Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3202: special relationship

 Chapter 3202 Special Relationship

"Bang" After Zhang Tingting walked out and closed the door of the conference room, there was a crisp sound. It was not too loud, but it seemed to hit Sun Dawu's heart.

At this moment, all the little thoughts and calculations in Sun Dawu's heart were knocked out, and he was ashamed.

Originally, I was still thinking about how many shares to give Jiang Xiaobai. Would Jiang Xiaobai take advantage of this situation and ask for more shares in Dawu, causing him to lose control of the group?

Jiang Xiaobai will occupy the magpie's nest in the future, etc. Anyway, he thinks the worst of people.

However, he didn’t expect that Jiang Xiaobai didn’t discuss the shares with him at all. If he needed money, he would just transfer the money to him.

This kind of atmosphere made Sun Dawu feel ashamed.

In addition, this more than 100 million is an astronomical figure for me, but it is definitely a large amount of funds that is difficult to raise. But for Jiang Xiaobai, it is something that can be solved with just a phone call. .

 Transferring 150 million is like eating and drinking water. Such a simple and commonplace thing seems not worth mentioning at all.

Sun Dawu had mixed emotions for a moment. He was stunned when he looked at Jiang Xiaobai. He opened his mouth several times and didn't know what to say or what would be better.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Sun Dawu who was hesitant to speak, and asked directly: "Mr. Sun, do you have something to say?"

", something happened...I...I, thank you so much, Director Jiang, for this share..."

Sun Dawu was hemming and hawing, some of which were incoherent. Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand: "Don't mention the shares for now. When the matter is settled, we can turn the dismantled money into investment." , we will discuss how many shares are appropriate when the time comes.”

"Okay, okay, don't worry, Mr. Jiang, I will definitely..." Sun Dawu wanted to express his attitude, but Jiang Xiaobai still didn't give him a chance.

"Now is not the time. It is estimated that part of the 150 million will be available before noon. If you do this, arrange for people to contact the financial department of our group to ensure that there will be no problems with the funds. question.

In addition, you can also inform the villagers, come here to collect the money now, and distribute the money as soon as possible. If you can't come, send someone to send it there. In short, this must be done quickly..."

"Okay, Director Jiang, I will arrange the people right away." Sun Dawu directly named a few people in the venue to handle the matter and began to make arrangements.

After making arrangements, he looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said, "Actually, Director Jiang, 120 million is enough. We also have 20 million here, which we can use at any time."

“Don’t run out of working capital. If you have enough funds, you can do things easily.” Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said.

When Sun Dawu heard this, his face was full of emotion. Of course, he knew this truth when he had ample funds to do things. But basically, when private enterprises do things, there is no time when funds are abundant. When is it not a matter of budgeting, as long as the money is enough, where? It can also be said to prepare more funds and be more generous.

I have never been so well-off. I always wish I could break a penny into two flowers and still be well-off.

 Only people like Jiang Xiaobai, who have extremely strong financial strength, can say such things.

  It’s just like eating minced meat. Do you really don’t know how difficult it is for private enterprises? This was Sun Dawu's first time fighting such a battle for wealth, and he was very excited. After Jiang Xiaobai arranged the things he needed to arrange, he left the meeting room. He would not interfere with the specific shareholding restructuring of Dawu Group.

After receiving the call from Zhang Tingting, the financial director of Huaqing Holding Group immediately called back to Jiang Xiaobai.

This 150 million is not a big number for Huaqing Holding Group, but it is definitely not a small number. This amount is not something that Zhang Tingting can use as a secretary, especially when all procedures are required. If not, a transfer must be arranged.

Then you must confirm with Jiang Xiaobai.

After Jiang Xiaobai made it clear that it was his intention, the financial department of Huaqing Holding Group began to transfer the money. 50 million yuan arrived before noon, and the remaining 100 million yuan would arrive this afternoon.

Such fast efficiency shocked Sun Dawu. He also arranged for people to notify depositors to come and collect money. The sequence, time arrangement, how many people came at one time, where to collect money, etc. Waiting and so on, the notification work has just begun. The funds arranged by Jiang Xiaobai have already been received, which is frighteningly fast.

Sun Dawu asked other senior executives to continue discussing the shareholding restructuring in the conference room, while he sat at the scene of returning depositors' money.

Hand hand over the money one by one to the villagers who come to receive the money.

 Financial Mutual Aid Cooperative was originally one of the important factors for the development and success of Dawu Group, and it also represented a period of history of Dawu Group. However, this once most important department will end today.

Dawu Group is also heading towards a new beginning and a new historical journey.

Sun Dawu knows many of the people who come here to collect money.

“Old man Liu, this is the money you have here, plus interest, the total is sixty-eight thousand, six hundred and seventy-two yuan. Can you count it?”

“Mr. Sun, the interest has been calculated before it is due. It is inappropriate. We have taken advantage of Dawu.” The old man’s face was full of wrinkles, but when he looked at Sun Dawu, his face was full of sincerity.

“There is nothing inappropriate. The Financial Mutual Aid Society will become history after today. It is I, Sun Dawu, who should thank you and thank you for your contribution to the development of Dawu Group...”

Sun Dawu thanked him again, handed the money to the old man, and then gave the money to the next person again.

In every household, many people knew Sun Dawu, and many people also knew Sun Dawu.

 A sincere thank you and a reluctance to say goodbye to each other.

This is the development path of private enterprises in this special era. They started from the countryside and relied on the power of the countryside and farmers.

 But similarly, the villagers also received certain benefits in this process, and the relationship between them and the enterprise is mutually reinforcing. The special environment and the special era have created such a special relationship between enterprises and employees, or in other words, enterprises and farmers. They are entrepreneurs, but they are also township entrepreneurs rooted in the vast world of rural areas.

 Both parties grow together and benefit together. Throughout history, we can never find such a special pair.

 (End of this chapter)

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