Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3274: New energy concept

Chapter 3274 New Energy Concept

  New energy vehicles are led by Jiang Xiaobai, but when we just started to make new energy vehicles, we should work together, and don’t have any grudges from the beginning.

 After Jiang Xiaobai explained, everyone began to discuss the construction of the research institute in Yong City.

“The first is the most critical energy choice. I don’t think we should take the path of hydrogen energy for the time being. The reason why we don’t use hydrogen energy is that I think there are three problems with hydrogen energy.

 First of all, the technology in this area has been accumulated quite maturely in Yamato. If we follow their path, it is equivalent to catching up again, or picking up the wisdom of others.

  The second point is that hydrogen energy is very dangerous in transportation and application, and its flammability is very high..."

Jiang Xiaobai paused as he spoke, and continued: "Of course, whether this risk is higher or lower compared to other gases, from a professional point of view, I have consulted some experts in this field. It is actually difficult to say, but for people The inherent impression is very dangerous, and this is difficult to change.

Compared with other energy sources, such as electricity, although it is also dangerous, people have become accustomed to it in daily life, which gives people the feeling that it is not so dangerous. There are also oil, coal, etc., which are No one can change the inherent thinking..."

As Jiang Xiaobai said, Uncle Li and the others couldn't help but nod. It was indeed the case. When Jiang Xiaobai said that hydrogen energy was dangerous, no one refuted it.

 This is the inherent impression. This kind of impression and cognition not only affects ordinary consumers, but also affects people like them. This is because this kind of inherent impression exists as long as an individual has it.

"The last one is the source of hydrogen energy. As we all know, hydrogen is the first element in the periodic table and is also the lightest element. Then the only product is water, which is also water after combustion. On the surface, it seems that the raw materials are rich. As one of the most abundant elements on the earth, hydrogen can be said to be inexhaustible. Where there is water, there is hydrogen. It is completely non-toxic and harmless, and has good cleanliness. After burning, only water is produced, which is pollution-free. Hydrogen energy can be converted in various forms and is relatively mature. It can be directly converted into mechanical energy through a hydrogen combustion engine, hydrogen combustion into thermal energy, and hydrogen fuel cells into electrical energy. It is a relatively convenient energy source.

But in fact, the cost of producing hydrogen is very high. The most common way to obtain hydrogen is to electrolyze water, but the efficiency of electrolyzing water is really very low and the cost is very high.

 The other is that the cost of transportation and storage is also high..."

As Jiang Xiaobai said, Uncle Li, Wang Zhongtian and Wang Chuanfu gradually came to an understanding.

New energy vehicles are a very general concept. They don’t have a clear idea of ​​which direction they should develop. Now Jiang Xiaobai is analyzing various energy sources and various directions. First, let a few people have a rough idea in their minds. learn.

 After analyzing hydrogen energy, Jiang Xiaobai talked about ethanol, solar energy, combustion, methanol and biodiesel.

“Methanol, as a fuel for new energy vehicles, has many advantages, such as environmental protection, fast charging, low price, etc.

However, the same shortcomings are also very obvious. Incomplete combustion of methanol can easily cause unconventional pollution emissions. Among them, formaldehyde emissions are higher than those of traditional gasoline vehicles, which can easily cause poisoning of the three-way catalyst of the vehicle. Methanol is a very good solvent and will cause harmful effects when entering the cylinder. Destroying the oil film on the cylinder wall can easily cause cylinder wall looseness and abnormal wear of the plug ring friction pair. The products of incomplete combustion of methanol contain acidic substances, which can easily cause early acidification of engine lubricating oil..."

 Jiang Xiaobai analyzed each one one by one, and he did not finish it all in one breath. Instead, after finishing one topic, he would stop appropriately to let everyone digest it, and then move on to the next one.

 It can be regarded as broadening everyone’s horizons.

"If ethanol is used as a fuel for new energy vehicles, the advantage is that it is renewable and energy-saving. The price is slightly cheaper. The combustion heat is not enough, so it will have a small sound as a vehicle fuel. At the same time, the addition of ethanol will seriously carbonize the gasoline, which will cause serious carbonation in the long run. Use has an impact on the service life of the internal combustion engine. It is recommended to use ethanol gasoline with oil treasure..."

 “Biodiesel as…”

By the time Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, it was already dark outside. Although everyone was dizzy after listening to it all afternoon and seemed to know a little bit of everything, it seemed that everyone had only heard a general outline.

 But this is probably enough.

 Have given them a sufficient understanding of new energy vehicles.

During dinner in the evening, Wang Jianjun also came over and wanted to sit in the east and invite Jiang Xiaobai and others to dinner. Of course Jiang Xiaobai didn't care and nodded directly and agreed.

 While eating, Wang Jianjun asked Jiang Xiaobai when he had time, and everyone sat down and had a formal chat.

At a previous press conference, Wang Jianjun, on behalf of Ningbo City, gave a lot of support to new energy vehicles. Jiang Xiaobai also said that new energy vehicles will be settled in Ningbo City.

However, both sides talked about this matter at the press conference. It does not mean that what was said at the press conference was for outsiders to see, and it will not count later.

 But this kind of matter still needs to be sat down and discussed one by one in detail, such as the land use, how much land to use, and which area is more suitable.

 For example, support loans, how much support, what conditions, etc.

 This is what Wang Jianjun wants to talk to Jiang Xiaobai and others.

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and said, "Well, let's do it the day after tomorrow. We will sort out the investment plan tomorrow. Let's sit down and have a good talk the day after tomorrow."

Today I just want to give everyone a general idea. I will sort it out tomorrow and unify my thoughts. The day after tomorrow, everyone can sit down and have a good talk.

Wang Jianjun is worried that this matter has not been finalized. As long as the time is confirmed, he can rest assured. The new energy vehicle press conference will be in Yong City, and Yong City is so sincere. Basically, it can be said that there are no unexpected factors. If so, the new energy vehicle industry chain will definitely be settled in Ningbo.

Of course, one day in the future new energy vehicles may be developed, and it is certainly not possible for all new energy vehicles to be in Ningbo.

 But most of them will definitely stay in Ningbo, which is enough.

The dinner was filled with glasses of wine and the atmosphere was intense. Needless to say, Wang Jianjun’s welcome and farewell methods made both Wang Zhongtian and Wang Fu feel at home, and they even felt like they met Wang Jianjun at first sight.

 (End of this chapter)

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