Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3296: Talk about money

Chapter 3296 Talking about Money

Sun Dawu was still a little reluctant after hearing this, and Sun Dawu's solution was to add money. Unfortunately, adding money may be a bit tempting for other companies, but for Jiang Xiaobai, what he lacks most is Money.

 And some things cannot be exchanged for money, such as technology, especially leading technology, which is the core competitiveness of an enterprise. If the money is useful, then the bank will be the richest.

So Sun Dawu's unwillingness could only be a deep sigh. After breakfast, there was a workers' meeting in the morning.

It is said to be a workers' meeting, but of course it cannot be all employees. After all, Dawu Group does not have as many employees as Huaqing Holding Group, but there are still tens of thousands.

Perhaps many people have no intuitive concept of tens of thousands of people. In terms of school, there are fifty people in one class, only five hundred people in ten classes, and only five thousand people in one hundred classes.

The average student class only has about fifty classes. Even if there are a lot of students in three years old, there will only be two or three thousand students.

Even when two or three thousand people stand together, it is noisy, let alone tens of thousands of people. In ancient times, when they went on an expedition, they were said to be an army of 100,000.

 In fact, many of them are imaginary numbers, that is, only tens of thousands of people. When they gather together to march, they can be dragged out for several miles. You can imagine how spectacular the scene is.

Therefore, it is impossible for these tens of thousands of people to come together for a meeting. That is to say, these employees at the Dawu Group headquarters need to remove those key positions and retain some on-duty personnel, which is only more than a thousand people. But these thousand There is no room for many people in the conference room.

The meeting needs to be held in the square in front of the office building. Fortunately, Dawu Group is not located in a city. When the group was first established, it occupied a large area and the square in front of the office building can accommodate so many people.

 Jiang Xiaobai and Sun Dawu were sitting in the center of the stage, with other senior executives lining up around them. During the ceremony, the meeting with Huaqing Holding Group was completely different.

Huaqing Holding Group has been out for a long time, and it is located in Shanghai. Now it is in line with international standards. When holding various meetings, conference calls, screen projection, PPT and other things have been used. Meetings There are also various LED screens and the like in the room.

But Dawu Group is different. When holding conferences, Jiang Xiaobai always feels like he has returned to the 1980s and 1990s. Not to mention the big microphone wrapped in red cloth, the banner behind him is still made of colored paper. Write them, cut them into diamond shapes, and stick them one by one.

 The tables, chairs and benches, let alone the sense of luxury, are just wooden tables, chairs and benches, just covered with a red tablecloth.

 Everything makes Jiang Xiaobai feel like he has returned to the 1990s, which is quite nostalgic.

“Comrades, our factory has gone through a lot of things during this period, and everyone knows that the most important thing is the issue of the company’s shareholding restructuring.

 The shareholding restructuring of enterprises is in line with the trend of the times and the direction of development of the times. It may better promote the horizontal exchange of talents and better strengthen the responsibilities of managers...”

Sun Dawu talked about a lot of benefits of shareholding restructuring. In fact, even if Sun Dawu didn’t mention it, everyone also understood that once you have shares in your hands, you are a shareholder and you can pay dividends.

 As for other things, the employees below don’t care.

Finally, Sun Dawu announced the complete success of the company's shareholding restructuring, and there was fierce applause. This was a formality. Then I told everyone that Huaqing Holding Group has become the second largest shareholder of Dawu Group. Dawu Group has raised 150 million in financing from Huaqing Holding Group.

 Sun Dawu did not say the purpose of this 150 million yuan, but everyone knows where it was used. In the past, it was clear at a glance where the money came from when there were so many refunds at the financial mutual aid society.

 Then let Jiang Xiaobai speak.

Jiang Xiaobai stood up with the microphone in hand.

He glanced over the dark heads below and said slowly: "My name is Jiang Xiaobai, from Jiang Xiaobai in Jianhua Village. I look at you very kindly, because our Huaqing Holding Group also came out of the township.

It can even be said that without Jianhua Village, there would be no Huaqing Holding Group. Similarly, I believe that without you, there would be no Dawu Group..."

There was applause from the bottom. Everyone likes to hear nice words, and everyone is no exception. Huaqing Holding Group is a big company, and this is everyone’s understanding.

 Comparatively, Dawujiu Tuan was a bit rustic, but when Jiang Xiaobai spoke, he did not dislike their rusticity, but affirmed them. How could they be unhappy.

"Any enterprise does not appear out of thin air. The success of any enterprise is not the credit of any one person, but the hard work of everyone. Why should we implement a joint-stock system? This is the contribution that Dawu Group has made to everyone since its development to this day. Yes. And it is because of you that we are willing to spend 150 million real money to invest in Dawu Group and get 20% of the shares.

Hope everyone can continue their efforts to make Dawu Group bigger and stronger, and make the shares in their hands more valuable..."

"Pa bang bang" warm applause rang out again. Jiang Xiaobai's speech was not too long. He just wanted to get to know everyone and let everyone know who he was. However, these few words made everyone excited.

 Whether the enterprise is developing well or not? What are the benefits of the joint-stock system to the development of the enterprise? Does it conform to the trend of the times? Can it promote management work? Can it better introduce talents?

 For these employees, they don’t care at all. They only need to tell them two things.

 First of all, the shares in their hands are not a piece of waste paper, but valuable. Huaqing Holding Group spent real money to buy them.

 Second, if they do well, the shares in their hands will be even more valuable. Whether the company develops well or not has nothing to do with them.

From the moment they get the shares, the quality of the company's development has something to do with them. If it develops well, they will make more money, but if it develops poorly, it is even said that if the company fails, the shares in their hands will be worthless. .

 For employees at the bottom, there is no need to talk about ideals. They are faced with the pressure of supporting their families, so it is most appropriate to talk about money and interests.

 (End of this chapter)

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