Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3430: floating hair

Chapter 3430: Floating Hair

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Guo Guangchang's words with a bitter look on his face. He knew that what happened this time probably gave Guo Guangchang a deep understanding.

 Compared with people like them, the 92 faction has much less experience. The most important thing is that they have not experienced previous cold waves and regulations.

For Jiang Xiaobai and Factory Director Lu, they have experienced many things, and they have stumbled along the way, and there has been nothing smooth along the way.

 Smooth sailing is impossible.

If you have been too comfortable during this period, you will have to be prepared to be beaten.

 Get beaten, move forward, fall down, stand up, keep moving forward, and then get beaten again. This process is like a cycle, just beating in the mud all the way.

 For Jiang Xiaobai, the most dangerous time was when he lost someone beside him forever. The plum blossom was still blooming in the cold winter.

He himself almost didn't make it out. Relatively speaking, it was nothing if he missed the opportunity to go to college and only went to school in the second year.

Liu Yonghao felt something was wrong during a subsequent regulation, so he thought about donating the Hope Group and handing it over.

Uncle Li had the same experience at that time. Not to mention the company, he didn’t even dare to stay at home and went directly to Pengcheng.

Compared to this time's regulation, if it is exhausted, it will just shut down the factory and lose some money, but it is nothing.

 At least for now, that’s how it is.

 But for Guo Guangchang and the 92 faction, they have never experienced this. They clearly feel that the heavy industry industry is being liberalized in front of them.

You can even see the scenery inside. As a result, after going up, your head was bruised and bloody. The transparent glass door was a limitation.

 It is placed in front of private enterprises and you are not allowed to enter.

  No one said anything at the time. Only when someone hit it and left stains of blood could the witnesses and other onlookers see the existence of the transparent glass door.

“As private enterprises, we must dare to try anything, and the road will always be clear, but at the same time, we must underestimate our own abilities.”

As a senior, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Guo Guangchang and said, no matter what, although Guo Guangchang said that he has nothing to do with him, as a senior, he still has to give some advice when someone comes to his door.

"Underestimating your own abilities, Mr. Jiang, you have learned a lesson. Yes, you must underestimate your own abilities and never overestimate your own abilities." Guo Guangchang said with emotion.

Then he asked: "Director Jiang, I am also desperate. I took the liberty to bother you today and came to my door. I want to ask you for advice. You stand high and see far, far-sighted and far-sighted. In your opinion, this What’s next?”

Guo Guangchang really asked for advice humbly. When things got to this point, he was really scared.

 The suspension of the iron-benzene steel plant is a very important signal.

 It's okay to say that it's just a shutdown now, but what happens next? Will there be any other impacts? Although the Stegosaurus has not stopped work yet and is still under investigation.

 But the current situation of Stegosaurus is also very bad. In order to launch the project as soon as possible, there were many violations.

If one of them is not handled well now, Stegosaurus will be gone, and he may even be involved. Although he had denied it at the beginning, saying that the Stegosaurus incident had nothing to do with him, he still knew in his heart whether it had anything to do with it.

Moreover, even if something happens to Stegosaurus, he won't be able to trick him. Stegosaurus has invested US$1.3 billion, US$1.3 billion, tens of billions.

For a company that has been established for just ten years, this amount of money is really an astronomical amount. The company cannot get it out at all, and part of the money is still borrowed from banks. If the Stegosaurus project is completely obsolete.

His past ten years have been wasted.

Something like a comeback is also possible, but the past ten years are different. The past ten years were a golden age.

Even if it is possible to make a comeback in the future, the ten years wasted will never come back, and we will never have the same opportunity as before.

So after the iron benzene shutdown, he was really panicked. After much thought, he finally decided to come to Jiang Xiaobai for an answer. He hoped that Jiang Xiaobai could solve the problem or have a solution.

But Jiang Xiaobai just shook his head: "I don't know either."

He really doesn’t know how far the storm will spread this time. In the memory of the previous life, no one can remember this kind of control in detail.

 Only big events can be remembered clearly, but I know that since 1992, there haven’t been any big disturbances, at least they won’t involve too much.

The impact will not be too far-reaching. For example, the previous Fool's Time, the Eight Kings Time, etc., far-reaching storms, events that can shake up private enterprises across the country, will definitely not happen.

 But no matter how small this storm is, it is still a storm.

Just like in history, mixed in a certain corner of the history books, in such and such a year, there was a severe drought in such and such a place, and the land was bare for thousands of miles.

A short sentence has no weight at all in history. It is light and airy. Even in the era at that time, it is also light and airy, like a floating hair.

 But if it is placed on the person concerned, this light floating hair will become as heavy as a thousand stone, weighing down the top of the mountain.

Just like this time's regulation, Jiang Xiaobai can say with certainty that after a few years have passed, there is no need to wait until a few years later, it will be ten or twenty years later, after the modern business history is opened, in some corner Inside, there will be such a sentence recorded.

 In the spring of 2004, the heavy industrial industry was regulated and economic growth slowed down. It is estimated that many people will not feel anything after reading this light sentence.

  Won’t even keep it in mind.

  Needless to say a few years later, right now, with the current regulation, except for those in the heavy industry, ordinary people have no feeling at all.

However, this small storm may not be mentioned in the history of modern business in the future, and the mention will only be mentioned in a fleeting sentence.

At this time of the class, this floating hair is like a mountain of treacherous rock. It is weighing heavily on these private enterprises that have entered the heavy industry in the past two years. It is very likely that decades of hard work will return to before liberation, and even Further jail time is not out of the question.

 (End of this chapter)

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