Chapter 3427 Shrinking

 The overall economic policy is the overall economic policy, but it is local. If the local investment is invested, the economy will develop well. Everyone understands this.

 At home, the domestic tradition of breaking through barriers is actually not only that of various private enterprises, but also in many places. They seize the time to work on projects and make progress.

 Hurry up and squeeze in before the door closes.

Have a meeting in the morning to regulate things, and when you come back in the afternoon, seize the time to work hard.

 This is where the conflict between the two sides arises. For those above, they consider the whole, while for each locality, they consider the local area.

 So in this case, all localities actually support local industries. Otherwise, if localities really want to regulate, there won't be so many projects launched at all.

 Everyone hopes to catch this round of economic growth. As for the threat of excess and economic decline caused by investment, it is completely out of the scope of consideration.

 For enterprises, of course, they also hope to launch projects quickly and make money quickly.

Therefore, this time's regulation can be said to be a game between several aspects. On the one hand, it is from the top, on the other hand, it is local governments, on the one hand, it is state-owned enterprises, and on the other hand, it is private enterprises.

 The tug of war between the two sides is constantly looking for balance.

 Private enterprises are not completely unsupported now. Without support, it would be impossible to spend billions or tens of billions on them.

“Yeah, let’s wait and see now to see how the final game turns out, but I’m not too optimistic.” This offline meeting ended with Jiang Xiaobai’s words.

 The new year has begun, and the affairs of Huaqing Holding Group are complicated. Jiang Xiaobai will definitely not be able to stay in Lucheng forever.

 It is impossible to wait for the investigation team to come over.

So after this meeting, Jiang Xiaobai will go back to the Magic City. As for Minzhong Company, if the investigation team comes, he can come over in time.

And not only Jiang Xiaobai is going back, but also Factory Director Lu and Liu Yonghao. It is worth mentioning that after the New Year, the project in Lucheng was officially completed and has been put into production. .

 Now only the Sanmenxia project is left.

 In the later stage, Liu Yonghao will rush over.

 The beginning of this year makes everyone feel a bit cold and cold.

 Last year, the domestic economy grew vigorously, and everyone could feel the rapid economic growth throughout the year.

Especially in shopping malls, everyone is making money easily. Prices of everything are rising. Everything is easy to make money. The products produced are easy to find markets.

But there was a regulation at the beginning of this year. As soon as Jiang Xiaobai returned to the Magic City, Zhang Weiyi went to Jiang Xiaobai and asked Jiang Xiaobai if this year's strategic plan needed to be adjusted and whether it was necessary to shrink the strategic goals.

  It's not that Zhang Weiyi is too sensitive, but that Zhang Weiyi is too sharp. If it were before, he wouldn't have cared about it. He just controlled it normally.

Huaqing Holding Group has been established for so many years. Of course, it is very experienced in this kind of thing.

 Otherwise, there would be no need to temporarily adjust or shrink the group’s strategic goals.

Mainly because of the economic situation in the first quarter, Zhang Weiyi felt that something was wrong. This was obviously being regulated by the higher authorities. Normally, there should be a slight contraction. Regulations from the top always have to give face, but the current economic growth rate is increasing instead of falling. This is completely contrary to the higher authorities. History has already taught us the consequences of going against the higher authorities.

 That's why Zhang Weiyi felt that this situation was more dangerous.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "Our group's strategic goals this year can be said to be all overseas. Except for Changxingju Real Estate Company, everything else doesn't matter. Even if there is regulation and control, the regulation is not on us.

Let's just call Hu Jinshan and Wang Meng from the investment company over, and we can all have a chat. As for other companies, you don't have to worry about them. "

 Zhang Weiyi nodded, turned around and went out to make a phone call.

 The evening after Zhang Weiyi made the call, Wang Meng came over. As for Hu Jinshan, he was already in Shanghai.

In Jiang Xiaobai’s office, Hu Jinshan, Wang Meng, and Zhang Weiyi sat together. Zhang Weiyi first talked about the current situation and some concerns.

Then Jiang Xiaobai slowly said: "What Mr. Zhang said makes sense. This time, the regulation will focus on the heavy industry. But after the heavy industry is opened, I guess the next step will be the real estate industry.

 Hu Jinshan, when you invest this year, you should be more cautious and cautious when it comes to related fixed investment industries such as heavy industry and real estate industry. "

 Hu Jinshan nodded: "Director Jiang, I understand. We will try our best to avoid these two industries for investment this year."

“Yeah.” Jiang Xiaobai nodded, then turned to look at Wang Meng.

“Things happening in the heavy industry will definitely affect the real estate industry, so your business will have to shrink this year.”

Wang Meng frowned: "Director Jiang, I know that the real estate industry may face regulation. House prices have risen sharply in the past two years. It is normal to have a round of regulation. Moreover, the rise in the price of production materials is also a factor for the real estate industry." driven.

 If the real estate industry is regulated, other industries will naturally cool down.

But now that our Changxingju Real Estate Company is such a big business, it is easy to say that strategic business shrinkage is simple, but to what extent it can be shrunk is difficult to control. If the shrinkage is small, it is basically useless.

 If it shrinks too much, it may cause a chain reaction..."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a moment and said, "Well, the main thing you will shrink this year is the financial aspect.

 Some projects that require bank loans to be launched have been suspended this year.

Land that requires bank loans has also been suspended this year. To put it simply, the degree of contraction depends on whether the project requires bank funds. If it requires bank funds, it will shrink.

 In other words, if you need bank funds to circulate, then suspend it. If you do not need bank funds and can do the project with your own working capital, then you can continue to do it. "

Wang Meng nodded. Since Jiang Xiaobai had drawn a red line, he knew how to shrink the project.

"Okay, Director Jiang, I will hold a meeting immediately after I get back to sort out the project. I will stop temporarily if it is time to stop." Wang Meng said.

“Well, let’s prepare for the cold winter to regulate the real estate industry.” Jiang Xiaobai said with some emotion.

 (End of this chapter)

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