Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3183: Soaring ambitions

Chapter 3183: Soaring ambitions

"Mr. Sun, Director Jiang is too busy." Zhao Jun couldn't help but muttered.

Sun Dawu stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window of the reception room. After hearing Zhao Jun's voice, he responded without looking back.

busy? He must be busy, not to mention Jiang Xiaobai, but he himself is also busy. When he is in the group, there are always countless things to do. He also participates in some industry symposiums and goes to some schools to give lectures.

Before coming here, I also went to a university in Beijing to give a speech. Yes, this man was in the reception room of Huaqing Holding Group at the moment, hesitant and afraid to move forward.

Just a month ago, I was excited to give a speech at a university in Beijing, and it was not just an ordinary university, it was Jingcheng University, one of the two most famous universities in the country.

Agricultural University, which is also a key domestic university in the 985 universities. Beijing Institute of Technology is also a key university in the 985 universities. You can give public lectures in these three universities to talk about the issues of rural areas and farmers, and the pressure and future of farmers.

That is really high-spirited, impassioned, and ambitious. But in the blink of an eye, he could only stand in the reception room of Huaqing Holding Group, watching the sunset in the magical city, waiting for Jiang Xiaobai's help.

 Zhao Jun could understand the sadness and anxiety in this.

"Mr. Sun, we are getting off work soon. How about we go back today?" Zhao Jun looked at his watch and said a little irritably. He had been following Sun Dawu for a long time and was not afraid of hardship and fatigue, but waiting around was really boring. It's unbearable.

Especially when the group is already in turmoil and people at the top and bottom are restless, Sun Dawu needs to go back and take charge of the overall situation. As a result, Sun Dawu is just waiting in Huaqing Holding Group. Isn't this a waste of time?

"Wait for a while, wait until Huaqing Holding Group gets off work." Sun Dawu was unmoved. Although he was many times more impatient than Zhao Jun, he was unwilling to show it in front of Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun sat down helplessly, but he couldn't sit still. Looking at Sun Dawu's concentrated figure standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the Magic City, he couldn't help but stand up and walked over, wanting to see what Sun Dawu was. looking at what.

 But when he walked in, he found that there was no special scenery outside the window, just a ray of sunset jumping down the horizon, and the darkness in the distance was slowly getting closer.

Zhao Jun always feels that this atmosphere has an indescribable sense of depression, and the implication is not very good. Just like the current Dawu Group, will it also usher in a dark period?

Zhao Jun shook his head subconsciously, and soon noisy sounds came from outside. Zhao Jun knew that it was Huaqing Holding Group's get off work, and employees began to leave.

At this time, the staff also opened the door and walked in, reminding the two people that they were off work and closing, and asked them to come back tomorrow.

Sun Dawu turned his head and nodded, walking towards the outside with heavy steps. Zhao Jun followed Sun Dawu closely.

The moment the two people left Huaqing Holding Group, Zhao Jun subconsciously looked towards the horizon, just as the last ray of sunset on the horizon also disappeared from his sight.

Zhao Jun quickly shook his head to get rid of the bad thoughts, then looked at Sun Dawu and asked.

“Mr. Sun, I’ll take a taxi.”

 “No need.” Sun Dawu shook his head.

"Then take the bus back?" Zhao Jun asked doubtfully. During this period, whether the two of them went back to the hotel or came to Huaqing Holding Group, they always took a taxi, because this was not the time to save money. Could it be that today Sun I always feel like I have time again and I need to start saving again.

"No," Sun Dawu shook his head: "The time is good now. Let's not rush back to the hotel. Let's take a stroll along the river. We haven't visited the Bund this time." Zhao Jun nodded and approached Sun Dawu. Beside Dawu, he persuaded as he walked: "Mr. Sun, I think there is no point in waiting like this. Otherwise, we should go back.

 Yesterday, Vice President Liu called again and said that people in the group were panicking, and there were even bad rumors..."

"What bad rumors are there?" Sun Dawu asked. After asking, he said without waiting for Zhao Jun's answer: "It means I ran away."

Zhao Jun was originally in a dilemma. Seeing that Sun Dawu had guessed it, he didn't hide it and nodded directly: "I don't know who made the news. Now there is a lot of rumors within the group, saying that it is about the financial mutual aid society. , there is a problem, you got the news in advance and ran away, that’s why you never showed up.

Especially since the two investigation teams contacted them and even wanted to interview some people..."

Of course Sun Dawu knew about these situations, but at the same time he also knew in his heart that the more he knew about these situations, the less he could go back at this time.

If he really goes back, then there is really no room for maneuver. If he stays in the magic city and waits for Jiang Xiaobai, there may be some hope.

The two of them were walking and chatting. Unknowingly, the lights of the Magic City were already starting to light up. Although the Magic City at this time could not be compared with that of later generations, after so many years of development, it has already had the shadow of an international metropolis.

At this time, walking along the Huangpu River, you can already feel the charm of this city that never sleeps.

“Look.” They had already arrived at the Bund at this time, and when they looked up, they could see the brilliant Huaqing Building and Huahai Center directly opposite.

“Mr. Sun, do you mean the two buildings of Huaqing Holding Group?”

“They are not the two buildings of Huaqing Holding Group, but the tallest buildings in our private enterprise industry. The height of these two buildings represents the overall height of domestic private enterprises.

Huaqing Holding Group is the first private enterprise in China to become one of the Fortune Global 500. As long as we can invite Jiang Xiaobai over, as long as Jiang Xiaobai is willing to help, we will be able to survive this crisis. As long as we survive this crisis, This time the crisis.

Sooner or later, our Dawu Group will be able to stand on the bank of the Huangpu River with tall buildings and become a benchmark for domestic private enterprises. Located in the country, we can watch the changes in private enterprises..."

Zhao Jun was shocked by Sun Dawu's words. He did not expect that at this time, Sun Dawu was not only thinking about the group's ability to overcome the difficulties, but was also considering the future development of the Dawu Group.

There are still ambitions, and some determination and courage to overcome obstacles. Those high aspirations have not disappeared.

 The courage in my heart has not been wiped out by the difficulties and crises in front of me. Instead, I feel that I am becoming more courageous with each setback. Even in this critical moment when life hangs in the balance, I still dare to imagine the future, and I still have some extremely powerful courage.

 (End of this chapter)

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