Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3181: Being relied on

 Chapter 3181 Being relied on

Jiang Xiaobai saw that Sun Dawu was shaken by his words, and immediately increased his persuasion: "If you think about it carefully, you are the most familiar with your group's problems. It's just that you couldn't see through it when you were in the game before. That's it, but now that we know the problem, who else can understand Dawu Group as well as you? Dawu Group was founded by you. You know the context of the group and understand the group.

 To be honest, if you can't solve the problem of Dawu Group yourself, then no one can solve it.

 Plus, I really don’t have time to leave. If you wait here, you will be wasting your last chance. On the contrary, if you go back, you may find a solution or find other people who are willing to help you..."

At this moment, Sun Dawu was really shaken, but it only took a moment for Sun Dawu to realize that something was wrong.

 What Jiang Xiaobai said is right, but can he really do it? Although he knows his own company well, what's the use? He can't even see the essence of the problem clearly. Jiang Xiaobai can't see clearly because he is in the game.

 But is it really so? Sun Dawu felt that this might be related, but this was not the whole reason.

 It is also related to your own character, ability, vision, and structure.

Jiang Xiaobai was on the outside, and in just a few words, he analyzed the matter clearly. He was not just a simple outsider, but he could see it more clearly and be able to explain it. This is his vision, pattern, analytical ability, and ability to see the essence of things. His abilities far exceed his own in all aspects.

If I could solve it with my own abilities, I wouldn’t have had insomnia for several days in the group, unable to think of a solution to the problem. Even the direction was wrong from the beginning and Jiang Xiaobai still needed guidance.

 I couldn’t even solve the simplest money problem, let alone the two more difficult ones, so I went back and solved it independently.

It seems that this choice is full of courage and courage, but in fact it is a dead end. Staying in the magic city to wait for Jiang Xiaobai seems not a very wise choice on the surface, like slow suicide and waiting for death, but it is the only way to survive.

As for what Jiang Xiaobai said about asking other people to help, Jiang Xiaobai has the best reputation in the industry. Jiang Xiaobai is not willing to help him clean up this mess, let alone other people.

As for finding people in the ranks of state-owned enterprises, that is even more wishful thinking. It doesn’t matter whether you can help or not. Just help if you are willing to do so. The systems and procedures of state-owned enterprises determine that people in state-owned enterprises can help even if they are willing to do so. Can't help.

As for the leaders within the system, haha, if I had such connections and background, I wouldn’t say that my relationship with the local area was so tense.

  It is not necessary to set up a financial mutual aid cooperative to raise funds. The problem of financing difficulties can be solved by directly looking for connections, and loans can be obtained to develop Dawu Group.

 So it’s unreliable to ask others for help. It’s better to wait for Jiang Xiaobai, who is his only life-saving straw at the moment.

"No!" Sun Dawu shook his head fiercely and said firmly: "Dr. Jiang, I will wait for you in Magic City. Whenever you have time, you can go. If you don't have time, I will always wait in Magic City. You, wait until you have time.”

Jiang Xiaobai's face changed when he heard this, and he said angrily: "What? Do you think you still rely on me?"

Sun Dawu quickly explained: "Dr. Jiang, I didn't mean that. It's just that I'm desperate. I have no other way. I can only count on your help. This is my last hope of saving my life, so even if it's only one percent , even if it is one in a thousand or one in ten thousand, I will try my best to win..."

 Sun Dawu didn’t know if Jiang Xiaobai would help him, but he firmly believed that his current choice was not wrong. Jiang Xiaobai was his only life-saving straw. No matter whether it worked or not, he always tried his best to give it a try.

Even if Jiang Xiaobai didn't help in the end, or if he did help but it didn't work out, he wouldn't regret it.

 He directly placed all his bets on Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai looked at Sun Dawu and was speechless. Who are these people? He didn't want to get into this muddy water, but Sun Dawu insisted on dragging him into it.

We have been through enough muddy waters today, and there is no result yet on Yili's side. Now Sun Dawu appears again.

 The muddy water on Yili’s side is what Zhang Weiyi insists on. There is no other way, but he must take care of Lao Zhang’s emotions and give Lao Zhang some appropriate support.

 But this Sun Dawu...

Jiang Xiaobai felt regretful in his heart. If he had known this, he would have never seen Sun Dawu again. He estimated that if he didn't see Sun Dawu and didn't give Sun Dawu hope, Sun Dawu might have waited for another day or two before going back. .

 As a result, Sun Dawu is now relying on this.

However, Jiang Xiaobai still didn't want Sun Dawu to achieve his goal so easily, and said directly: "I have already made it clear. Since you have your own ideas, I won't stop you. Then you can go back and wait now. I have really said this recently. I don't have time to visit your place for inspection.

I will not be kidnapped by your morals. Your Dawu Group is your Dawu Group’s business. No matter what, it has nothing to do with me..."

Jiang Xiaobai said with a calm expression, which made people subconsciously feel that Jiang Xiaobai really thought this way.

 After finishing speaking, Jiang Xiaobai picked up the tea cup on the table and served the tea to see off the guests.

Zhang Tingting also spoke at the right time and said: "Mr. Sun, Assistant Zhao, Director Jiang has other things to do next, so we can't delay too much..."

Sun Dawu and Zhao Jun stood up knowingly.

"Dr. Jiang, I'll be waiting for you in the Magic City anyway." Sun Dawu said a few words, then bowed to Jiang Xiaobai, then turned and left.

But from beginning to end, Jiang Xiaobai's expression was cold and he didn't express anything.

Sun Dawu and Zhao Jun had no choice but to follow Zhang Tingting out of Jiang Xiaobai's office.

The two of them did not go to the reception room to wait. They left Huaqing Building directly and returned to the hotel to wait. Since Jiang Xiaobai said that he had no time for the time being, he would definitely not go today. If he had to wait, he would continue to wait in the reception room tomorrow.

It just so happened that the two of them were exhausted mentally and physically these past two days. They went back to the hotel to take a rest and sort out the situation of today's meeting with Jiang Xiaobai.

After the two of them went out, Sun Dawu had no intention of saving money. This was not the time to save money, so he took a taxi directly back to the hotel where they stayed in Shanghai.

 (End of this chapter)

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