Chapter 3175 Sun Laoji

As the economy develops and life improves, people naturally demand good food after having enough to eat. They not only demand rice and noodles, but also chicken, fish, meat, eggs, and milk.

Naturally, it is necessary to vigorously develop the modern breeding industry, and the feed industry has also begun to flourish. The emerging feed, as well as the Hope Group, Liu Yonghao and others, plus Sun Dawu, basically started to enter during that time. the feed industry.

In addition, there are policy supports from above, which strongly support the development of the feed industry and the breeding industry. Sun Dawu is also filled with emotion when mentioning the past. They were the first batch of people to enter the feed industry who seized the opportunity. .

"Dr. Jiang, I remember that in the 1980s, the national feed production was only one million tons, but now, the national feed production has reached 70 million tons. Like seventy times.

 Twenty years, seventy times. On average, it more than triples every year. It’s a good time, but the annual expansion rate cannot keep up with the production growth rate.

I remember in those years, there were very few companies in the domestic feed industry, and there was little competition. As long as you could produce it, you could buy it, and you could sell whatever you produced..."

 Jiang Xiaobai nodded. This was also his personal experience. The reason why Xinxing Feed Factory developed so fast was because it was really a good time at that time.

Later generations called these twenty years a golden age. It is true that although it is a bit exaggerated, it is not too exaggerated. Part of what is said is indeed realistic, because it caught up with the good times, strong support from above, and various kinds of The market and so on are mature.

There are no competitors in the middle. You can sell as much as you produce. There is no competitive pressure and there is no homogeneous brand competition.

Compared with all kinds of fierce competition in later generations, starting a business at this time is indeed much simpler and relatively easier, not as difficult as in later generations.

Of course, it is not that simple to say that you can pick up money just by lowering your head. There are people who fall into the water everywhere.

 The feed industry has entered a stage of rapid development since the mid-1980s, growing more than three times a year.

 In the meantime, as long as the enterprise has money, it can expand its output value and make more money. It is no exaggeration to say that the expansion speed of enterprises cannot keep up with the growth rate of the feed industry.

  Moreover, the types of feeds are also increasing, including various compound feeds and premixed feeds. Even the feed machinery manufacturing industry required for downstream feed production is developing very fast.

“The industry was growing at a relatively fast rate back then. It was very uncomfortable to watch the industry grow rapidly and the market expand.”

 Sun Dawu said, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "You must be feeling uncomfortable watching the money flow away from your eyes."

"Haha, what Director Jiang said is true, but if you want to expand and seize opportunities, you need funds for development. And as you know, Director Jiang, it is very difficult for private enterprises to obtain financing, and there is no financial support at all. …”

 Sun Dawu said, Jiang Xiaobai nodded thoughtfully, thinking about the purpose of Sun Dawu's words. Of course, what Sun Dawu said is also true.

 Huaqing Holding Group also had a difficult time developing at that time. When it built the first Huaqing Building in Longcheng, Sanjin, it was also built with debt.

 Later, if Jiang Xiaobai hadn't spotted the opportunity and seized the opportunity, he became Huahua Bank and absorbed a large amount of funds.

Huaqing Holding Group would not be what it is today. Looking at the development of private enterprises, in fact, in the golden age of more than 20 years, there were many opportunities to develop and grow, and there were many opportunities. As long as you have money, vision, and a A little bit of luck.

 It is not difficult to become a big company. This is many times easier than it will be in future generations. However, even if you are limited by funds, without financial support, you can only watch the opportunity slip away from your eyes, and you cannot seize it.

Because there was not so much external capital at the beginning, and everything in China was just getting started. Unlike when Internet companies developed, there were already many investment institutions. As long as you are good enough, you will not have to worry about lack of development funds. .

 Angel round, A round, B round of funds, only if you can't develop, it doesn't mean that the money is not enough.

Of course, capital money carries poison, but at least there is financial support. Unlike now, there is no capital with poison, and it can only develop slowly.

"Director Jiang, I'm not afraid of your jokes. I came from a credit union, but when I go to a credit union, I never see anyone. Even if I sometimes see people, when I mention the loan, they all shake their heads and say nothing. .

 It was really difficult to develop. Later, I really had no choice but to think of a way, which was to raise funds..."

Sun Dawu pursed his lips as he spoke. Only those involved can understand the hardships involved in the development of private enterprises.

As Sun Dawu was talking, the waiter had already started serving the dishes. He just interrupted Sun Dawu, causing him to choke back the rest of his words.

Sun Dawu felt a pang of regret. He had taken this opportunity to directly fill the hole with the funds he needed.

 But when the dishes were served, naturally I couldn’t continue talking.

When the dishes were all served, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Sun Dawu with a glass of wine in his hand and said, "Well, welcome to the Magic City. As the host, I'd like to propose a toast to you first."

"No farewell, Director Jiang, you are too polite. I don't even know what to say. I should have arranged this. Your arrangement is at Jianhua Hotel. I can't find a place to pay the bill. The outside world calls me Mr. Sun, but this time I really want to settle the bill..."

As Sun Dawu spoke, Jiang Xiaobai started laughing. After drinking a glass of wine, Jiang Xiaobai simply asked about some of Sun Dawu's deeds rumored by the outside world.

 For example, when traveling, is it really possible to buy a hard seat instead of a sleeper berth?

Sun Dawu didn’t hide anything in front of Jiang Xiaobai, and nodded directly: “Dr. Jiang, this is actually similar, but there are also some untruths. For example, in the past two years, when I came forward, I still had to buy a hard sleeper in a farther place.

Soft sleepers are too expensive and not necessary, but hard sleepers are still okay, and hard seats are basically not used much. After all, there are some places that are closer, and it is more convenient to drive..."

“It’s true that you don’t have your own private car. There are several cars in the group office. Anyone who wants to go out can use it. There is no need to set up a private car. It is also a waste when the car is idle..."

“It’s true that I live in a bungalow. I feel more comfortable than living in a building…”

 (End of this chapter)

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