Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3404: honor and money

 Chapter 3404 Honor and Money

 Jiang Xiaobai commented on each company. Some of the current strategies have slight problems, some need to focus on the future, some need to focus on technology, and some need to allocate resources.

Jiang Xiaobai accurately pointed out the direction that each company needs to focus on.

 Jiang Xiaobai spoke very quickly and basically hit the mark, so the morning meeting ended quickly, at eleven o'clock.

 After a simple lunch, it was the real annual meeting in the afternoon. Excellent employees from various subsidiaries had been waiting all day.

Of course, this is not just a day of waiting. Zhang Tingting arranged a tour group to take these outstanding employees, and they have been playing in the Magic City for two days.

The host of the annual meeting was invited from the Magic City TV station. Huaqing Holding Group still has this point. It even said that if it wanted to make it more troublesome, it was just a phone call away from the TV station in the capital.

The annual meeting is divided into several parts. The first is to award awards to outstanding employees. Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Weiyi came to the stage in person to present the awards to outstanding employees.

 Of course, bonuses will also be awarded.

Jiang Xiaobai has always liked to find cash, one hundred thousand yuan per person, and a total of 100 outstanding employees selected by various companies.

 One person has one hundred thousand, and one hundred people is a full ten million in cash. Is it more than ten million?

 To say that there are more, it is indeed not much. In the future, in the north, up to Guangzhou and Shenzhen, any place with a slightly better location will need 10 million.

 But you can’t say much. For many families, ten million is not money, but life.

Talk back to the scene, 10 million yuan is about two hundred pounds, so in the TV series, if you take a small alley and say that you have 5 million here, 10 million yuan is simply unrealistic.

These ten million were packed in sacks. Even one sack could not be filled. It would take two or three sacks to fill it.

So you can imagine the shock at the scene. There was a pile of money built up high, which looked a little scary.

 Zhang Weiyi presented the outstanding employee certificate, and Jiang Xiaobai handed it out with a wad of cash.

This scene made Zhang Weiyi couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. He was responsible for the organization of this annual meeting from beginning to end. Of course, he also asked the people below to make the plan, but he still agreed with it.

Then I handed it over to Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai also agreed with the plan and felt that the plan was good. However, Jiang Xiaobai made one small change.

That is the awarding process. In the original design, a certificate of honor was issued, and then a sign was written with a bonus of 100,000 yuan.

 This is also used in many plans. Of course, the money will definitely be given. If you have an account later, you can just transfer the money directly.

 But Jiang Xiaobai didn't want to, so he changed this place to find gold.

 Well, he found gold when he found it, and he didn’t think much about it at the time.

 But when he started to actually operate it, he realized that something was wrong. Originally, this outstanding employee was an honor, and it should be a very high-level thing to issue a certificate.

 But what followed closely was Jiang Xiaobai holding bundles of cash rewards, making this honor seem to be full of the smell of copper.

 Plus, these people must be more interested in 100,000 yuan in cash, so this honorary certificate seems a bit embarrassing. Although everyone received the certificates of honor one by one, their minds were focused on the cash, and they were so attracted by the bundles of cash that they could not open their eyes.

 Actually, this is not everyone's fault. They are just selected outstanding employees, and they are not saints. When faced with money, especially this kind of money earned openly, of course they will be eager.

 In fact, not only the outstanding employees on the stage, but also the people in the audience were staring at the pile of hundred-dollar bills.

 This whole process of awarding awards made Zhang Weiyi very awkward.

  After finally distributing the money, no...after awarding the prizes, Zhang Weiyi finally breathed a sigh of relief. This was so awkward.

 After awarding the awards, Jiang Xiaobai gave a speech on behalf of the group.

There is nothing special about the speech. As in previous years, I would like to thank many employees for their efforts. This time the annual meeting did not invite guests or partners. It was an annual meeting held behind closed doors. Of course, there is no need to thank any partners. .

Just simply thank some employees, and then talk about the development of the group this year and what achievements it has achieved, and then summarize the good and shortcomings here, and wait until the end to talk about next year's plan. Take a look at the future.

ˆ It’s basically this routine, but this specious official rhetoric represents the focus of the next stage of Huaqing Holding Group.

If someone here can understand it, they might be able to take advantage of it. Everything is possible.

So words that seem like routines also contain real direction. It depends on whether you can understand them.

 After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, there were still programs prepared by some headquarters employees and some invited endorsement stars.

Unlike Mr. Ma who has fun at every annual meeting, Jiang Xiaobai only sings occasionally and usually watches the show in the audience.

 The holiday time of each subsidiary is basically based on the holiday time of the headquarters. Generally speaking, after the headquarters has a holiday, each subsidiary will start to have holidays one after another.

 But if the headquarters does not take a holiday, none of the subsidiaries will take a holiday early.

Huaqing Holding Group's holiday time does not follow the statutory holidays, and usually gives a few more days of holiday.

Generally speaking, the holidays start after the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month of the Lunar New Year.

This year is the same. After the annual meeting, we will prepare for a vacation. Jiang Xiaobai always prefers a vacation as early as possible.

 The holiday begins the day after the annual meeting.

At this time in previous years, Jiang Xiaobai was also preparing to return to his hometown to celebrate the New Year, but this year Jiang Xiaobai’s family has not left yet.

This does not mean that he will not celebrate the New Year. Jiang Xiaobai is still planning to return to Longcheng for the New Year this year. Although his parents are no longer here, there are still brothers and sisters in Longcheng, so naturally he still has to go back to reunite.

In addition, Zhao Gang and Han Lin are also going back to Longcheng to celebrate the New Year. Of course, Jiang Xiaobai and his family will not stay in the Magic City.

It’s just that before leaving, Jiang Xiaobai wanted to meet Director Lu and Liu Yonghao in Magic City. He also wanted to listen to Minzhong Company’s report to see if there were any targeted measures, so he stayed.

 (End of this chapter)

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