Chapter 3246 Party

Wang Fu called his secretary over.

“Mr. Wang, do you have anything to do with me?” the secretary looked at Wang Fu and asked.

“I remember Jiang Xiaobai went to university in Beijing at that time, right?”

“Yes, Jiang Xiaobai went to Beijing Normal University.” The secretary replied that Mr. Wang has been trying to find a middleman to establish a relationship with Jiang Xiaobai recently, and he knew this.

 Mr. Wang even asked other senior executives to look for relationships and contacts to see if there was anyone close to him who could connect with Jiang Xiaobai. Therefore, during this period, he also collected a lot of information about Jiang Xiaobai.

A native of Shanxi Province, an educated youth who joined the army to go to the countryside. During the period of joining the army, he founded the Educated Youth Cannery, which later became the Huaqing Holding Group.

 He ​​went to school at Beijing Normal University in Beijing. It is worth mentioning that Jiang Xiaobai was the top scorer in the college entrance examination in Shanxi Province that year, but he chose to study astronomy at Beijing Normal University to see the stars.

This is really puzzling. You said that you started a business and you are doing so well in business. It would have been better if you had majored in finance when you went to school.

 Everyone can understand it.

But you spent four years in college watching the stars, and your business is still doing so well. This is really embarrassing for those of us who study finance, business management, and economics.

While in college, for some unknown reason, I became the person in charge of Daxing Glass in Beijing. I stayed there for two years and then presided over the restructuring of Daxing Glass Factory. After the restructuring was completed, I was kicked out.

Then I gave up the opportunity to study abroad while I was in college. After graduating from college, I also did not choose to pursue a postgraduate degree or stay in school, or enter another unit. Instead, I unexpectedly chose to return to the small town in Jianhua Village, Shanxi Province. Mountain village.

Now it seems that Jiang Xiaobai's choice is of course no problem. The current Huaqing Holding Group is a Fortune 500 company. A college student becomes the boss, not to mention the Fortune 500. Any company, as long as it is It’s not that the loss is huge.

 If you let people take the blame, there must be people rushing to do it. As long as you graduate, you will be the boss. Who wouldn’t want this? But it was different at that time. There were various restrictions on doing business at that time.

Although it was not strictly seven-up or eight-down, self-employed people back then were looked down upon, and college students at that time were much more valuable than they are now.

At that time, college students were assigned jobs after graduation, and all of them were good jobs. It was easy to get into various high-end departments.

This coming and going shows how unexpected Jiang Xiaobai's choice was at that time.

The proud man graduated from a prestigious university in Beijing and moved to a small mountain village. At that time, many people did not understand.

However, as Huaqing Holding Group became bigger and stronger step by step, becoming one of the world's top 500 companies, Jiang Xiaobai's choice also seemed to everyone to be very correct and wise.

The secretary knew Jiang Xiaobai’s experience by heart, and Wang Fu nodded.

"I remember that at a dance I often went to, I met a friend named Qian Baobao. He seemed to be a teacher at Beijing Normal University, right? I seemed to have heard someone say that he and Jiang Xiaobai had a very good relationship. Woolen cloth."

Wang Fu recalled while talking, yes, Wang Fu studied at a university in the south, but his postgraduate studies were in the capital.

 The reason why BiYadi makes batteries is because Wang Fu’s major was studying batteries when he was a graduate student in Beijing, so BiYadi made batteries.

Hearing what Wang Fu said, the secretary's eyes looked a little weird. He would almost forget it if Wang Fu didn't mention it. Wang Fu still likes to dance.

 Wang Fu is actually a very domineering man. Such boys may like to play basketball, football and other intensely competitive sports with a strong desire to win during school. But Wang Fu just likes dancing. However, this hobby has been put on hold in the past two years as work has gradually become busy. It is even said that many people in the company do not know Wang Chuanfu’s hobby, that is, he works as a secretary. .

 Just understand a little bit.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that this special hobby would now become the key to getting online with Jiang Xiaobai.

“Bring me my original address book.” Wang Fu was a man of action, so he directly ordered.

In the past, the phone did not have the function of storing numbers. Basically, they were written down in a notebook. Except for those who were particularly close and called a lot of numbers, otherwise it would be impossible for anyone to memorize an entire address book. of.

Especially those people who were at the dance back then, have long since lost touch with each other, but the phone numbers from that time are still there.

So the secretary quickly brought over the address book, and Wang Fu started to make phone calls, even though he had not participated in any dances for a long time.

Especially after I came to Pengcheng to work and start a business, I had less contact with the prom people in Beijing, but now when I think about it, scenes from the past still flash in my mind.

After making a few calls, I quickly got a phone number.

Wang Fu got the phone number and did not rush to call it. Instead, he asked his secretary to book a ticket and fly directly to the capital.

Then he called the familiar people from the dance party one by one, saying that he had returned to the capital temporarily and wanted to treat him to dinner and get together again.

After all, such a long time has passed, and it would be somewhat abrupt to ask for help all at once.

What's more, the relationship between him and Qian Baobao at that time was familiar, but it was not a good relationship at all.

  After all, one is researching batteries and the other is a teacher. In fact, apart from dancing, they don’t have much in common.

 But now it’s different when asking for help. It always requires getting in touch with each other emotionally.

 When someone treats you, most people will come, especially if they have the same hobbies and no interests.

The same goes for Qian Baobao. After receiving the call from Wang Fu, he arrived without much thought.

Wang Fu was waiting at the door. Although it had been many years, Wang Fu still recognized Qian Baobao and greeted Qian Baobao warmly with a smile.

Qian Baobao also heard a little bit about it. Wang Fu went to Pengcheng and is now doing a lot of business, and his companies have all been listed.

At this time, although it is said that there are many people who are doing business overseas, but those who do business and become listed companies are still very rare.

 The person who can take the company to the market is not a famous person.

 This is one of the reasons why so many people came over when Wang Fu called me today. After all, if you can make more connections, no one will refuse.

 (End of this chapter)

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