Chapter 3279 Dialogue

“Compared with other automobile factories, the biggest difference in our stamping workshop is that more than 10% of the stamping parts are produced by ourselves. Among them, the number of stamping parts produced in-house for new models reached 60. Compared with other stamping parts produced in-house, Purchasing from suppliers can effectively ensure quality control.

 Of course, this also increases the management costs of the company..."

Tianyuan took everyone for a brief tour, and Jiang Xiaobai greeted the people out of the workshop, asking Wang Fu and Wang Zhongtian to bring people from their own car factories to visit and learn if they had time. They could bring a whole team. .

 But now at this time, I have been busy all day. It would be really painful to stay in the workshop for a visit.

Wang Zhongtian and Wang Fu got Jiang Xiaobai's permission and thanked Jiang Xiaobai repeatedly. Of course, this visit was to bring teams and professionals to visit and learn. Just the two bosses visiting here were not very effective. Cruel.

"Okay, you don't have to worry. Sooner or later, you will visit all the workshops. Now this Huahai Automobile is our Geely Automobile's study class. If there are any problems, we will bring a team over to visit and learn. In addition, let The technicians and engineers gave us lessons..." Uncle Li said with a smile.

Wang Zhongtian and Wang Fu calmed down their emotions. They were no longer so excited and calmed down.

 It is true that if you visit and study carefully, it cannot be completed at one time. In Nuo's large factory area, just a stamping workshop does not know how long it will take.

 What's more, there are so many workshops behind, this is not something to rush, but a process of learning again and again.

 Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai promised that he can come over at any time in the future.

“It’s okay for people to come to study, but they have to bring their own food expenses.” Jiang Xiaobai made a joke, and Wang Fu said with a smile: “Dr. Jiang, there’s no need to mention food expenses, we can just come with our tuition fees.”

Everyone laughed, and Uncle Li answered: "It's not enough to bring the tuition fees. If I can bring the transportation fees, it's like, I really want to move the machines here. I get jealous every time I look at them... "

Everyone was walking and chatting, and it soon became dark. They said that they were not allowed to arrange meals at night, but they still had to eat. Tianyuan found a restaurant outside, but Jiang Xiaobai asked him to have a simple meal in the workshop.

Of course Uncle Li and others don't mind. No one wants to socialize. It's just a simple bite to eat and go back to rest. Tomorrow, we will discuss specific investment issues with Yongshi City.

Early the next morning, it was still in the conference room of the Ningbo City Hotel. Wang Jianjun and other leaders from the Ningbo City came over. Jiang Xiaobai and four other people sat on the right side of the conference room, and Wang Jianjun and several others sat on the left. Both sides focused on the use of new energy vehicles in the Ningbo City. chatted about investment.

The atmosphere in the conference room was very relaxed and pleasant. In fact, this time could not be called a negotiation, or even a meeting. If I had to describe it, to be precise, it should be said to be just a simple conversation.

 Because the conditions offered by Yongshi City are all those that Yongshi City is willing to offer, not those requested by Jiang Xiaobai and others.

There are no requirements in the first place, because new energy vehicles are just the beginning now, not even prototypes. In this case, it is simply impossible to ask what kind of investment conditions you want in the local area. Who will pay for you?

What's more, this time's investment does not mean that the project has been implemented, but that it is a variety of technical and related industrial investments, and the scale is not too large.

 So it is even more impossible to negotiate any conditions. As long as the Yong City side can provide some moral support, it will be considered good.

 Jiang Xiaobai and the others do not have high requirements.

As for the Yongcheng City, it took the initiative to put forward various conditions. It was originally to show sincerity and to keep new energy vehicles. Naturally, it would not set various investment conditions. How much investment is needed? How much investment is needed? There is no such thing as what kind of conditions will be given.

They set out the conditions in order to become a domestic automobile city in the future, to create a related industrial chain, to develop the automobile industry, and to allow new energy vehicles to take root in Ningbo.

  New energy vehicles are still in the incubation stage. They must be the future, not the present.

 So there were no requirements from both parties, so the conversation naturally went very smoothly and the conversation process was also very pleasant.

Yong City said that it will use a large piece of land as an incubator for new energy vehicles. Their joint research institutes or laboratories can be built in the incubator.

 As for this incubator, the Yongcheng City will allocate part of the supporting funds for the construction...

In terms of funding, for companies in the new energy vehicle industry chain, the city will provide a portion of supporting funds based on the size of the company, and provide hundreds of millions of interest-free loans...

There is also a tax exemption policy. Whether it is the five companies or other industries in the new energy industry chain that meet the requirements, those who settle in the industrial park will have relevant tax exemption policies.

 There will be a green light for all kinds of procedures...


Anyway, Ling Ling Zong Zong's various preferential policies are already quite in place. As far as the conditions provided by the Ningbo City are concerned, compared with the beginning of domestic new energy vehicles in later generations, the various support policies introduced by the above are no different. .

Even Wang Zhongtian and others felt that even if the higher authorities began to support it, they might not be able to provide such good conditions.

At the time when the country first started to attract investment, in order to introduce foreign investment and Hong Kong investment, it was just such conditions.

Now the Yongshi City is really sincere, making Wang Zhongtian, Wang Fu and others feel embarrassed if they don’t invest in anything in the Yongshi City.

On the spot, Wang Fu said that the future production and assembly of new energy vehicles by Biyadi Auto will be located in Ningbo.

Wang Zhongtian also said that at least one branch factory will be opened in Ningbo City in the future, and Zhongyu Group will also increase investment in Ningbo City in the future.

Of course Wang Jianjun smiled and expressed his welcome. The two sides reciprocated the favor. The conversation was very pleasant and things progressed very smoothly.

By two o'clock in the afternoon, the negotiations were almost completed, and a series of related investment contracts were signed at four o'clock in the afternoon. This is the most relaxing day Jiang Xiaobai and the others have had in a while.

 (End of this chapter)

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