fact, he also knew that he was doing this for the good of the company, but it was always somewhat untenable emotionally.

It's more or less like burning the bridge across the river and killing the donkey. People like Jiang Xiaobai are willing to watch this happen. He knew that Jiang Xiaobai was the most moral and loyal person.

Normally, some business decisions of Geely Automobile do not need to be reported to Jiang Xiaobai, but this matter is different and involves the possible impact of "killing the donkey".

He was afraid that if he didn't communicate with Jiang Xiaobai in advance, Jiang Xiaobai would have some opinions about himself after he found out about it.

  Geely Automobile has come so far and has developed so well in the past two years, all because of Jiang Xiaobai. If Jiang Xiaobai has a problem with himself and ignores Geely Automobile, it does not mean that Geely Automobile will not be able to develop in the future.

 But it is often difficult.

Especially now that Jiang Xiaobai still holds part of Jili’s stocks. If Jili doesn’t support him internally, problems may arise one day in the future.

Once some rifts occur, the two parties cannot go back. Reunion is an allusion to the Sui Dynasty, but it is not reality.

 The reality is that water thrown out cannot be recovered.

The support of big guys like Jiang Xiaobai, disgusted with big guys such as Jiang Xiaobai. Although the impact is not immediate, it is definitely far -reaching.

 So this matter must be explained clearly to Jiang Xiaobai in advance, and he believes that Jiang Xiaobai can also understand it.

 Jiang Xiaobai does understand very well. As for Geely Automobile's outsourcing policy, to be honest, it is an extraordinary measure in extraordinary times.

 Just like back then, many private enterprises were operated under state-owned enterprises, or in other words, under village collectives, in order to avoid risks.

But those are all expedient measures, and the equity must be clear, otherwise, there will be many problems involved, but there was no way to do it under the conditions at the time. Jiang Xiaobai himself had done this kind of thing, at the Educated Youth Cannery Factory It is also under the collective name of Jianhua Village.

At the beginning, Uncle Li of Geely Automobile had no money, no technology, and no one to support him. He only had the support of these people and could only use these people. However, as the company develops, these outsourced workshops must be banned.

Production management regulations and production procedures must be strictly controlled, and the presence of these outsourced workshops, especially the final assembly workshops, has already hindered the development of Geely Automobile.

Especially now that the Geely Automobile branch plant has started construction and will be completed in half a year. Under such circumstances, it has become inevitable to liquidate the outsourced workshops.     But this speed is indeed a bit too fast.

Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a moment and said: "I agree with the elimination of outsourcing workshops. If you want to develop well, outsourcing workshops must be a burden, but the only problem is.

If the outsourced workshops are to be liquidated now, can everyone accept it in their hearts..."

Uncle Li frowned when he heard this. Just as he was about to explain something, Jiang Xiaobai continued: "I mean, is it better to deal with this matter slowly?"

Uncle Li listened, looking like he was asking for advice humbly.

“Dr. Jiang, please speak.”

“For example, let’s clear out the final assembly workshop first. This final assembly workshop can be said to be the most important department of an automobile company. It would definitely be unreasonable to outsource all the final assembly departments.

 In this case, I believe that everyone will be able to accept it mentally, and the impact on the company will be minimal. More importantly, it will also give everyone time to accept it mentally.

It will take some time to build the new factory. I estimate that it will take at least a year before the new factory can be built and the relevant production equipment and machines can be debugged. By then, you will have replaced all the outsourced workshops. .

I know you want to do things well, but you also need to understand one truth, that is, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and you have to do things slowly. There is a saying that governing a big country is like cooking small dishes. If you are not in a hurry, you will be in a hurry. It won’t work if it’s too big, and it won’t work if there’s no fire…”

Jiang Xiaobai saw that Uncle Li was listening, but he didn't seem to have heard much, so he spoke again: "And now is the development stage of Geely Automobile. Now Geely Automobile has finally embarked on the fast lane of development. If Because these things have a huge impact.

  If it interrupts the development speed of Geely Automobile, it will not be easy to have such good development opportunities in the future..."

Uncle Li suddenly broke into a cold sweat when he heard this. He couldn't help but nodded repeatedly. If Jiang Xiaobai hadn't reminded him, he would have almost ignored it. Geely Automobile is now developing rapidly and has embarked on the fast track of development. If this was interrupted If this momentum is gained.

The gain is really not worth the loss. A company can only develop rapidly for a few years. Once a problem occurs, it will not be easy to get another development opportunity.

In fact, I am not negligent, but Geely Automobile has been developing too smoothly during this period, which makes me a little erratic.

Uncle Li wiped the sweat from his forehead, stood up directly, bowed to Jiang Xiaobai, and then looked at Jiang Xiaobai sincerely and thanked him: "Dr. Jiang, thank you, these words made me wake up. , if you hadn't reminded me, I almost made a big mistake. I understand, I will listen to your opinion, take my time, and try to minimize the impact of this matter.

We will certainly not let this incident affect Geely Automobile’s hard-won development opportunities and interrupt Geely Automobile’s rapid development momentum.

 Thank you, Mr. Jiang, your words are really good words of wisdom..."

 (End of this chapter)

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