Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3447: Twenty-five percent

 Chapter 3447 Twenty-five percent

Facing Jiang Xiaobai, Zhou Qiankun felt that he had set his stance too low. He didn't even dare to offer 49% of the price, but he offered 40% and said it was negotiable.

 But Jiang Xiaobai seemed to have no intention of talking about it.

“You want 40% of Minhe Heavy Industry’s shares, and the remaining 60% is just right. Each of our three families has 20%, which is a good allocation.” Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said.

Zhou Qiankun could feel Jiang Xiaobai's dissatisfaction from Jiang Xiaobai's words, so he could only bite the bullet and said: "Director Jiang, I won't beat around the bush, forty percent is the upper limit, thirty percent... no, percent Twenty-five is the bottom line.”

Zhou Qiankun directly made his bottom line clear. It's not that Zhou Qiankun can't negotiate, but that he can see that this is not a normal negotiation.

 Qiantang Iron and Steel Works can threaten Guo Guang Factory and negotiate back and forth with Guo Guang Factory, but the situation of Qian Aluminum and Jiang Xiaobai cannot be viewed in a normal way.

 Jiang Xiaobai is not Guo Guangchang, who can be intimidated. When facing Jiang Xiaobai, Qian Aluminum has no advantage at all.

 Jiang Xiaobai had a lot of initiative, so after realizing this, Zhou Qiankun decisively threw out his trump card, because he was afraid that if he didn't say it now, he might not have the chance to say it out.

 25% of the shares, Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a moment, neither saying yes, nor saying no, or even answering the question.

 But Zhou Qiankun felt relieved, Jiang Xiaobai must have listened.

Then your task will be considered completed, and whether you succeed or not has nothing to do with you.

 After dinner, when Jiang Xiaobai returned to the factory, Director Lu and Liu Yonghao were waiting.

“They want to invest in our Minhe Heavy Industry Company.” Jiang Xiaobai looked at the two people and said directly.

When Director Lu and Liu Yonghao heard this, they had a look of surprise on their faces. In fact, they both had some guesses about what kind of medicine was sold in the aluminum gourd.

"How many shares do they want? Controlling rights?" Director Lu asked. In his opinion, since Qian Aluminum has made a move, they must want to control the shares.

But Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "No, they don't have such big ambitions. They said they wanted 40%, but later they said 25% was the bottom line."

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, Director Lu and Liu Yonghao were stunned. Twenty-five percent, what the **** is twenty-five percent.

After so much effort, it only costs 25%.

"Dr. Jiang, you and Zhou Qiankun haven't been talking for long, why did you even talk about the bottom line?" Liu Yong asked in confusion.

Jiang Xiaobai spread his hands: "I didn't talk about anything, Zhou Qiankun said it himself."

"Ah, Zhou Qiankun revealed the bottom line when he came up?" Director Lu had a look of astonishment on his face. He had dealt with state-owned enterprises more.

 But I have never seen Zhou Qiankun like this. He throws out his bottom line when he comes up. Normally, anything that can be thrown out right away is basically not the real bottom line. There is still room for discussion.

 But the 25% share, both Director Lu and Liu Yonghao can feel that this is the real bottom line.

 Twenty-five percent is equal to four companies, each holding 25% of the shares. "I think it's possible." Liu Yonghao said thoughtfully from the side: "I guess it will be very difficult for Qian Aluminum to come here this time.

 Originally, the normal development would have been for the three of us not to show up, and the investigation team to conduct the investigation normally, until the Lucheng project of Minshu Heavy Industry was torn open and was in danger.

Chain Aluminum will pop up again, and then ask for a controlling stake or something like that.

But because we showed up in Lucheng, it is difficult for the investigation team to start. Naturally, Ni Aluminum is also in a dilemma. Now we can still use the investigation team's trouble to get a 25% share. If we wait for the investigation team to leave, , I guess I can’t get even 1% of the share. "

 Although Liu Yonghao said that he did his own analysis, it is basically close to the facts, with a few differences.

 Zhou Qiankun had no initiative when facing Jiang Xiaobai. He was scolded by Jiang Xiaobai at the beginning, and then there were all kinds of criticism and criticism. Zhou Qiankun was afraid that if he didn't tell the bottom line, he would not have the chance to say it.

 That’s why when it came up, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t need to talk about it at all, he just explained the bottom line.

 After Liu Yonghao finished speaking, there was silence in the office for a while. Now that the bottom line of Ni Aluminum has been set here, the only thing left is whether they should agree to it or not.

“Dr. Jiang, I think we can talk to Qian Aluminum about the 25% shares.

 Give up 25% of the shares in exchange for the participation of Nian Aluminum. If anything happens, Nian Aluminum will be able to handle it. "

Director Lu said that there are no permanent enemies in the shopping mall, only permanent interests.

Yes, that’s right, all three of them have opinions about Aluminum, and Aluminum is responsible for what happened to the investigation team.

But before, Minhei Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. also took over the Lucheng Aluminum Plant in front of the tiger's mouth.

At that time, the Minshu Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. did not pay much attention to morality. The aluminum was almost settled, but the Minshu Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. just grabbed the meat.

Qi Aluminum also compromised at that time and endured it.

Now it's just that the wind and water are turning, and Qian Aluminum has seized this opportunity.

However, Aluminum Co. requires 25% of the shares, which seems to be giving up a lot. However, by recruiting Aluminum Co., Ltd., Minsheng Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. really got an entry ticket in the heavy industry.

Liu Yonghao also agrees with Factory Director Lu’s opinion: “I think it’s good to let Aluminum participate. This time’s regulation has made it clear to everyone that there is a transparent glass door in front of some industries.

 Private enterprises cannot enter at all. By introducing chromium aluminum, civilian heavy industries will be eligible to enter. "

As he spoke, Liu Yonghao paused and continued: "Moreover, the investigation team is still there. Yes, the investigation team has no real efforts now, but if it continues to be postponed, will the investigation team still be like it is now? No Seriously, or the investigation team will face pressure from above and pressure from outside public opinion. In short, as long as the investigation team is in our Lucheng project for one day, it will always be a threat to our Minsheng Heavy Industry Company... But if it is introduced If it is aluminum, then this problem does not exist.

 This is also one of the factors for the introduction of aluminum. Of course, the most important factor is that I don’t think there is much demand for aluminum. "

 (End of this chapter)

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