Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3267: Add salt and water

Chapter 3267 Add salt and water

Not only Liu Yonghao was concerned, but Wang Shi and others on the side were also watching with concern. Jiang Xiaobai smiled and shook his head, and then briefly talked about the conversation with Zhou Wan to reassure everyone.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai didn't explain it in too much detail. After all, he had tried it before. When talking to Qian Baobao about a lithium battery issue, he had to explain everything thoroughly before he could explain it clearly.

 Just convey Zhou Wan’s attitude, and there will be no such problem.

There is no need to explain to everyone. Even if Bala spends a long time explaining, they may not be able to understand it. After all, there are lines separated by mountains.

“That’s okay, we’ll be relieved.” Liu Yong nodded with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobai changed the topic and talked about the recent economic situation. After entering summer, today's peak electricity consumption period has arrived.

 The demand for electricity has increased by 14% compared with previous years, reaching the fastest growth rate in electricity consumption in the past 25 years.

“Dr. Jiang, Mr. Liu and Director Lu, you still have the foresight. Driven by the power shortage this summer, the prices of various raw materials have skyrocketed.” Wang Shi said with some emotion.

“Among them, the main raw materials used in our real estate industry, cement and steel, are priced three times a month. They keep rising. You can’t react at all, and the prices rise again…”

Wang Shi said, Feng Lun also felt emotional and echoed: "Who says it's not the case? The last time we encountered this kind of situation was when we were speculating in real estate in Qiongzhou.

I viewed the house upstairs and signed the contract. When I got downstairs, the price went up.

 As a result, cement and steel have reached this level now..."

 Three prices a month, the price increases of various raw materials, the first to feel the pressure is the related infrastructure industry and real estate industry.

Liu Yong smiled and said: "What kind of pressure do you have? No matter how much the price of raw materials increases, when you sell the house, if you increase the price, you won't get everything back."

House prices will officially start to rise next year, but in fact they have already started to rise this year.

Ordinary people may not be very sensitive to this matter, but those present are all people who have been hanging out in shopping malls for so many years. They are very sensitive to this aspect. Now that housing prices have begun to change, they can feel it immediately.

Of course, this is not to say that house prices have not risen in the past few years. If house prices had not risen, they would not be as prosperous as these bosses in the real estate industry. But the rise in the past was slow, and generally speaking, it was still a It is within the acceptable range for everyone, and since this year, the changes in housing prices have been very obvious.

As everyone chatted, they turned their attention to Jiang Xiaobai. Wang Shi suddenly asked: "Dr. Jiang, do you think this is the beginning of another round of real estate bubble?"

Wang Shi also experienced real estate speculation in Qiongzhou at that time, but he didn't participate much. As soon as Wang Shi said this, Feng Lun suddenly became nervous. He was really involved, but he ran faster.

 At that time, real estate speculation in Qiongzhou was like this, with all kinds of crazy price increases.

Jiang Xiaobai heard this and shook his head with a smile: "Don't worry, even if there is a bubble in real estate, it is not the current one. The reason for the current round of rise actually started in 1997.

 After the domestic economic slowdown in 1997, the country entered a long-term deflationary state. Various measures were introduced to stimulate the economy. Several years passed. The effects will begin to show now. How can I say this year? The increase in electricity consumption is only one cause. This cause has led to an increase in raw material prices. The increase in raw material prices has also led to a wave of rising housing prices.

This is all normal. The current housing prices are not as good as they are now. I judge that next year will be a period of rapid growth in housing prices..."

 Jiang Xiaobai explained to everyone from the macro perspective, in fact, economic development is cyclical. If inflation is too strong, deflation will begin. When deflation begins, the authorities must find ways to stimulate economic development.

An analogy is to make a pot of soup. If the taste of the soup becomes bland, then you need to add some salt. If you add some salt and it becomes salty, then add a little more water. If you add too much water, the taste of the soup will become bland. Then Add more salt…

The cycle continues over and over again, and the economic volume is constantly adding salt and water. Adding salt and water slowly becomes bigger and bigger.

It can be said that running a big country is like cooking a small one.

“Dr. Jiang, this is too exaggerated. House prices are already very high now.” Liu Yonghao said. In fact, it was not only Liu Yonghao who had this idea, but also other people. .

Even people like Wang Shi and Feng Lun who are in the real estate industry feel that housing prices are too high.

"You think that housing prices are high, which is an illusion. Compared with the previous housing prices, you think it is high. But you must know that our country's economy is also growing rapidly. Are the current housing prices high? I think it is okay, not too high. high…"

Jiang Xiaobai said, feeling very sad in his heart. Are house prices high now? Compared to before, they are definitely higher. They have also increased a bit in recent years.

 But this growth rate is still within a controllable range, and it still rises with the economic level. However, if housing prices later rise, it is unreasonable.

Nowadays, there are more than one million, the yard in the second ring of Beijing, the price of one million, is of course high, but the house prices in Beijing are not low in dynasties.

 But in future generations, if it is more than 100 million, that would be too exaggerated, and then the housing prices will rise ferociously.

However, in this situation, Jiang Xiaobai has no solution at all. He can only say that the materials used are more solid, there are fewer public stalls, and he makes as little money as possible, so that people who have emptied four wallets can buy them. When you buy a house, at least you have a comfortable house, instead of discussing the savings of two generations and buying a troublesome house, that is the real trouble.

As for limiting housing prices, that is impossible. Housing prices play a financial role in the country. Once this savage cage is opened, it can never be closed again. It is the macroeconomic control policy of the entire country.

 It does not mean that Huaqing Holding Group alone can control it. This is different from other industries.

A few people chatted for a while about the domestic economy. It was impossible to achieve a sudden enlightenment or enlightenment through just one conversation, but at least they had a better understanding of the current economic situation.

Those who were not at ease at first became more at ease, and also got to know other people's opinions. This kind of thing is a matter of brainstorming.

 We dispersed after eleven o'clock, each going to rest.

 (End of this chapter)

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