Chapter 3435 Jiang Feng

 From April 25th to May 1st, within seven days, the entire real estate industry was in mourning. Originally, companies that followed Changxingju Real Estate Company and started to shrink their strategies as early as possible were relatively lucky.

After all, part of the funds have been withdrawn and many projects have been stopped. However, those companies that ignored the actions of Changxingju Real Estate Company and still went against the trend, taking the shrinking actions of Changxingju Real Estate and other companies as their own opportunities, are now A complete disaster.

 The project was won, but there is no money for construction and it still faces inspections.

 In other words, the project has already started, and the early project funds have been paid out, but the later project funds cannot keep up, and the project has to be stopped.

 There are all kinds of real estate companies. The first to go bankrupt are these real estate companies.

In fact, real estate companies are still very fragile. Some real estate companies seem to have very big projects. There is one project in the east and one project in the west, but the cash flow is very small. Once the cash flow is broken, you need to go to the bank to ask for help. I am suing grandma, hoping to get some loans to complete the project first.

 But now we have started to control the economy. Needless to say, we can’t get a loan from the bank even if we kneel down.

 It is even said that banks are now beginning to clear up the problem of the money they have loaned out before, and how can they still lend them money.

ˆA series of combinations of tightening policies, coupled with strong public opinion creation, have not only changed investors’ income expectations, but also changed consumers’ home purchase price expectations.

 In the past, I thought that 3,400 yuan per square meter was acceptable, but now it can only cost 2,000 yuan, or even lower.

 Or simply don’t buy it.

The emotion of chasing the rise and killing the fall is not only found in the stock market, it is the same everywhere, because this is human nature.

House prices continue to rise. If you buy a house for 2,000 yuan per square meter, in less than two months, the house price will rise to 2,500 yuan, which will further stimulate everyone's desire to consume. There is always a feeling that if you don’t buy it now, you won’t be able to buy it.

 If you don’t buy it now, you are missing out. In the future, housing prices will only get higher and higher.

 Especially, houses are still a basic necessity, which makes people even more willing to give up.

 But now when the real estate industry begins to tighten, everyone feels that the price is lower, or even lower in the future, so no one buys it.

The more people don’t buy it, the lower the house price will be, because real estate companies need to withdraw funds. It turns out that a project earns hundreds of millions, but no one buys it, so the price will have to be lowered, because the bank’s loans are still pressing, so it can only earn 100 million, no one would buy it at the price of 100 million.

Then make tens of millions, and even end up losing money and selling at a loss. You also need to sell the house in your hand quickly to get the funds back.

  But in this process, sales become more difficult.

 In the past two years, the authorities were very supportive of real estate development, but now the attitude has changed, purchasing power has declined, and the transaction volume of the property market has also begun to shrink rapidly. This has a chain reaction.

 In seven days, the real estate industry went from spring to winter.

The cold winter in the real estate industry has arrived so suddenly, and it has once again fed back to the stock market. The index that has already fallen in the stock market has once again hit a new low.        are all chained times.

 Just when the cold winter in the real estate industry suddenly came, the heavy industry industry was not idle either.

 It’s just that in recent times, the real estate industry has changed too fast and caused too much sensation. As a result, what happens in the heavy industry industry does not seem to be so important, but in fact, what happens in the heavy industry industry is still so conspicuous.

 This regulation started in the heavy industry, spread to the real estate industry, spread to the stock market, and finally returned to the original heavy industry.

One day in late April, I was on the bank of the Yangtze River. I once had great ambitions and wanted to establish a huge steel company on the bank of the Yangtze River.

Standing on a long platform on the south bank of the Yangtze River, facing the river wind, he made bold words, saying that he would make iron benzene surpass Baosteel within three years and catch up with Pugang within five years.

˜Beyond the fifth and third-largest steel plants in the world, let the name iron benzene become a new historical starting point and the representative of a world-renowned large steel plant.

On this day, it was officially announced that his steel dream was shattered. He was still standing on the bank of the Yangtze River. The river wind last time made his clothes rustle, and he started to dream. But this day's river wind, blowing In humans, it makes people feel particularly cold and full of bitterness.

I couldn't help but sigh, the wind and waves were too big.

Relevant departments took him away, and at the same time some of his relatives began to investigate. The reason was that the evidence he handed over in March was suspected of tax evasion, and the amount was huge.

 Haha, this is just like a joke, 20 million, isn’t it a huge amount?

 At first he thought he could go bankrupt and eliminate the disaster. The number of 20 million was indeed not small, and it should satisfy some people. But in the end, 2,000 was indeed a lot, but he was the one who was satisfied.

 At the end of April, just as the real estate industry was intensifying controls, the results of the handling of the iron-benzene incident came out.

The notice stated that there are five major problems with iron benzene. The first is the project aspect. The more than 10 billion projects were split into 22 projects, each with only 3 to 5 billion projects left.

 In addition, there are land approval issues, illegal land acquisition and demolition, and bank loan issues. The last one is tax evasion of iron and benzene.

 The night after the news came out, after Jiang Xiaobai got off work, he held a video and telephone conference with Director Lu and Liu Yong in the office.

 Across the screen, the three of them were relatively speechless. Something like this happened to Tieben. The three of them all wanted to get together and chat, but they didn’t know what to say when they were face to face.

The three of us started our business relatively early. We have experienced a lot of things like this over the years, and we have seen many people fail. When the tide comes, no matter how courageous you are, no matter how courageous you are, it will be of no use. .

I have seen too many influential people fall in the tide of the times. I originally thought that this kind of situation would never happen again after 1992, but I didn’t expect it to happen once.

The affairs of Dai Guofang are just a small wave in the wave of the times and cannot arouse any response. However, for private enterprises, it is another wave of counterattack, but they are once again disillusioned.

 (End of this chapter)

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