Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3422: break through

Chapter 3422 Breakthrough

They imagined that the scene of killing a chicken to scare the monkeys did not appear, but killing the monkeys to scare the chickens. There was no control, and the attack was actually aimed at Stegosaurus.

Everyone understands the principle of dying lips and cold teeth. Today is the stegosaurus, but what about tomorrow?

Jiang Xiaobai originally didn't want to tell the news now, but he couldn't hide the news. He was afraid that after he left, Factory Director Lu would receive the news and it would affect his work.

It would be better to say that you have made it clear now so that the two of you can be mentally prepared.

"Dr. Jiang, this..." Liu Yong's voice was a little hoarse. By now he has realized the seriousness of the matter. Although he had expected it before, he only felt the real pressure when the dark clouds were about to overwhelm the city.

“Okay, don’t think too much, let’s do our own things well first. It’s nothing more than soldiers coming to cover up the water and the earth.” Jiang Xiaobai reassured.

"Yes, but this..." Liu Yonghao wanted to say something else.

Jiang Xiaobai had already stood up: "Okay, it's just a piece of news. What are you afraid of? The inspection team has stationed in Stegosaurus, not our people. It's nothing to worry about. If you have time to worry, don't tell us to go through our procedures earlier. Completed.

As long as we have no problems at all, we are not afraid of anyone coming to check. "

After being scolded by Jiang Xiaobai, Liu Yonghao adjusted his mentality a little bit, not that he was really comforted by Jiang Xiaobai's words.

But since Jiang Xiaobai can still say this categorically, it means that Jiang Xiaobai still has confidence. As long as Jiang Xiaobai still has confidence, then he has nothing to fear.

 After all these years, there is nothing that Jiang Xiaobai can't do that he has confidence in.

 As long as Jiang Xiaobai doesn't panic, they won't panic.

Jiang Xiaobai took Liu Yonghao and Zhao Gang and left, leaving Factory Director Lu alone in Liaocheng. Although he was in a heavy mood, he was still trying his best to make up for the gaps left before.

Just when Jiang Xiaobai, Liu Yonghao and others were sorting out the missing procedures in Sanmenxia and starting to fill in some procedures, news that the investigation team had stationed in Stegosaurus also came out from Yong City.

 Compared to Jiang Xiaobai's getting the news, it was three days later. This kind of news cannot be concealed, but getting the news one day earlier and getting the news one day later are completely different.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai was also preparing to leave and go to Lucheng. Of course, the project in Sanmenxia would be left to Liu Yong.

The lack of formalities here are actually the two most troublesome aspects, one is the issue of land use, and the other is the issue of environmental protection.

 The remaining minor procedures are quite easy to handle.

 Land issues and environmental protection issues. After sorting out these two projects, Jiang Xiaobai had not gone to Lucheng yet, but he also guessed what the problems were with the projects in Lucheng.

 It’s nothing more than these two, one is land use and the other is environmental protection.

This does not mean that Liu Yonghao and Director Lu deliberately forgot these two aspects of the procedures when they first went through the procedures.

  But these two procedures are the most difficult to complete.

At this time, if you invest in a larger project, such as a project worth several billion or tens of billions, and the project covers an area of ​​hundreds or thousands of acres, you need to report to the capital.

 When such a project is submitted, it would be strange if the capital could approve it. Even if it could be approved, it would take who knows how long.

 This problem, needless to say now, will be the same in later generations. In the TV series "In the Name of the People", a director at the beginning is in charge of approval in this area.

 The third-in-command in a place has to wait outside the office, not to mention the leaders in the city. You can imagine how difficult it is to approve a project.

Not to mention this time, the entry of private enterprises into the heavy industry is a tentative act in itself. If you want the superiors to give you clear approval, approval documents, and permission to enter, it is simply impossible. Just like Geely Automobile, Uncle Li has already built Geely Automobile. It is even said that Geely Automobile can be bigger than Xiali Automobile.

 But Geely Auto does not have a birth certificate yet, it just has a specious production certificate that allows it to produce trucks.

  It is not qualified to produce hatchback cars at all.

It was only last year that the birth certificate for Geely Motors was processed with the help of Jiang Xiaobai.

 This kind of thing is not only done by the Jili family at this time.

 Crossing the river by feeling the stones, what does it mean to cross the river by feeling the stones?

Only when you are in the magnificent wave of reform and opening up can you truly experience this feeling. All projects are launched as soon as everyone feels they can. The road ahead is confusing, and no one knows what is correct and what is incorrect. of.

 Move forward in confusion, correct it if you make a mistake, keep moving forward if you are right, keep trying and making mistakes, keep trying and making mistakes.

Even if the path forward is correct, there may still be corpses laid down to allow those who come after you to move forward.

 So at this time, there is a saying that when doing projects, you have to overcome obstacles.

 What is "breaking through the barrier"? It means to go quickly when you see a green light and go around when you see a red light. Simply put, you need to seize the opportunity to rush through.

There are only so many opportunities. If you miss it, you will miss it. It is fleeting. Sometimes, even if you know that you will die if you try, you still have to try.

 Opportunities come from gambling, not from waiting.

 Sometimes you need to be bolder.

 This kind of breakthrough has been carried out throughout the entire wave of reform and opening up. During this period, some people succeeded and some failed.

 Some of them were passed down as good stories in the future, and some of their deeds were disgraced in the process and became typical examples of illegal activities.

 So this Minhe Heavy Industry Company, three projects are actually in the process of breaking through.

The project in Liaocheng was supposed to be approved by the province, but in the end it was bypassed and was approved by the city.

As for this Sanmenxia project, the land for a large project is divided into several small plots for approval. In this way, the intensity of approval will be smaller and the possibility of approval will be greater.

  In any case, it was all opportunistic and obtained by bypassing the approval.

 At the time, it didn’t matter. Anyway, as long as it can be approved, construction can start. As for other things, who cares?

 And as long as you successfully break through the barrier, the rest of the things will not matter. They are just some procedures, whether they are there or not, whether they are there first or later, they are not important at all.

Just like Geely, many cars were produced and sold before the birth certificate was issued. Who will hold Geely responsible?

 (End of this chapter)

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