Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3233: Carbon emissions trading rights

Chapter 3233 Carbon Emissions Trading Rights

After the words of the electric power director, Zhou Wan's confidence increased greatly. Jiang Xiaobai proposed a plan to use new energy as energy, and the electric power department also had a plan for ultra-high voltage.

The utilization efficiency of electric energy can be improved, and new energy electricity such as wind power and solar power in the northwest can be transmitted to all parts of the country through ultra-high voltage. In this way, the last shortcoming of new energy vehicles is equivalent to It’s completed.

  The new energy vehicles mentioned by Jiang Xiaobai have a high possibility of being realized.

 Zhou Wan looked at Jiang Xiaobai: "Dr. Jiang, please continue."

As for UHV in electric power, it is still an immature technology. It doesn’t matter. It can be promoted.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and continued: "I just talked about the reasons why new energy vehicles use electricity. Let me talk about the necessity of developing new energy vehicles. First of all, when we develop new energy vehicles, we can bypass the foreign enterprises and industries that are built around fuel vehicles. A series of professional barriers.

 The domestic automobile industry, including parts and components, is still the second largest item of imported industrial products, second only to semiconductors. On the smiling curve of the entire automobile industry, domestic work is the most tiring and profits are the least. A considerable amount of dividends during the rise of the industry have become the profits of foreign automobile companies.

 If changes are not made, the domestic automobile industry will only become a foundry for foreign manufacturers, and the foreign automobile industry will become a suction tube inserted into the domestic body.

 So only by developing new energy vehicles can we bypass the technical barriers in engines, chassis and gearboxes in developed countries, and only then can the domestic automobile industry hope to achieve "overtaking on corners."

 In fact, it’s a matter of carbon emissions trading fees…”

Zhou Wan's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, and he took a deep look at Jiang Xiaobai. At this time, he could fully feel the scope and scope of Jiang Xiaobai's vision, which shocked him.

Before Jiang Xiaobai mentioned the issue of carbon emission trading fees, Zhou Wan felt that Jiang Xiaobai was exhausted. He is a far-sighted businessman, a businessman with a sense of social responsibility, and of course, a mature businessman.

 But when Jiang Xiaobai proposed the term "carbon emission trading fee", Zhou Wan understood that he still underestimated Jiang Xiaobai.

 Jiang Xiaobai is a very visionary, well-organized, ambitious and far-sighted entrepreneur. His vision is many times higher than that of ordinary businessmen.

Many business people only see the interests at hand, and they cannot do without their own one-third of an acre of land. It can be said that they will do anything for money. Those who cheat and swindle will never be able to do big business.

Those who have a slightly longer-term vision can think of things like integrity, and if they are lucky enough, they can expand their business.

 Further up are those who have a broader vision, pay attention to the development of the industry, as well as upstream and downstream changes, and are particularly sensitive to disturbances in the shopping mall. Such people, if they are lucky, can achieve a great career.

The higher level is to pay attention to the changes in the domestic and foreign economic situation and domestic politics. If the pattern and vision are good, and if you are bold, if you catch a good time, you can make a big career. The former Jiang Xiaobai, under Zhou Wan This is the position in my eyes.

  But what I didn’t expect was that Jiang Xiaobai was more than just that. He was also very concerned about the economy and politics of the country, and was able to keenly look for changes and possible changes in the future situation. Such a person can be successful no matter what he or she does, and can succeed in anything. This kind of vision, structure and mind can stir up the storm.

 He thought Jiang Xiaobai could only see the global automobile industry situation, but he didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai could see other things.

Carbon emissions trading, in 1997, more than 100 countries around the world signed the Kyoto Protocol for carbon emissions trading due to global warming. The treaty stipulated the emission reduction obligations of developed countries and proposed three flexible emission reduction mechanisms. , carbon emissions trading is one of them.

 Simply put, if a country emits too much carbon, you have to pay and go to other countries with less carbon emissions to buy carbon emissions trading quotas.

Of course, China has definitely not joined this agreement and has not paid attention to them. The industries in developed countries are all high-tech and they have no carbon emissions. But it is different in China. China is now working hard to develop industry. Woolen cloth.

How is it possible not to emit carbon? Now that we have joined this agreement, we are sending money to other countries. Of course, China will not do such a thing, but not joining now does not mean that we can always ignore carbon emissions.

This will have to be added sooner or later. By then, vehicle exhaust emissions will be a problem. If we can make new energy vehicles, carbon emissions and environmental pollution will be reduced, and we can also consider the issue of carbon emissions.

The more Jiang Xiaobai spoke, the more excited Zhou Wan became. After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, Zhou Wan stood up from the sofa and filled Jiang Xiaobai's teacup with water.

Jiang Xiaobai looked a little flattered and said quickly: "How can this happen?"

"Why not, Mr. Jiang, the new energy vehicle you proposed is great. If domestic new energy vehicles can be done well, you will be the number one contributor. You will also be a contributor to the domestic automobile industry, and you will be among dozens of people in the automobile industry. The hero of thousands of workers..."

Zheng Qingyun looked at this scene and felt confident in his heart. It seems that this interview was originally intended to persuade Jiang Xiaobai. However, Zhou Wan not only failed to persuade Jiang Xiaobai this time, but was actually persuaded by Jiang Xiaobai. Listen. This means that Zhou Wan now also wants to make new energy vehicles.

Zheng Qingyun smiled bitterly, what kind of thing is this? Zhou Wan was persuaded by Jiang Xiaobai. It would be okay if Jiang Xiaobai was the only one to deal with new energy vehicles. After all, it was the business of an enterprise. If it was exhausted, several private enterprises would be called in.

No matter what, it was a small fight, but if Zhou Wan was persuaded by Jiang Xiaobai and got involved, it would be different.

 The automobile industry will really be shaken by then.

What Zheng Qingyun knew was that some state-owned enterprises and factories were behind Jiang Xiaobai's interview this time, but now, these state-owned automobile factories may have shot themselves in the foot.

Of course, Zhou Wan has not yet made a clear statement that he will support Jiang Xiaobai and promote the development of new energy vehicles in the country, but the expression and attitude on Zhou Wan's face are not concealed, and the excitement can be seen by just one person. Those who came out were obviously very interested in the new energy vehicles that Jiang Xiaobai mentioned.

 (End of this chapter)

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